↱Bonus Chapter↲

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Tommy followed his brunette brother down the stairs— it was too early for his bullshit. The early time was noon but the blonde chose to ignore that obvious fact. Wilbur's hand was linked with Tommy's, the older pulling the other along as he trudged behind the man. The house was oddly silent; Techno was usually making some sort of noise from his room whether it be his keyboard or violin and Phil was usually walking around cleaning. It was Saturday, after all.

The blonde was still in his pyjamas while his brother was dressed and ready for the day, this had to be some cruel joke. A 'welcome to the family' sort of thing, right? Not even two weeks after his official adoption and he was being dragged. This was going great.

The Watson family had celebrated after court by having a celebratory dinner with Tommy's friends who attended and went back home to light the fire pit. Tubbo decided to be an idiot, and not listen to his mother who was present, and stick his hand above the fire.

He got burnt.

Being officially adopted into the family of his dreams was so surreal for the boy. He had friends, brothers, a father and people he could rely on. Sometimes, he remembers the memories of his past— the bullying and things he rather not mention but Tommy is quick to fight that aside with his memories of now. He's much happier than he could ever imagine. Everything was working out for the boy and he would never trade it in for anything else, as sappy as it sounds.

Phil giving him a chance was more than what the blonde teenager could have asked for. He could have chosen anyone but yet, he chose him.

Wilbur slid the glass door to the backyard, pulling the boy through with two hands and a big smile across his goofy face. Even after his break-up with Sally, the brunette always found himself smiling around his new brother. It was just something about that kid that awakened something in him.

"Wilbuuuuuur" Tommy dragged out as he stumbled over the door frame, his bare feet catching him on the wooden patio outside.  "What are we doing, it's too early for this shit"

"Be patient child"

The brunette continued to pull his brother along, leading him over to the tire swing hanging from the great oak tree at the side of the house. There, Techno and Phil stood waiting for the brothers. Tommy looked at the two, feet pattering gently as he neared the edge of the deck. He paused, Wil following his movement and stopping his steps to stand next to the blonde.

The teenager looked at his oldest brother and father with confusion, the two looking back at him. Phil's eyes held love and kindness, a smile plagued his lips; Techno's expression was different from his father, yet still managed to express the same emotions. Tommy looked down at Wil, who stood in the grass and a step below the younger.

"What's going on?"

"Just— come here, mate" Phil smiled, one of his hands extended out to his youngest boy. Silently, Tommy let go of Wilbur's hand and allowed his feet to hit the dry grass. He walked over to his father and placed his right hand in the older blondes.

Wilbur stood behind the boy, a genuine smile on his face. Techno's eyes held a slight crease, a faint smile on his lips as the family looked at Tommy. He felt rather self-conscious and scared right now.

"It's tradition-" Phil started, the blonde teenager looking down at his father with curiosity. "-to carve your initials in this very tree when you join us. We would've had you do it sooner but, we didn't want to scare you away"

"I mean, if you fuckers did it like this then I definitely would've been frightened."

"Way to ruin the moment, Tom" Techno laughed. Tommy smiled as he looked at his older brother and let out his loud and iconic laugh.

With a playful eye roll, Technoblade dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out his pocket knife. It was a small yet powerful thing that the older teenager carried for self-defence as he didn't trust people. He flipped it in his fingers before reaching it out to his younger brother. Tommy looked at the red-handled blade with curious eyes, slowly accepting it.

He held it carefully in between his fingers, the boy letting go of his brother's hand and switching out the blade. He sucked in a breath as his eyes fell on the sharp blade before they trailed up to the trunk of the old tree.

According to Technoblade, the tree had been planted by the previous owner who had spent their entire life in that house before moving to a retirement village. Kristin didn't want to chop it down and Phil was more than happy to keep it. He added the swing for his young boys when he brought them both home for the first time and the tree soon became Wilbur's place.

Tommy took a few steps closer, his free hand raising to brush over the initials already carved into the trunk;

T.W. P.W
W.S-W. K.R-W

He raised the blade, finding the perfect spot between Techno and Wilbur's carvings. Wordlessly, he dug the blade into the bark and began to carve the wood carefully. The letters ended up more blocky than the boy would have liked but nevertheless, he could feel the love of his family wash over him with each carving he loved.

As he took the metal off the bark, he took a step back. Tommy could feel the arms of one, Wilbur Soot-Watson wrap around his shoulders and pull his close, resting his head atop the blonde locks of the teenager. Phil smiled at his youngest child; Techno letting his smile loose at last.

As the family of four stood there, just staring at the trunk of the old oak tree, none of them could find it in themselves to stop smiling.

Especially Tommy because now, he had his happily ever after.

T.W. T.H-W P.W
W.S-W. K.R-W


Words: 1,040

Welcome to a bonus chapter I felt like writing at 12 am :))

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