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Ten Years Later...

"Uncle Tommy!" Floris yelled as his uncle came into view. The blonde ducked down as he moved out of the front door's frame, revealing Ranboo and Tubbo behind him.

"Hey Buddy" Tommy smiled as he hugged the orange-haired boy. As Floris pushed off his uncle, he ran to the other two, engulfing his other uncles in a huge hug. Ranboo smiled as he passed the young boy a gift.

"Happy Birthday, Floris" The duo-haired boy winked. The kid's eyes lit up followed by an even brighter bigger smile, the kid looked up as his father walked over.

"Go put it on the table for later" He instructed with a soft smile. Floris nodded as he ran in that direction, the brunette turned to his younger brothers and Tubbo with a smile. Time had done them all well, even if they were only in their mid-to-late twenties.

"Hey you three, glad you could make it"

"We don't live too far, boss man" Tubbo laughed as he took a step away from the door entrance. Wilbur laughed as the other brunette spoke

"Make yourselves at home... again"

"Haha very funny, William." Tommy deadpanned as he pushed past his older brother, who smirked.

Will and Floris both lived with Phil, never having moved out in the first place. The older blonde didn't complain though, he was happy to have his son and grandson around. Techno had fully moved out when he moved away to college and never moved back in after school, instead he rented a two-bedroom apartment with Callahan and lived only a 45-minute drive away. The apartment was close to the university where Techno worked as the English and Greek Mythology professor, he was their youngest teacher there and was smarter than most. The other teachers didn't really like him but he couldn't have cared less because his students did and never made an effort to speak to the other staff unless he needed something.

Tommy and Ranboo began to stream games online when they turned eighteen and it took off, Tubbo joining them along the way. The three friends moved out at twenty-one into a three-bedroom, two-bathroom rental home only a few streets away. Together, they had a steady income and were providing for themselves pretty well.

After Sally abandoned Floris, Will needed all the help he could get. He was working two part-time jobs, trying to care for a kid and help his family with groceries. Phil was more than happy to help out and have his family stay for as long as they needed. As Floris grew up, Wilbur got more time to himself, he was able to turn to music once again and had started a career with a band he created with a few old friends, LoveJoy. They were growing pretty quickly and at this rate, by the end of the year, Will could buy a home for him and his son.

In that time, Floris began to rediscover himself. He realized at a young age he didn't like dresses or playing with dolls and other girls, he was interested in soccer and enjoyed monster trucks. The orange-haired kid had spoken to his father, they were close and told each other everything, and when Wilbur asked if he felt like a boy or girl, he responded with "I feel like a boy whose trapped". After that, they cut his hair shorter and they tried out he/him pronouns, Floris became happier and a lot more energetic. Will promised him that when they got the money and was older, he could get the proper surgeries.

Everyone accepted the boy, of course, and he was happy in his life.

Will gets a lot of shit for being a teenage father and letting his son change his gender, but as Wilbur always tells the disapproving and stuck-up people "as long as my son is happy, I couldn't care less about what you have to say"

"Can't believe he's already ten" Tommy staggered as he watched the teen jump around with his friends, "makes me feel old"

"Don't let dad hear you say that" Ranboo laughed as he placed a pale hand on the blonde's red and white shirt. The younger smiled up at his brother as Wilbur opened his own mouth to speak.

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