"Feisty. I like it."

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I leaned against the bulky, outdated air conditioning unit on top of the old Pawn Shop building. I had gone on patrol again tonight, slightly hoping I might run into Nightshade again. It’s not like I liked the guy or anything, he was still one of my rivals, I mean I thought he was. The events of the last time we met played in my mind. Why had he just let me go? Tonight I was going to find answers.

My thinking was interrupted by a high pitch scream. My head perked up at the sound. I had gotten so caught up with Nightshade I had forgotten the reason I used to come on patrol in the first place.

I crept in the shadows until I found the source of the scream. In an obscure alleyway some ox of a man had cornered a girl about my age to do who knows what with her.

I leapt into action, climbing down the fire escape.

“Please don’t hurt me,” the girl screamed.

The man chuckled. Something sinister was in his voice. “Don’t worry, I would never hurt you.”

The man towered towards the girl and she let out another scream.

“Hey,” I yelled and the man turned to look at me, “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size.”

I had just blurted out the first thing that had come to mind, it didn’t even apply in the situation. Note to self, work on witty banter.

The man smirked and made his way towards me. My eyes widened as I realized the guy was huge. I tried to suppress the fear that was slowly building inside of me.

“Oh really, I don’t see anyone around here my size, only you. Do you plan to stop me?” The man laughed and the cowering girl let out a squeal. I swallowed hard, trying to re-find my confidence. What I wouldn’t do to have Ricky or Luke for backup right now.

The man lunged towards me, trying to imprison me in his massive arms. I ducked out of the way, what I lacked in size and strength I made up in speed and skill. I extended my metal bar and hit him hard in the chest. He flung back and hit the wall with a sickening thud.

The man growled, obviously I had made him mad. He came full force at me like some sort of enraged grizzly bear.

I easily dodged the assault, kicked off the wall and did a back flip so that I came up behind him.

The man looked around as if I had vanished but before he could realize where I had gone I kicked him from behind.

The man face planted on the floor, groaning in pain. Before he could recover I slammed him again with my metal bar. The man slumped to the ground, obviously unconscious.

I made sure to handcuff him to the wall, the police would find him in the morning, before turning to the girl.

“Thank you,” she whispered with wide eyes, obviously frightened.

“All in a nights work,” I said slightly smug at the use of the cheesy line, “Go home and get some rest. He won’t bother you anytime soon.”

The girl nodded and muttered another thank you before taking off.

“Nice work,” said a voice behind me.

I swiveled around to see Nightshade casually leaning against the wall.

“What do you want?” I sneered. I stayed tense, ready to attack at any moment.

Nightshade smirked and carelessly made his way over to me.  “I was just watching the show.”

“Thanks for the help,” I grumbled sarcastically, grabbing my bar from my belt and spun it around me as if it were nun chucks, just to show him I wasn’t messing around.

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