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I throw an outfit onto my bed before pulling out my phone and calling Gahyeon. "I changed my mind I'll go to the party, your taking me though" before Gahyeon can say anything I end the phone call.

Within no time Gahyeon comes busting through the door panting with her hands on her knees "IM HERE!" She yells. "Me too" Felix says raising his hand "oh yeah I brought him too" she says standing up tall. "Why did you change your mind? Not that I'm complaining.." Felix asks. "I need a distraction."

"Is this what your wearing?" Felix asks looking at the outfit I laid out. I cross my arms and say "Just tell me what you want me to wear." A big grin covers his face, he zooms to the closet and quickly lays a different outfit on the bed.

Gahyeon also lays an outfit on the bed so I have multiple choices to choose from. I grabbed the outfit Gahyeon picked out and went to change. "She always picks the outfits you choose!" Felix pouts.

I stand uncomfortably with Gahyeon, Felix and his friends, listening to all of them talk. Just as I take a sip of my drink someone bumps into me causing me to spill my drink all over my shirt. "Douchebag" I mutter "come Jiah let's go get napkins" Gahyeon says.

I give her a smile and hand her my cup "I'll go get them you stay here" I say with a smile that quickly fades when I turn away from her.
I wipe my shirt with a napkin trying to at least dry it.

I give up and throw the napkin in the trash. When I turn around I see the women from my dream, she smiles at me then starts walking away into the crowd.

I quickly follow after her pushing through the moving people, until I'm outside in the backyard and she's nowhere to be seen. I turn back towards the house and see a familiar figure like the one that was at the bridge by the storage house.

I head in the direction of the figure till I'm at the side of the house out of sight of everyone "And......time!" A voice shouted "28 minutes"
I look at a group of boys that are looking right back at me.

I look at all their faces, I recognize Haechan, the tall boy, I put my hand up to my mouth....I see the black haired boy too. "Why are you looking at me like that?" The boy with black hair asks.

I move my hand back to my side and give him an awkward smile. "Are you sure this is the right girl?" A boy whispered to another "yeah she's the one that was at the bridge"

"Wait your the one that was at the bridge by the storage building?" I say with a face full of shock. "Uhh yeah....I-." "Are you stalking me or something?" I shout. "No!" The boy yells. The boys look around to see if anyone was close by.

"Your having weird things happen to you right like.....visions, strange dreams, explainable things happening around you, hearing a ringing noise-"
"How do you know about that?" I say interrupting Haechan. "If you will let me finish I'll tell you!" He says bitterly.

"We all had those things happen to us, we didn't think much about it and after a certain amount of time of these things happening we could do things most people couldn't..." he explains. "What do you mean by you could do things others couldn't...?"

Haechan looked to the boy that asked if I was the right girl "Mark would you like to show her?" Haechan asked, Mark nodded excitedly and put his hand out, palm facing up towards the sky.

He focused on his hand then fire shot up out of his palm, he closed his hand and the fire was gone. "Woah..." I said amused and impressed by what the boy did.

"I know this sounds crazy and unrealistic but we all have magic or well....powers and we believe you do too" Haechan says. "Me? Have powers?" I bust out into laughter "thats hilarious."

"There is a way we can see if you do" the tall boy says, I directly attention to him "how?"

The group of boys lead me fairly deep into the forest. Before stopping at a big rock "ready?" Haechan asks, I hesitantly nod. Haechan turns away from me and starts walking "where are you going?" I yell out.

I turn to where the others are standing and see nothing "guys?" I look around hoping to spot someone "guys this isn't funny where did you go?" I hear the sound of horses and get flashbacks to what happened in my dream.

I immediately start running in the opposite direction I heard the horses from. I run as fast as I can, breathing hard, wind stinging my eyes. I start hearing the ringing in my ear again, my feet feel as if they are barley touching the ground, I glide across the ground quickly with ease.

I look back to see what's behind me and I trip over a tree root, I go rolling into a tree, causing my side to hurt from the impact of the tree. "Ouch" I put both hands on the ground and push myself up.

I dust off my clothes, when I look back up to my surroundings I see multiple people running towards me. I frantically look around trying to find somewhere to run but I'm completely surrounded.

They get closer and closer. Fire comes shooting at me along with a man charging at me.
I instinctively jump upwards. The ground gets father from me, I look around for something to grab, I see a tree branch and latch on. I swing my legs around the branch and pull myself up so that I'm now sitting on the branch.

I look back at the ground and realize I'm almost at the top of the tree. I look at my higher surroundings in awe. I feel someone tap my shoulder and say "do you need help getting down?" The black hair boy was sitting on the same branch as me.

How did he get up here, I didn't even see him, I ponder. I quickly nod my head, he puts his arms around me and holds me in a bridal style position. He slides off of the branch, the ground is now getting closer.

I close my eyes expecting to hit the ground. After not feeling the impact of the ground for a while I open my eyes and see that we are slowly being lowered to the ground kinda like if the boy was flying. Once we reach the ground the boy puts me down.

My legs felt like toothpicks that were going to snap at any minute. I felt my legs starting to give out and the boy with black hair noticed. He grabbed me before I fell onto the ground and helped me stay up right.

"I guess she is the right girl" Mark says with a smile.

Remember // Jaemin ffWhere stories live. Discover now