"Potatoes tomatoes"

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“What are you getting to eat?” Jenna asked for about the hundredth time since we had gotten to the restaurant.

“The fish tacos,” I answered, the same answer as all the other times she had asked.

“Hmm,” she looked down to ponder her menu, “I’m still undecided.”

I sighed. Jenna was acting slightly more spastic and scatterbrained then usual; only confirming beliefs we shouldn’t have stopped at the gas station to get candy before hand. It had a spur of a moment, just like the lunch. Jenna had called me up and asked if I wanted to hang out, it had been a week since I quit Anthem Force, and feeling bored I agreed.

            Jenna had chosen some trendy outdoor bistro in the middle of the town plaza. It wasn’t quite my taste but it was one of the first sunny days in weeks so I couldn’t complain.

            “What do I want to eat? What do I want to eat?” Jenna sang in a variety of different pitches.

            “That’s it,” I smirked, “That’s the last time I give you sugar.”

            Jenna smiled wildly, her blond curls framing her face.

            Suddenly her phoned went off, a few notes from some pop song.

            “Ooh it’s my Anthem Force update app,” she gasped, “There’s a something going on right now, and it’s downtown. We’re downtown!” Jenna let out a squeal and looked around to see if she could see her beloved heroes.

            I smiled, silently cursing the day someone invented the application. Still, I was curious to see what was happening.

                “Is it the Terror Troup?” I asked.

                “Nah,” Jenna frowned, “Just Dynamo, I really hate these b-list villains.”

                Dynamo was another one our main rivals, although not nearly as much of a threat. He was a middle age man who like explosives and robbing banks and somehow mysteriously kept escaping from jail.

                “I wish it was the Terror Troup,” Jenna pouted, “They’re way more interesting. I mean I know Vigor is a baddie but him and Snowstar make the perfect evil couple. And Nightshade, isn’t he cute? I would totally date him, wouldn’t you?”

                I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, if only Jenna knew.

                Jenna raised one eyebrow at me, “I guess it doesn’t matter much anyways, my heart still belongs to Slash and AGSK.”


                “Anthem Girl and Super Kid, they’re the ultimate super couple, well they were until she quit. May she rest in peace wherever she is.”

                As much as I hated talking about Luke and I, I couldn’t let Jenna get away with that uncorrected. “Jenna, Anthem Girl quit, she’s not dead.”

                “Oh potatoes tomatoes…ooh tomatoes those sound good, I think I’ll get a salad.”

                “You can get whatever you want,” I laughed.

                “Hmm, how many calories are in a crouton, I’m trying to eat healthy.”

                “You ate three chocolate bars on the way here,” I threw my arms up in disbelief.

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