"I'm no damsel."

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It seemed like my alarm clock went off as soon as my head hit the pillow. It was four o’clock in the morning, way too early for any one to be awake. I rolled out of bed, taking half my sheets with me, and trudged to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and threw my hair into a ponytail, I was going running. After putting on a pair of spandex and an old camp T-shirt I made my way to the kitchen to grab a granola bar. I munched away at it as I checked on my mom to make sure she got home okay.

I leaned against the doorframe; my mom was sprawled across her bed and snoring as if she was in deep sleep. She worked too hard trying to keep our apartment and put food on the table.

With the last bites of my granola bar I realized I couldn’t procrastinate any longer. I hated running with a deep passion but when you were a superhero you couldn’t slack on physical fitness.

Carefully sneaking out the window I made my way down the fire escape and onto the main street. It was almost empty and I could tell already that the day was going to be overcast, like it always seemed to be in Anthem.

I shivered once before starting to run.

By the time I got back sweat dripped down my forehead and my T-shirt clung to my back. I hurried and got in the shower before my mom realized I had been out. Something about a young girl running by herself through a bad neighborhood made her worry. I couldn’t blame her but anyone who tried to attack me would have their hands full. Even without my weapons I had eight years of self defense classes under my belt.

Letting the hot water hit my tight muscles I rinsed off and couldn't help but notice a giant bruise on my hip. I silently cursed as I realized I had gotten more banged up from my fight with Nightshade then I thought.

After getting ready for school I grabbed my backpack before kissing my sleeping mom on the forehead and making my way to catch the bus. 

Fifteen minutes later I arrived at Anthem Central High School.

I went over to sit a picnic table by the lockers. I passed Brian, he was surrounded by a group of friends, as usual, and he smiled at me. I gave a small wave back. Ricky went to a school on the east side of town and Luke went to a small private school, Brian was the only other member of our team who went to Anthem Central.

He was a senior, and a popular one at that. I would say it was his powers of persuasion over people but Brian would have been popular anyways. Not only was he pretty attractive but he also started on the football and basketball team and was just an all around good guy.

I on the other hand was only a sophomore. I kept more to myself and a close group of friends. I considered myself well liked but I also liked to keep low on the radar so no one drew suspicion about my secret identity as Anthem Girl.

I once had ran it past Brian if he ever worried he drew too much attention to himself but he said it was all part of his cover. I learned not to doubt him, you know him being a super genius and all.  

Speaking of friends… my best friend, Jenna, came running up to me, a newspaper in hand.

“Dante, you’ll never guess what happened,” Jenna squealed, her blond curls bouncing up and down. 

                “What happened Jenna?” I asked, slightly patronizing my friend since I knew what was coming. Jenna, like most citizens of Anthem City, was obsessed with the Anthem Force news as if it was celebrity gossip. It got pretty awkward sometimes since Jenna didn’t know my secret. I wish I could tell her, really, but its for her own safety. If some crazed super villain found out my secret identity they'd go straight after my friends and family. 

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