Chalter 26 - Part 2

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"Hurry up! The day is still young and I am in need of some much deserved relief." Ad'hm called out at Danil that walked lazily admiring the city.

"I pray to all Creators and any shred of decency you have towards Then that you are referring to a good cold glass of ale." Danil said looking up to one of the stone homes of the commoner area, it had a small turret that hung over with a lovely small balcony that hung a few flowers overhead.

"The girl's no more than a sister." Ad'hm said under his breath.

"I'm certain that's not what she believes," Ad'hm jumped as he didn't expect Danil to close in so rapidly. "Or Araya for that matter." Danil smiled and walked passed leaving Ad'hm stunned in place.

"You need to learn how to mind your business."

"It's everyone's business when Then is telling everyone you two are lovers."

"I...I never!"

"Don't lie to mie, Ad'hm, you know how good I am a reading people. She's half your age. What were you thinking?" He shook his head in disapproval. "Oh! Look at that, that would make a great souvenir." Danil pointed to the big glass pane of a shop's display. It had a beautiful carving of the mistress of Elo'yn.

"Souvenir, you don't have anyone in your life aside for The Creators and his Imperial Majesty." Ad'hm laughed and looked through the window where Danil pointed.

"I have plenty of people in my life, I just don't make them everyone's business. Let's go inside." Danil pushed through the door.

"Welcome!" The vendor called from the counter. "Most detailed carvings clay, stone, wood, metal you name it!" The walls had vertical wooden shelves displaying all sorts of masterfully crafted pieces of art while tables of wears and knick knacks connected to the counter on top which an old till sat.

"Oh yeah? Who do you have?" Ad'hm asked mockingly, his cheeks dusted pink. He followed suit and started admiring the works along Danil.

"I have two beautiful daughters." He replied picking up a detailed bracelet of weaved silver, small florets were scattered across, each having a small green gem inside. "This would go perfectly with Gemea's eyes." he said to himself. "Among others." His hand reached momentarily to the brow stone tied in chain around his neck.

"You are married?" Ad'hm was taken aback, he almost dropped a ceramic statue of a herder, were it not for his Wielder he would have had to pay for the hideous thing.

"No." Danil grabbed the bracelet and moved to the other wall.

"Don't make me pull every word out of your tongue. What do you mean "no", and what else have you been hiding?!" Ad'hm followed right behind him, pretending to look interested in a statue encased in glass.

Danil sighed. "It's really not your business but if you insist."She died eleven years, seven months and two week ago. A low life that had qualms with the Emperor had targeted me because of my position and I was easier to get than Ryel. Came home to a bloodbath. The servants fought but he was a powerful wielder. My girls hid in a secret room along with the maid that took them to safety. They waited two days without water or food for my arrival. I found them half dead." Danils sighed again and resumed his perusing.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Ad'hm felt bad.

"No, no you shouldn't have."Danil agreed.

"And that bastard?"

"Of course I had hunted him down, he was the owner of multiple gambling locals across the Empire. Ryel had signed a decree of sinful acts that month and his business was being run into the ground. I made sure that he watched everyone in his family die along with every man and woman that was involved." Danil said casually then gasping at a beautiful ceramic doll covering his mouth with a gloved hand. "Mira is going to be so happy when she sees this. Excuse me!" He called to the merchant.

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