Divide and Conquer

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I’d say all these late night missions are taking a toll on my schoolwork, but let’s be honest, it was never that great to begin with.

Still, its way past midnight and I’ve spent the last half hour running across rooftops with Radley. Earlier today he had gone to the prison and had come to the conclusion that the Formula X problem is related to some gang. We’ve been trying to find more information and across town Andy and Noname are doing the same. 

Radley is wearing a bright flanel coat over his Anthem Force uniform, which he claims “his mother made him do.” It’s not exactly helping our cool factor out here. No offense to him, but I’d much rather it be Andy with me. At least then we could race to see who gets to the info first. 

Instead I’m stuck with Radley the lumberjack. 

“We’ve been at this forever,” I groan, “What are we supposed to do? Find some shady looking guys and go all investigative on them? 

Radley shrugs, “That’s the plan. We need to find out who’s behind this Formula X problem.” 

Ok, I just need to find some suspicious looking character. Hovering up in the sky I scan through the streets until I find a group of people standing in the back of an alleyway. No one decent ever hangs out in alleyways. “Come on!” I say as I grab Radley by the arm and fly him over. 

The three kids in the alley look up when we land. 

“Supers!” one yells as they try to make an escape. I shoot a jolt of lightning in their path, blocking off their escape. 

“You’re not going anywhere,” I grin. Ok this is sort of fun after all. I turn to whisper to Radley, “Ok what now?”

“We need to question them,” he says. 

“Alright bubs, what do you know about a certain Formula X?” I say.

The group snarl and their leader steps forward. “We’re not telling you anything.”

Is that so? “I need you to monster up Radley,” I hiss. 

“What? No,” he protests but after a long sigh he transforms into the hideous beast. The two guys and girl in the alleyway yell out. 

“See you’re going to tell me everything you know or my little friend here might get hungry,” I say motioning for Radley to do something monster-y. He let’s out a large roar that sends the teens quivering. That a boy!

“Alright, alright!” the first guy says putting his hands up, “Formula X, right? I used to think it was just a legend.” 

“Yah,” the girl adds in, “No one had actually ever seen it in person but then all of a sudden, starting a few months ago, weird things started happening.” 

“What kind of things?” I say. 

“People disappearing, strange noises, and crazy rumors. All about one gang in particular.” 

Yes! Hook and line, now for the sinker. “What gang? Who’s behind it?”

The front guy smirks. “My head’s a little foggy, maybe if I had some compensation...” 

Wait, what? Oh, he wants money! I laugh out loud, “Not a chance. Radley, would you mind?”

Radley snarls again, lifting the front man with his claws and roaring in his face. The guy’s eyes grow wide as his mouth drops. “Ok, ok I’ll tell you please don’t eat me.” 

I smirk. “Go on.”

Radley drops the guy to the floor and after a few deep breaths he stands back up. “Vertigo. They’re a gang on the west side and lately they’ve been laying low, no ones heard anything from them. Those attacks on the city, all of them were Vertigo members. That’s all I’ve know, swear!” 

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