↱Chapter 2↲

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The two had been at the mall for the past two hours, and in that time Tommy had gotten; posters of Zelda, Minecraft, Totoro, Spirited away, and other Studio Ghibli movies, a blue and white striped bed cover, some baseball T-Shirts in both red and yellow, jeans, some plain shirts and a black jumper that had a small red box of the top of the chest that simply said 'go away'.

They were currently looking at lamps and digital clocks. Tommy felt bad. There was no doubt. He hadn't said much the entire trip, Phil would just pick up on stuff that Tommy seemed to look at longer than the rest. Phil was observant to say the least.

A certain lamp had caught Tommy's eye, although he wouldn't tell Phil that. It was a Minecraft redstone-ore block that he thought would look cool on his desk and another plain for his bedside. But before he knew it, Phil had caught on and carried both over to the counter while Tommy's back was turned.


They were both currently sitting in the food court having a late lunch. Phil suggested eating later as there would be less people and they would not only get a table easier but also not have the line up as long. Now, Tommy didn't eat much, in fact he had been diagnosed with Anorexia when he was 13 due to the neglect and abuse in all those 'homes'. Phil knew this and wanted to help Tommy as much as he could. He was going to start slow with him.

Phil had decided a sandwich would be best. After getting Tommy's permission, they both walked over to subway and ordered a 12 inch sub and they would each have a side and Tommy would eat as much as he could stomach.

Their sandwich consisted of Lettuce, Carrot and ham. Nothing too much for the boy. They sat next to a window which overlooked the street below. In front of Tommy sat a 6 inch sub. He picked it up and took a few bites. As creepy as it may sound, Phil counted so he could compare later to see if Tommy had improved in the future. He took 17 very small bites if you were wondering. Phil thought that was pretty good. It was less than half of the sub but still good.

It was now 3:00pm and Techno had to be on the road by 4:30 if he wanted to make his job in time and he didn't have a car as Wilbur was taking his own car out shortly after the other two left for the mall to go be with his friends. Tommy had a small suspicion he may be getting high as he usually acts a bit different when he comes back from hanging with certain people, but he would never pry. Not that he didn't have the guts, it's just he didn't give a shit.

They were back in the car and on the way home by 3:45pm. The car was silent, but a comfortable one. Phil would look at Tommy every now and again just to make sure he was ok. The boy had only been there for less than 48 hours and he was very fond of the small boy, he was determined to give him the life he was robbed of. Tommy on the other hand was just staring out the window, he couldn't comprehend; 1. Why Phil cared enough to try 2. Why Wilbur was always making sure he was okay and actually cared for his feelings and 3. Why Techno avoided any conversation with him.

Soon enough, Tommy was standing in the big house once again with Phil in his room as they placed the bags on his floor.

"You right here Tommy?" Phil smiled warmly. The boy just nodded and Phil left him be.

Tommy got to work putting away his clothes, putting up the posters and setting up the lights. By the time he was done, it was only 5pm. He sat on his bed in silence, his broken phone in hand. It sat on the home page, which only had your generic apps and snapchat, he said he had it to 'talk to hot girls' but in reality, he only had it for the filters because how else could he keep himself busy? He clicked onto the app and started to swap through them, a gloomy face looking back at him.

It's not that Tommy was sad to be living with the Watsons, it's just... he felt out of place but... also felt at home. The teen had felt that since he arrived. He felt at home, but he wouldn't let himself believe that. Sure, he had spent months in places (He's longest was 5 months) but none of them felt like home. And here he was, had only been here two days and already felt like this was it. The hope and thought soon left the boy however when his phone buzzed from a notification.

He opened it

Hey Tommy! Just thought I would check in on
You, how is the Watson house? Are you

Hey. I've been fine as I can be I guess. Their nice, Though the oldest son hasn't said two words to me Directly. I don't know if I should say something or not.

That's good! Maybe you should, however He may be finding it weird to have a new Person living in the house. Give him time.


And with that, Tommy shut off his phone and walked over to his window. To his unsurprise, 'Toby' was sitting in the garden, except this time there was an older boy with him. The boy had blonde hair and wore a green jumper. He seemed to just be sitting there, scrolling on his phone, he looked as though he didn't want to be out there, like he was told to be there. Tommy must have been staring too long at the two as Toby looked up and directly at him. The boy simply smiled and waved with his left hand as his right was holding a flower.

The teen boy near the smaller one looked up. Tommy froze in place, awkwardly rose his hand before quickly shutting the blinds.

The clock on his phone read '5:26'. He had been standing at the window for a while. Tommy yawned as he rubbed his left arm with his right hand. He laid on his bed, intending to sit on his phone and debate downloading instagram or not, but soon enough, his mind wandered to other topics.

Topics he didn't want to believe.

Tommy felt at home here with the Watsons. He felt this was his home and he knew it was stupid to say since it had barely been two days, but he couldn't help it. There was something about Phil, maybe it was his calm, nurturing nature or the fact that he was always checking to make sure the blonde teen was ok, but whatever it was made Tommy feel comfortable. Maybe it was Wilbur, the fact that the boy generally wanted to know about Tommy and his interests, the fact that even in the limited words they spoke in the only two, barely three conversations they had, he still cared for the boy. Even Techno, even though he only ever spoke to the boy at dinner, there was something intriguing about him.

No, this is crazy. They'll see their mistake soon and ask Peggy back.

There was something about the boy across the street that intrigued him. Something about the area. And for the first time, Tommy could see a future where he was still living with the Watsons. Maybe it was a bit too much for the boy to even dare say, but he saw him being Tommy Watson.


Wilbur knocked softly on the boys door, only to slightly push it and focus his eyes on a sleeping body. He walked over, a soft smile on his face. He took the phone out of Tommy's hands and placed it on his bedside plugged into the charging cord.

Will grabbed the blanket and placed it on the boy. He pushed the hair out of the boy's eyes before heading out.

"Night Tommy" He spoke quietly "Welcome home"

Words: 1,399

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