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Yuta's face is instantly filled with fear from the sight of the burning whisper in pain. He rushes over to a table and starts crushing up leaves in a grinding bowl "Jiah add some of the clear liquid from that bottle into this" I pick up the bottle and suck some of the liquid up with a dropper then add it to the bowl.

Yuta keeps crushing and mixing the things together for a few minutes before taking the bowl over to the animal. After the animal drinks the liquid it starts to stop making noise and shuts it's eyes.

"What did you do?" The blue animal screeches "I put her to sleep so she's in less pain and so she doesn't feel anything we are going to do" Yuta explains.

"Jiah grab a small blade and cut open the animal's stomach" Yuta opens his bag and puts gloves on. He moves back over to the table and grabs the soft crushed leafs before coming back to the animal.

I look through my bag until I find a small knife, I get on my knees and start cutting into the animals stomach. Yuta holds both sides of the animal's ice cold skin open just enough I can put both my hands inside.

"Make sure the baby isn't stuck on anything then pull it out" Yuta instructs. I reach both my hands inside the animal's stomach and grab onto the baby.

I feel around until I find the baby's leg is wedged between a part of the mom's body. I take on of my hands and put my hand above the baby's leg that's stuck and scoop the leg out. I pull the baby out of the stomach.

Yuta gives me a blanket I wrap the baby in, and I give the baby to the blue animal. "rub one of these leaves on your hands then the inside of the animals stomach.

I take one of the leafs from Yuta and put my hands back into the animal's stomach I rub the mushy leaf around inside the animal's stomach just like Yuta told me to then pull my hands out.

Yuta gets a needle and thread and starts to stitch the cut in the animals stomach back together then rubs another mushy leaf around on the skin the was sewn back together.

"She should wake up in a few hours." Yuta tells the animals. Yuta and me take our gloves off and put them in a baggy then into Yuta's bag.

"Thank you Jiah" says the green whisper. "Both of you have done us a great deal, feel free to come by anytime." The blue whisper thanks us.

Yuta and me gather our things and go back to the rest of the guys.


"Where have you two been?" Jisung asks (Jisung from nct) "Jiah needed help with reaching something"

"Are you all ready to go now?" Yuta asks, everyone nods. The guys and Yuta go back to the house but I head to my personal house.


I put down a box of photo albums I got from the basement on the kitchen table. I sit down and start going through all the albums trying to find the photo that was in the journal.

I slowly flip page by page through each photo album. I look at the last album, debating on not going through it since it's filled with pictures of just me.

I open the cover with no hope of finding anything, I flip the pages until I get to the 5th page. I look at the picture on my phone I took of the photo from the journal then to the photo in the album. "It's the same picture" I stare at the photo in shock.

I dial the number of my mom's sister and wait. "Hello Jiah" A voice says from the other line. "What was my mom's name?" Tears start to well up in my eyes. "Why are you-" I interrupt saying "Just answer the question"

I hear a sigh then an answer "Park Jihae" she finally answers. Tears roll from my cheeks "Did you know about what happened to her?" I sniffle "yes" a smile creeps onto my face from the astonishment of what I'm hearing.

"Did you know what she could do, what I can do?" once again the response is yes. "Me and my husband were the only ones that were willing to take you in because of you pow-" I hang up the call and put my head down on the table crying.

I feel so betrayed, for 18 years my aunt raised me, I knew nothing about my mom and was always told no one knew anything about her. But this whole time they knew everything, they never even mentioned her name or talked about her.

She was completely forgotten about in that house. I go up stairs to my room and lay on my bed face down. I pull the blankets over my head and cry onto my pillow.

After crying for so long I completely forget about everything and my surroundings and just drift to sleep.

Remember // Jaemin ffWhere stories live. Discover now