↱Chapter 34↲

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TW// Panic Attack & Thoughts of abandonment


"He's so weird!" The blonde complained as he flopped down onto Jack Manifold's brown leather lounge which could be found in the basement of his house. Purpled rolled his eyes as Fundy chuckled. All they had heard in the past three weeks was how Tommy couldn't stand the new kid in his house. "I hate him!"

"Leave him alone, Tommy," Grayson sighed. The mud-eater was jealous of the memory boy. Ever since he had been introduced to Tubbo, the two had become close and that made Tommy not only angry and jealous but also left out. As the four friends sat, Tubbo and Ranboo were both out together having fun and doing god knows what, becoming closer and closer with each aching minute.

Now, Tommy wouldn't admit it, but he hated these feelings. Though he had admitted to Jack accidentally the feelings of being left behind, that apparently he had come close to tears when he thought about it. If he didn't have a reason to hate Ranboo then, he most definitely had one now.

The blonde had seen Toby as a brother. His best friend, the one person who showed him that it was okay to be himself and that no one would judge him for it no matter the circumstances, but yet here he sat with three of his closest friends and not a single word from Tubbo. When the duo-haired teen told Tommy he was going out with the short brunette, he plastered on a smile and acted like it was okay, but in reality, it hurt because he hadn't been invited to any of their hang-outs.

So he either resorted to knocking on Jack's door or sitting in his room trying to distract himself from the fact that his best friend was leaving him in the dust.

"I can't Purpled-" Tommy's tone in his voice was more than concerning. Fundy straightened his back as he looked at his friend, Jack sighing heavily. "I- I can't- Ugh... He's just going to forget about me"

"Ranboo's a good kid, Tommy. He doesn't seem like that person. He probably hasn't had a good friend in a long time" Jack tried to ease. Tommy's head shot up, his blonde wave's flying in the air.

"Good kid? He's fucken' weird! You don't live with him Jack Manifold! I do. He's a menace and I hate him. I hate him... I hate him" His words trailed. Neither of the remaining boys knew what to do, they had never seen the blonde so vulnerable. "I just miss my friend..."

"Toby isn't going to leave you" The orange-haired kid spoke up with a faint smile, trying to make the situation more light-hearted "He's just being nice, that's what he does-"

"He never did this with Charlie! What is so special about that stupid memory boy?!"

"Tommy, I think you're overreacting-"

"Shut up Grayson! You don't understand. I don't see your brother, Punz stealing your friends. You just don't get it! None of you do!"

The youngest of the group stood up and climbed the stairs, exiting the house without a word and running home.

His mind ran at a million miles per hour, he couldn't not think about what those two were doing. Were they shit-talking Tommy? Were they having more fun with each other than they ever did with him? Did they prefer each other more than the lonesome blonde?

What did I do wrong?

Tommy opened the door, accidentally slamming it behind him in the process. Without a care, he pulled his shoes off and left them at the entrance. He wiped a tear from his blue eyes before it could fall beyond his pink cheeks, the fear of losing his friend and the abandonment resurfacing in his body.

He ran up the stairs, completely ignoring Wilbur who greeted the boy and shut his door with force. He didn't try to stop his tears as he collapsed onto the floor, his breathing picked up as he leaned against the frame of Ranboo's bed. His hands pulled at his blonde hair as he let it all out, the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to cry and the quicker his breathing became.

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