↱Chapter 8↲

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"Good Afternoon Phil!" A woman's voice called out from across the street. She had the car door open in front of her as she got out. Toby skipped across the road towards his new best friend after he caught his attention. The woman had fluffy white hair, which was a choice not age, and wore a basic plain red shirt with jeans and a black cardigan over top. Phil looked up from his flower bushes

"Afternoon Puffy! Good day?" The older cheerly replied. He stood up and she crossed over the street. Tubbo had basically ran into Tommy's back, scaring the boy with a screech. But not one of fear. Toby fell onto the floor into a fit of giggles

"Watch the flowers Toby!" His mother scolded "Yes, a good day out getting Toby some gifts"

"Gifts?" Tommy asked curiously as the adults continued their conversation.

Phil had asked Tommy to help him with his garden since it was a sunny Sunday and it was the perfect time to get ready for the spring season. Toby just nodded

"I'm not saying anything more" he giggled, Tommy couldn't help but smile. It was final. This curious, crazy, loving boy had won him over. Toby was his best friend and he couldn't deny that any further. He cared, simple as that.

"Fine, keep your secrets" He just replied as he smeared a bit of dirt on Toby's face.

"So, how was dinner with the Awedude's last night?" The boy asked curiously as he took a seat next to Tommy, beginning to pass him some flowers to place into the previous holes he had dug. Tommy's mind was brought back to that night.

Tommy had actually ended up crying into Sam. Not because of sadness however, no, because of happiness. He was struggling to register how he was being treated with respect, how people were actually caring about him and his feelings, how they would ask if he was okay and respected his opinions.

Phil had obviously heard his son's cries, but Sam had assured him that he had to handle and that he would take care of the younger boy, to which he did as Sam ended up helping the boy his whole stay, which Sam assured Phil that he didn't mind and was happy to help the Blonde.

Sam had left Tommy that night with his number and a new friend, Assuring the boy that he could always come to him for help, no matter if it was a school, or personal problem.

Tommy stood up from his spot on the dirty and partially-muddy ground, Toby following his movements. He dusted off his knees before looking down at the brown-haired kid. He wore a grey T-shirt and jeans while Tommy wore his signature red baseball tee and cargo shorts along with a band aid on his knee and across his nose. 

"Fine. What do you wanna do Big T?" He asked the small boy, breezing over the question. Toby looked towards his mother, who was still talking to Phil before turning to his younger, but taller friend.

"Wanna go for a walk around town? I can show you the best shops and cafes?" He suggested, tilting his head to the side a little. Tommy was all for the idea- except the food part- all he had to do was let Phil know they were leaving. Tommy just nodded with a small smile before walking over to Phil.

Over the past two weeks, the blonde had gained confidence in talking to Phil. Sure, his words were still blunt and short, but at least he could approach him without being scared of an outcome. He had also gained a little confidence around Wilbur, however Techno was another story.

"Toby and I are gonna go into town" He said quietly, his head towards the ground but eyes on Phil. The man just smiled sweetly and gave a small nod.

"Techno can drop you two in, he has to leave for work in a few and it's on his way. I'll tell him"

Techno. Why did it have to be Techno?

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