Epilogue - Part 1

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your support so far! I apriciate each and every one of you. You are loved and cherished <3.

This chapter will have three parts and it also notes the ending of my book "Remberance of Self" - I know it ends quite abruptly but rest assured that more will follow in the second book.

After this chapter ends I will mark the book as complete and I will take a small break for editing the contents and readying it for publishing. I will let everyone know as soon as it's available in case you want to support me. The edit will imply not only grammar checks but also updates in the content, characters, events, as well as tons of worldbuilding as I turn it into a final draft which will not be available on wattpad. Look out for my announcement when the book will be available in e-book format, if you're interested.]

Dear Mira, my love, I have been praying daily to the Great Father for our reunion to be joyous and in good health. I come bearing incredible news for our future family to be, I, Scry Ele'ch,your faithful husband and lover, have faced the Trials and came out victorious above all others. The Highbloods have witnessed my strength and bestowed upon us an amazing opportunity. As I write this, I hold in my third arm a letter of recognition stamped with the stamp of Isay'ah Lo'tur, the very man that recruited me a long time ago. I hope you understand how great of a chance this is, we cannot afford our distaste for the highbloods to cloud our judgement. Not everyday a lowblood like us can move within the great city of Gah. We shall not starve ever again. I'm filled with happiness that I now can provide for you and our family alike.

I am now on my way to Al'mh'al in one of those new cargo freights that fly! It might be a bit cramped but I have never rode in such luxury before. I can't wait to experience the lush life that awaits us in the city of Gah.

With eternal love,


I finish the letter with a flourished scribble of my name and fold the piece of paper neatly. I extend my fourth arm, being the only free one at the moment, and place it neatly in my palm. I feel the surge of static from deep within my soul as I envelop the letter with my power. The space above my arm crumples within itself, with geometric bends it distorts light like a bad reflection. The moment the last fold collapses the letter completely vanishes from my hand.

A little tingle in my gut tells me that it arrived. I smile as I wait for the immediate reply I always receive but nothing comes. My skin around my third eye crinkle in annoyance. I crossed all four arms around my torso and my index finger from each hand tapped nervously on my arms.

I try to distract myself from the absence of a letter from my beautiful Mira. The vast fields of bubble lilies of the Ur'du plains stretch for miles. Now and again I see a slave, a mere Humh'ine with black hair and red skin burnt from the scorching sun. I pity their kind as I too felt the scorn and prejudice of the highbloods. I shake my head free from any troublesome thoughts back to the more important matter.

"Where is that damned letter?" I ask myself out loud as one of my restless arms flicks a metal crate with a loud ding. I soothe the skin and pain immediately and sigh. I wonder for a brief moment if my beloved was caught up in one of her many chores or helping our old neighbor as she always does. "No, she knows how important today is. Something is wrong." I begin to get agitated at the thought and shift across the tight space filled with crates of produce. Regardless how much I try to rationalize the wrenching feeling in my gut never disappears.

Two days have passed without a letter from my Mira. My skin is starting to change from my usual pale blue to shades of violet from worry, soon it will begin to rash and flake off like it did when I was a younglin. The stress and bad thoughts are getting to me. For five cycles I have been gone, entertaining the highbloods in their foolish Trials, fighting, risking my life...our life, to get a better one, and not one day has passed until these past days in which I have not gotten a letter from my beautiful Mira. I am currently pondering the use of fold jump, just as I do with my letters, but sanity quickly settles in and stops me from doing such a foolish act. There has never been a successful fold jump with living material, and it certainly is not today. If I die, Mira dies. I have to keep that in mind at all times. My only thought that kept me alive during my battles.

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