Blast from the Past.

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“Dante is that you?”

I walk into the poorly lit apartment, it’s the best we can afford being poor college students and all.

“Yah it’s me,” I call back, “Did you see the news?”

A blonde head pokes around the corner and offers an easy smile, “Anthem Force almost blew up town plaza. Nice going chief.”

I snort as I position myself on one of the barstools, taking off my mask and setting it on the counter. “It was all Keith, the little brat still won’t listen to a thing I say.”

“R-E-S-P-E-C-T,” my roommate calls out.

“This is no time for a cheer Lexi,” I smile.

Lexi turns from the stove to grin at me. Her hair is perfectly curled and her eye makeup is just the right amount of smudge. “Nonsense. There’s never a wrong time to cheer. Besides, the point is that boy doesn’t respect you. You should teach him a lesson.”

“I’m not going to beat him up.”

Lexi hands me a bowl of spaghetti which I accept gratefully. “Don’t think you can?”

“Back in my prime? Without a doubt. Now? Maybe.”

Lexi puts out an exaggerated eye roll, “You sound like an old women. You’re nineteen for crying out loud! You’re still in you’re prime!”

“It’s more complicated then that,” I shrug.

Lexi shakes her head and goes to the couch.

My sophomore year Lexi used to be the most popular girl in school and kind of mean to me but after I saved her life a few times her heart warmed up a little. She even dated Brian for a good six months, which I think just may be a record for her, but it ended badly when he dumped her for being “too immature.”

Lexi and I always remained acquaintances but when we found out we were both going to attend Anthem Community College we bonded more and became roommates. It worked out perfectly since my mom moved to Iris City when a head nursing position opened up.

“Oh, Jenna called by the way,” Lexi yells from in front of the tv.

I utter a “thanks” and head to the phone. Once Ricky graduated he and Jenna moved to Flora City to go to college there. He hung up his cape and the pair lived happily as a couple of love struck college kids. She still calls me at least three times a week.

Ricky was the last to leave the team.

I talk to Jenna for a good half hour. She made sure I wear the scarf she sent me and I promised I would visit soon. Sometimes it was like she never left.


It was as soon as I hung up when the commercial comes on.

I recognized his voice first.

Lexi must too because she shoots up and runs to the remote.

But I’m faster. I reach it first and side step her, holding it just out of reach.

I must have seen it a million times.

A nerdy looking boy is playing at the park when some scoundrels come in and rough him up a bit. Then, out of nowhere a new child comes and stands up for the nerd. The bullies realize their wrongdoings and leave, the nerd and the kid smile together for the camera.

It’s all quite touching really.

And then he comes in.

He’s wearing his all black Ultraleague suit. It has this texture to it. Scales? Ridges? I’ve never been able to tell. The little gold Ultraleague symbol is on his left chest.

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