↱Christmas Special↲

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Christmas was something that Tommy Henry-Watson had never celebrated. The boys home would put up a tree and make a better meal or his foster homes would never allow him to join their festivities. Either way, he was always alone and never acknowledged the holiday. He hadn't even noticed it was that season until he came home from school with Ranboo to see his father putting up a fake Christmas tree. He was soon roped into decorating it with his other brothers. Wilbur argued that Tommy should put the star on the tree while the blonde argued it was Ranboo who should have that privilege.

Phil ended up doing it.

When the youngest woke up the next morning, countless presents were already sitting underneath. That was the moment it all set in. He had two weeks to get presents for not only his father, niece and three brothers but for Tubbo, Jack, Fundy, Q and so many others. When Wilbur came down for his coffee that morning, Tommy begged him to drive him to the mall. The brunette had to take his daughter to his daddy-daughter class (He was a teenager who didn't know how to be a father. Of course he was going to do them, any help meant a lot.) so he agreed and told him to be ready by 11.

So now, that left Tommy with his foster older brother and best friend. The trio roamed the very busy paths of the mall, all looking for presents because it turned out, Tommy wasn't the only one who forgot. They had four hours before Wilbur would come to pick them up. His class was only an hour and a half but he thought he'd give them the benefit of the doubt. Christmas shopping was hard enough as it is, Wilbur was forever thankful that he did it in late October. He liked avoiding crowds.

"Where to first, bossman?" Tubbo asked as the trio passed the food court. They'd be back later.

"No clue, I have no idea what I want to get people" The blonde voiced as he glanced in the window of a small shop. Ranboo hummed beside him, agreeance in his noise.

The brunette nodded as he glanced in the opposite window to Tommy's. "OH!" He gasped. Both the Watson's turned to their best friend. "Mum would love that, she's a sucker for sheep! One second!"

Tubbo ran into the store, leaving the two youngers. They shrugged at one another before following inside, each splitting off to look through the shelves. Tommy grazed through the different toys, his eyes finding a small crate of plushies. He shrugged to himself and began to rummage through it, Tubbo approaching behind him with a sheep plush in hand.

"Big man Tommy looks through toys? Real?"

"Shut up," The blonde joked with a smile. His best friend only laughed in response before leaving his side to look around some more. He reached down into the crate, his hands grabbing something and pulling. A smile instantly found its way onto his face, a wave of emotions hitting him.

"A cow?" A deep voice asked from behind him. Tommy turned to Ranboo and smiled with a small nod.

"I used to have one as a kid named Henry, he meant the world to me. The last thing of my parents. I lost him when I was eight when a foster family's older son ripped him up in front of me. Peggy got me a bear, which I still have, to make me feel better but it wasn't the same."

"Why don't you get it?"

"I don't know... isn't it stupid for a teenager to get a toy for themself?" He placed the cow delicately back in the crate with a sad smile. "I'm gonna go over there, let me know when you're ready to go"

Ranboo watched his younger brother walk away. He looked down at the plush, not thinking twice before grabbing it going to find Tubbo. The brunette looked at the item in the taller boys hand and instantly knew who it was for, a small laugh escaping his lips. Tommy would love it.

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