Chapter 19 - Part 2

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The backwoods at night made for frightful sight. The tall trees were now just black shadows that danced in Haiden's peripheral field of vision. The light stoned played with their minds as the shadows danced in the dim light which overpowered the blue sisters own. Camila and Maree stuck to Haiden's back tightly and Tasgal was just to his right as they walked deeper into the forest.

"I don't like this." Camila said grabbing onto Haiden's cloak. Tasgal noticed this and annoyance irked at him.

"We're quite powerful Wielders, Cams. There's nothing to fear." Haide tried to assure her.

"And an Ashen." Tasgal said proudly, placing a hand on the hilt of his sword.

"And what type of awakened ones are we to find during the night." Maree asked fingering his new bracelet.

"I have no idea, we'll just bag the first one, I suppose."

"Yeah, Haid. Bag and awakened one..." Maree rolled his eyes.

"Hey! We're doing this for you. Don't be a dickwad." Camila pinched his side.

"You two, stop pulling on my cloak." Haiden pulled hard almost making the two tumble. "It's hard to walk as it is." He said as he stepped over coiling root from a nearby try.

"I wish there was at least a road." Maree complained. He tested the ground before him with a foot before he made another step.

"No one said it's going to be easy. Now let's hurry, I'm missing my beauty sleep." Camila yawned, triggering a chain reaction between all of them.

The four of them moved slowly deeper into the forest, going past hundreds of trees that seemed to move around. The light of the stones made their field of vision limited, everything beyond their reach as a thick viscous blanket of darkness engulfed the whole forest. Only a few stars and the blue sister herself were visible above the canopy of trees.

"How do we know where to look for?" Tasgal lefted a low branch of an Emler tree allowing the three Wielders to pass freely.

"Not sure," Haiden replied. He then stopped and turned to Maree. "I guess this is as good a spot as any."

"For what?" The blue eyed wielder rose a stone to his face. His face was contorted with fear.

"From what I remember from the book." as he now called Screech in front of Maree and Camila. "The Az'teh can sense awakened ones and vice versa. I think it's a form of empathy like I have. Maree, you'll have to concentrate and expand your consciousness to find an awakened one that your..." Haiden stopped and pretended to try to remember, but in truth, he had Screech whispering the process in his ear. "I think it said, resonated. You will know when you find one that resonates with you, Maree. If they don't they won't want to form the contract."

"Just where was this book you read?" Camila probed. "I went the other day to the library and couldn't find a thing. Haiden feigned ignorance and shrugged.

"I don't know. I'm telling you want I remember. Here." He reached out to take Maree's hand. Tasgal was visibly annoyed by this, becoming restless, he turned to outside darkness trying to take his mind off. "I need you two to protect us in case anything happens." He looked at both Camila and Tasgal.

"Alright." Camila said and Tasgal nodded firmly. Camila placed a wide barrier over them, she too the left side and Tasgal took watch in the right.

"Sit," Haiden motioned to Maree.

"What? On the Ground?" Maree was clearly disgusted.

"No, just float, will you?" Haiden rolled his eyes. "You just spent more than an hour crawling through mud, a little extra won't kill you."

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