Chapter 3- Tournament of Heroes

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“Alex, people are staring,” I mutter. Alex glared at me for a second before returning back to her seat.

We were in the middle of eating lunch, Alex, Jenna, and I, when Alex suddenly decides it's too hot outside and uses her powers to surround our table with a layer of snow.

Jenna starts laughing and pushes the snow by her plate to form a small snowman. She had been the one to arrange this little lunch get-together. Despite her and Alex being polar opposites when it came to personality Jenna had taken a liking to Alex and Alex couldn’t help but reciprocate Jenna’s friendliness.

“Sorry,” Alex smiles finally, “Sometimes I forget I just can’t do whatever I want anymore.”

Oh the troubles of a former baddie. “How’s being good treating you,” I say in an effort to make conversation.

Alex stirs her straw in her drink and bites her lip, “Its… satisfying.”

I nod awkwardly, Jenna snorts.

“You two are so funny,” she comments obliviously. She hasn’t a clue. She doesn't understand how much Alex and I had hated each other or how painfully tense it had been this last year. True, we are getting better; sometimes I even enjoy her company. But that doesn't mean I have to trust her completely. Part of me feels that if David left our little team so would she.

“What are you guys getting?” Jenna continues, her constant talking always filling any awkward silences.

“I’m not sure yet,” I answer looking over the menu once again.

“Oh I’m getting-,” Alex starts only to be interrupted by the beeping of her communicator. Mine goes off only seconds later.

I look at the message.

Meeting at my house. Now.

It was from Brian.

Jenna peers over my shoulder. “You guys have to go?” she whines.

“Sorry Jenna,” I say, puffing out my lower lip.

“Duty calls,” Alex adds, pouting her lips as well.

“Fine,” Jenna waves her hand in the air dismissively, “I saw a cute boutique over there anyways.”

With a hug goodbye and a promise to reschedule Alex and I are on our way.


“I bet you’re all wondering why I called you here,” Brian paces in front of us. We are all sitting in his basement, eagerly awaiting the news.

“Well duh,” Alex retorts. Everyone starts laughing except Brian who just glares at us.

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