↱Chapter 15↲

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A day where Tommy would be meeting not one or two, but three new faces.

When Tommy agreed to go to the movie with Sam, he thought it would be fine, especially since Toby would be joining them and he already briefly knew Red, from their very few exchanges.

Tommy shoved a plain, dark blue jumper on and grabbed his phone, stuffing it into his pocket as he headed for his door. The house was quiet apart from the TV and a silent muffle of music from Wilbur's room, unknown to Tommy whether it was him or a speaker making the soft melody. He guessed it was the first one.

Tommy jumped off the second last step and onto the wooden floor, heading for the door so he could run over and get Toby so they could wait for Sam to pick them up. The blonde simply headed for the wooden door and unlocked it, picking up the keys off the dish on the table in the doorway, the very place where they would all put the car, mailbox, and house keys so they couldn't get lost.

He placed a hand on the knob before calling out

"Bye Phil"

"You two be safe now! Have fun!" Phil called in reply.

The two's relationship had grown in the past month and a half. Phil cared for the boy with all he had, from the moment he was approved to foster him, he was his son. And to Tommy, Phil was slowly becoming a father figure to him, he could see the love Phil had for him and on a secret level, he shared the same love for the older man.

"We will! See you later!" He shut the door behind him, the sun was slowly making its way behind the mountains which surrounded their area. He looked both ways before crossing. He knocked on the wooden door, a very eager young boy, yet older than Tommy, opening the door. He wore a white shirt and a green jacket over top, he had a big smile.

"Tommy! Bye Mum! Be back later!" Toby yelled through the house towards his mum and brother who sat in the lounge room, visible from the door.

"Bye Toby, you two have fun okay?" Puffy called, she turned to face her son

"Can't believe that's where Bad was tonight" Clay complained, crossing his arms.

"Clay!" His mother lightly hit his arm, attempting to shut him up. Toby giggled, not bothered by his older brother's remark, he simply shut the door and joined his friend in the night air.

"Do you know what movie we're seeing?" The brunette asked curiously

"Uh, I actually don't know if I'm honest, I can't imagine it being a film over M though," Tommy thought aloud

"M? You don't think I watch MA?" Toby joked with a smile as the two sat down at the end of his driveway so they could wait for Sam.

"I don't see that no" Tommy also jokes, giving the boy a small nudge.

"I'll have you know my favourite show is South Park so, that combats whatever this conversation is"

"South Park? I don't think I've seen it"

"You and I have to watch it together! Tweek Tweak is the best character and my favourite" The blonde's best friend explained, clearly excited to have the opportunity to talk about the show.

"Sure, why not Tubzo" Tommy rubbed the top of Tubbo's head, his hair going in all different directions, followed by his laugh.

Soon enough, Sam's black car pulled up, Tommy hopping into the passenger while Tubbo was in the back. The older boy welcomed the boys, and thus the small talk began. The smile which the green-haired boy wore, told Tommy all he needed; Sam was elated the boys joined him that night.

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