↱Chapter 3↲

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Tommy walked over to his wardrobe, picking out the school uniform that Phil had given him the night prior. As he got ready in his room, he repeated what Phil had told in his head.

"It's a good school, there are not too many students, nor is it too crowded. I'm sure you'll find a friend within your first day! Techno and Wilbur are never too far either, if you need their help or company you can always go to them. And if you can't find them, you have both their numbers and mine so if you need anything, don't be afraid to call me okay?" Phil smiled at the boy fondly as they sat on his bed, the only light coming from the lamp next to his bed. He slowly put his hand on the younger boys shoulder, Tommy flinching ever so slightly at the touch. "I'm proud of you"


"I'm proud of you"


Phil was proud of him...

For what?

He picked up his dusty old bag which now held school supplies rather than his clothes and personal belongings. He held his phone in his hand as he began his descent down the stairs towards the kitchen. The clock read '7:36am' and school started at 8. Phil handed Tommy $10 in cash for his lunch. Just as he shoved it into his pocket, both Will and Techno came down the stairs, car keys being flung around Will's pointer finger.

Techno's light pink hair was tied to a long braid that nearly reached the bottom of his back while Wilbur's fluffy brown hair was stuffed into a red beanie with a floof falling out. He also sported a black bag.

"Ready Tommy?" The older and way-taller boy smiled as he walked past the boy.

"Have a good day you three, oh and Tommy" He turned around to look at the older man. "If you need anything, we're all a phone call or text away" Phil smiled and Tommy just nodded and followed Techno out the door.

He opened the back door to Wilbur's blue car and hopped in without saying a word. He just fiddled with the strap of his bag, not wanting to say or do anything. He was nervous enough. Of course, he was a big man and denied himself the fact of feeling nervous and instead just bounced his leg.

The drive to the school was only five minutes, fifteen minutes by walking. Tommy looked and watched the scenery pass by, houses, trees, the neighborhood. Soon enough, they pulled into a carpark out the front of the school Tommy was to start studying at. It was busy with people in their friend groups.

All three of the boys piled out of the car and Techno left straight away, not giving Tommy a single word, however, Wilbur stayed behind.

"Follow me" He smiled. Tommy obliged and followed the taller boy all the way to the office. The school was big and crowded, students looked at Tommy, obviously knowing he was new. Everyone all looked the same in their uniforms, but Tommy couldn't talk, he wore the same thing. Wilbur opened the door to a big area that had a sign on the door that read 'office. He walked over to the desk. "Hello, Uh, I have Tommy Henry here for his school schedule"

The lady who sat at the desk looked first at Wilbur, before turning to look at Tommy who awkwardly stood next to Wilbur who was a few inches taller than him. She typed something to the computer without saying a word. Tommy felt out of place and weird. The printer next to the woman started to make noises.

"Shit, sorry Tommy" Wilbur said suddenly, he was looking at the clock that sat on the wall behind the woman "I've got to get to music practice, You'll be fine! Call me if you need anything!" and he ran out of the office, leaving Tommy and the silent receptionist with the name plaque on her desk that read 'Finn'

"Here you go sweetheart" She said, her voice lower than what Tommy was expecting. He took it and muttered a quiet 'thank you' before leaving. In his hand he held his school timetable, map, cafeteria prices and clubs brochure. His first class was English in room 38 in Block C. He turned to his map and looked at where he was. Block A. He didn't want to bother anyone else so he just followed his gut and Map.

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