↱Chapter 35↲

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"Take her"


"Take her Will! I don't want to be a mother" Sally pushed the baby girl into Wilburs arms before dumping the rest of the stuff and making her way to the car.

"You can't abandon her!"

"Watch me!"

"You can't do this Sally! She needs a mother!" Wilbur yelled, he didn't want his girl to have one less parent, it wasn't fair.

"You did this, you wanted her, you can take care of her. Have a nice life Will" The brown-pinkette girl yelled back, the male looked down at the girl in his arms before looking up again to see his ex.

She slammed her car door and sped away. The brunette looked at the beautiful girl in his arms and plastered on a smile for her. He turned on his heel and picked up the bag that was left on the floor before heading inside and closing the door. The girl giggled in his arms as he entered the lounge room where his family all sat with a movie paused on the screen. They had been watching UP because it was Tommy's favourite movie and it was his turn to pick for movie night, but they had to do it during the day because Phil had a meeting and Techno had some last-minute things to do.

"Tommy, Ranboo" the two teens turned to look at their older brother "Can you two take Floris upstairs? I need to talk to Dad and Techno for a second"

"Yeah, sure" Ranboo smiled as he set his memory book and pen onto the coffee table and took the barely orange-haired girl from the musician's arms. Tommy didn't bother fighting it, gathering from the sudden appearance of his niece, he didn't think it was good. He followed the older teen up the stairs to settle her down.

"What's wrong, mate?" The older blonde stood up, Techno following his lead as the two rounded the lounge and leaned against the back of it.

Wilbur adjusted his round glasses before crossing his arms, looking at the floor and sighing. Techno mimicked his actions by crossing his own arms as Phil tried to read his son's expression

"Sally's abandoning Floris," Will said bluntly, there was no point sugarcoating it. The pinkette sucked in a breath as Phil's expression became angry. He couldn't imagine abandoning his sons, so how could she just walk away?

"She's a bitch" The older man mumbled, but the other two caught it. The brunette nodded.

"We can work with it, we don't need her" Techno spoke up, trying to make the situation easier. He knew that the last thing Wilbur wanted was his daughter to have no mother.

"It's okay, Will, we can care for her" He placed a hand on his son's shoulder as he pulled him into a hug, the taller boy having to bend a bit. "We're going to support you both, we'll help out okay?"

"Thanks, Dad" He hugged his dad back, Techno placed a reassuring hand on his brother's back. He wasn't sure how he could help, he was set to leave for college in two days but if Wilbur called, he would make the 8-hour drive home. All he needed to do was say the word.



He shoved his last box into his back seat, closing the door behind him as he sighed. His brothers and father stood behind him gathered together, the wind blew more viciously than the day prior, his hair in a braid which Ranboo had braided that morning. All his brothers loved the pinkette's long hair, all-loving to braid it whenever they needed to calm their anxieties, though Ranboo just loved it. He never complained, secretly he loved the fact that they had an attachment to it.

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