"Show Off"

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“Me and Anthem Girl are BFF’s now,” Lexi said smugly to the giant crowd surrounding her. I had seen the huge swarm of people as soon as I had stepped off the bus and had gone over to see what all the commotion was about. Apparently her little near death experience had given her over-night celebrity status.

“What about Brainwave, didn’t he like carry you to the ambulance,” one of her little cronies asked, practically drooling over every word.

“Yah I totes got his number,” Lexi smirked. The crowd, who was mainly girls, squealed with delight. A few guys raised their eyebrows in approval.

I looked around to find Brian, he had to see this. Of course he was the only one not drawn into Lexi’s mob and instead was putting books into his locker.

I walked over to him. “Hey Brian, I heard you and Lexi are in lo-o-o-ve.”

He turned around, his locker slamming all by itself due to his telepathic powers.

I rolled my eyes. “Showoff.”

Brian laughed. “Really you’re going to get after me about Lexi? I though you two were best friends forever.”

 I cringed away, exaggerating the motion as if in deep disgust. “Remind me next time just to let her go down with the bridge.” I felt a small shock on my arm. “Hey!” I shouted in protest.

“That wasn’t very nice,” Brian teased.

“Neither was shocking me,” I mumbled rubbing the spot on my arm. 

Brian laughed, "You deserved it. Well, I got to go to class but remember we have training tonight, my house.”

I threw my head back and let out a theatrical groan.

Brian only chuckled before heading off to the main building. 

I took the chance to find one of my friends and of course Jenna was stuck in the middle of the crowd, enthralled with Lexi’s story.

“Come on,” I drawled, dragging my friend from the crowd by her arm.

“Hey I was listening to that,” she whined, giving me a pouty face.

“Lexi’s full of it, I’m saving you from further brain washing.”

“But I wanted to hear about Slash, he’s soooo cute,” Jenna gushed.

I repressed the urge to gag. This was one of the moments where Jenna not knowing my secret became awkward. For as long as I had remembered Jenna had always had a major crush on Ricky, or should I refer to his super alias, Slash.  I mean I guess you could kind of consider Ricky attractive. Ok that was a lie, most girls swooned over him just like Luke and Brian. But for some reason Ricky had always seemed like more of a brother to me that the thought seemed repulsive.

“I wonder what he’s like, you know,” Jenna continued, “When he’s not being super.”

Oh no, secrets identies were never a good topic but before I could change the subject Jenna kept going. “I wonder what school he goes to. I wonder if he plays sports, I wonder-,” Jenna gasped, “I wonder if he has a girlfriend.” Her eyes became wide as she considered the possibility.

“I don’t think he would have a girlfriend.” Actually I didn’t think, I knew.

“Why do you say that?” Jenna’s face scrunched up as if she was thinking really hard. Uh-oh, how was I going to get out of this one.

“Um- uh just a guess, I mean really Jenna he’s a superhero, do you honestly think he has time for a girlfriend?” Nice save Dante.

I shouldn’t have said that. Jenna’s face crumpled apart as if she was five and I told her Santa Claus wasn’t real.

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