↱Chapter 31↲

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Sneak Peak at my new book 'All is Fair in War' at the bottom!!


TW// Mentions of abuse & scars


Toby looked normal. Brown hair every which way, a green jumper, blue jeans, a few pimples and a spot of acne. Compared to the lanky teen, the other was short, VERY short.

He had a warm smile and waved enthusiastically from across the road at the two tall teens, one of whom smiled and waved back and the other stood awkwardly. Toby ran across the road, a white car only just missing him.

"Watch it, Toby!" A deep voice called through the window.

"Sorry Eret!!" He yelled back as a hand waved out the driver's window. Tommy laughed as he wrapped an arm around the shorter's shoulders and ushered him up to the house. Ranboo stood back up towards the front door, awkwardly as he moved his hand up and down his arm.

The short boy waved at the duo-haired teenager as he approached.

"Hi! I'm Tubbo!" His voice wasn't deep but wasn't high either. Ranboo's features softened as he formed a small smile, trying not to scare away the boy.

"Hello, Uuuuh... Ranboo, Rae would call me Boo" his voice wavered with nervousness.

"Ranboo" Tubbo repeated "I like it! It's unique"

"So is your name"

"Nah, Tubbo's just a nickname that Big T gave me when we first met" he smiled brightly at his best friend. Tommy shrugged it off with a smile before looking down at his friend.

"Let's just go inside and play some Mario Kart before I started rioting"

The blonde and brunette laughed as the duo-haired moved aside and opened the door. Phil greeted Toby as they walked up and into their shared room, the brunette looked around as the blonde pulled the brown bean bag out of his corner.

Boo thought that the blonde would take the bean bag but instead, Tubbo jumped onto it and Tommy rolled over his desk chair. Ranboo mimicked the younger and sat on the left of the brunette.

Ranboo was pretty bad at Mario kart, usually coming within the last 3 places. He was happy to be included, however, even if Phil had made his son include the fostered boy. He watched the other two bond with a smile, admiring how close they were and were able to joke about stupid topics, he too aspired to have that sort of relationship with someone.

Not once did he forget Toby's name, he didn't forget what they were doing and he felt completely comfortable.


"Tubbo's nice" Ranboo muttered mainly to himself as he sat on the barstool in the kitchen, he was writing in his leather book, the very one he carried everywhere with him. Phil smiled at him and hummed, he pushed a plate with apple slices over to the teen.

Ranboo smiled graciously as he picked one up and took a bite. He hadn't had an apple in a long time. Techno walked down the stairs and past, waving quickly before walking out the door.

The split-haired kid watched the older teen with his grey eyes. He remembers something about a job? The older blonde looked at Ranboo, noticing a large scar just behind his ear which was basically all covered by his white hair. How Phil managed to barely see it, he didn't know.

The teen turned to meet Phil's blue eyes. He quickly looked down, avoiding any sort of eye contact was an easy task for him. Phil stood straight and smiled.

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