"The Stone of Crouton"

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"One scoop or two?" The vendor asked.

            "Just one please," I smiled, pointing to the vanilla ice cream.

            "Wow Dante, one scoop, you know I’ve always liked a girl with an appetite" Ricky teased, his own cone topped with three scoops.

            "Ha-ha," I rolled my eyes.

            We paid and started to walked down the busy sidewalk of downtown Anthem. It was dusk and the streetlights were just about to come on, the air had an icy feel to it.

            I shivered. "Why did we get ice cream again? It's freezing out."

            "If you’re too cold I can warm you up,” Ricky spread out his arms for me, raising his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

            “I’ll pass.” I said laughing at his pretend hurt look. We kept walking until we came upon the museum. "Hey Ricky, let's go in there," I pointed, the curiosity getting the better of me.

"What? The museum? No way we’re going in there. Last year on a field trip-"

"-Oh just come on," I interrupted, grabbing his hand and pulling him up the stairs.

            It was pretty much empty except the clerk lounging at the front desk. "Were closing in ten minutes and you’ll have to get rid of the ice cream," he said monotonously.

            Ricky scarfed down the rest of his and I tossed the rest of mine. “This way,” I said, pulling Ricky further into the building.

            "Why did you want to come in here anyways?" Ricky complained as we passed an exhibit on cavemen. He turned his arm into a giant club and with a huge grin on his face started swinging his arm around making caveman noises.

            "Ricky stop that!" I whispered, waving my arms trying to cover him up, "They might have cameras here you know."

            Ricky shrugged but turned his hand back to normal.

I looked in both directions to see if anyone had seen. We seemed to be in the clear. "And I saw something on the news with my mom yesterday and I wanted to check in out."

            "Oh the news, I bet this will just be fascinating," he grumbled.

            We walked around the giant museum until I found what I was looking for, the room that held the Stone of Cratus. It was obvious because there was tons of caution tape surrounding an empty glass case.

            I stepped over the cautionary tape that signaled a restrictive area (superhero privilege right?) and inspected the crime scene.

            "What happened here," Ricky asked, actually sounding interested.

            "The Stone of Cratus was stolen a few days ago, the police handled it but I figured we could check it out too."

            "The Stone of Crouton?"

            I couldn't help but giggle. "No you idiot, Stone of Cratus. It supposedly enhances the power of whoever holds it."

            "Sweet," Ricky said admiringly, peering into the empty glass case, "When they get it back do you think they'd let me borrow it?"

            "Probably not, it belongs to the museum and it's really valuable. Besides, it’s just a rumor."

            "Darn, think about how much awesomer my powers would be with that." Ricky's arms started to ripple so that they were lined with blades. "Not that there not awesome already." He looked at his razor-sharp arms like a body builder would admire his biceps.

            “Oh Ricky, your humbleness continues to amaze me," I rolled my eyes, “And will you stop that? We have some secret identities to protect here.”

            "This place is empty," Ricky said smugly, the blades on his arms growing even bigger.

            "Ricky Armando Lopez, don't make me make you put those away," I threatened.

            "Ooh I'm so scared," Ricky said mockingly, but he did what he was told.

I started to inspect the area. The police had already done an investigation but it couldn’t hurt to double check.

“Hey Dante,” Ricky said tapping the glass case, “What is- uh oh.”

“Huh?” I looked up. Ricky stood frozen, I followed his gaze to a place where an unhappy security guard stood.

“Hey you kids,” he bellowed, his face growing red, “What do you think your doing? That area is under investigation and is off limits.”

I was about to apologize when Ricky grabbed my hand. “Run!” he screamed, pulling me out of the room. We sprinted down hallway after hallway with Ricky leading and me trying to follow his sharp turns. The echo of footsteps shadowed us the whole way.

Ricky dashed through the main doors of the museum and down the steps, turning around the corner and crouching behind a parked car.  The security guard poked his head out the door and looked around. Eventually he went back inside, deciding we weren’t worth the chase.

Ricky and I broke down laughing, slumping down against the car.

“You know that was incredibly and completely unnecessary.”

Ricky shrugged his shoulders. “Yah but it was fun right?”

“I guess, but I didn’t get to investigate the scene.” I put on my best pouty face.

“Oh leave that to the police, we’re the heroes we only have to handle the action.” He stood up and started to do exaggerated punching and kicking motions.

“Your such a dork, and I guess, I don’t know something just doesn’t seem right,” I teased.

Ricky sat back down next to me, “Speaking of things that don’t seem right, what up with you and Luke.”

“Eh-,” I paused, not quite sure whether to the tell the truth or not, “Well he kind of sort of kissed me.”

“Well it’s about time,” he turned to look me in the eyes, which were wide in shock from his comment, “Brian and I had a bet going on when you to would get together. I just wish you would have held out a week so I wasn’t out ten bucks.”

I ignored the fact that they were gambling on my love life. “Well you still might have a chance. We're not actually together.”

“But he kissed you?” Ricky scrunched up his face, confused.

“Exactly, and he's been acting like a wierdo ever since. Plus he said it was a mistake,” I looked down. I wished he never did it. I just wanted my friend back.

Ricky put his arm around my shoulder. “Look Dante, you’re a great girl and you and Luke are practically perfect for each other. I’m sure he’ll come to his senses soon.”

I put my head on his shoulder. “Thanks Ricky.”

We stayed like that for a while, watching the cars go by. 

“Do you need a ride home?” he asked finally.

“Yah thanks. I feel kind of bad though, I feel like your guys are taking turns on who has to chauffeur me around.”

“Nah it’s no problem,” he helped me up from the ground.

We made the way back up the street to his car, a beat up old red truck.

I sat down in the passenger seat and couldn’t help notice the pattern of slashes all over the seat.

Ricky noticed me staring and started to blush. “I kind of get really bad road rage.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Ok just do me a favor and don’t do it while I’m sitting here.”

He turned on the ignition. “Deal.”

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