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An arrow cuts clean through my side, allowing blood to meet the ground. My hand flies to the cut when the blood starts coming out.

A groan of pain escapes my mouth. Yuta runs over to me and puts a patch on the wound "Again" I call out getting back into stance.

"Jiah you should take a bre-" I shake my head and repeat "Again" Yuta sighs and heads back to the sidelines to watch.

Arrows come flying towards me once again, I carefully move out of the way of them all. Just when I think I'm safe an arrow flies by my facing leaving a shallow slice on my cheek.

Jaemin runs up to me and puts his hand on the side of my face. He examines the cut before saying "Your done with training, go rest."

I nod and head back towards the house but I stop from a sharp pain in my head.

"We will attack tonight" a stern voice calls out "But sir not everyone has been trained to take on these people."

"If we don't make a move first they will" The man with a face similar to a bunny walks out of the room, people bow to him as he passes.

Anyone that doesn't bow is pulled away from who ever they are with or whatever they are doing and taken to the same stair case.

My vision edges closer to the stair case then quickly changes to the cellar where the torture I dreamt of was taking place.

My vision flashes white then shows a crown being placed on a women's head, her face is a blur but her voice...

that voice...I've heard it before but I can't remember exactly where.

Yuta's voice brings me back to this reality "Was that another vision?" I nod.

The visions have been getting more frequent. The boys like to have a least one person around me at all times now because I basically pass out when having a vision.

"An attack has been ordered to take place tonight" I say recalling what I heard Kookie talking about.

"Did you see the fight taking place?" I shake my head no "I did see a women being crowned. Her face was blurry but I recognized her voice, I just can't remember where I've heard that voice."

We all head inside, Jaemin gets me water while Yuta informs the others about the attack.

Taeyong makes everyone get a weapon, I choose a knife, and a bow. Jaemin helped me get all my stuff together and fill my quiver with the arrows.

We prepared our weapons the whole day waiting for something to happen but nothing did.

It's pitch dark outside now and still nothing has happened. "I could've been out there practicing" I complain about the wasted daylight.

"You've trained more then all 23 of us combined, I think you'll be fine" Chenle joked.

The sound of horses causes us all to fall silent. "I'm not the only one that heard that right?" Mark squeaked with fear growing inside is voice.

The sound of glass shattering comes from the kitchen. The rooms starting with the kitchen start filling with a smoke.

"EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!" Yuta and me scream together knowing it's probably something to knock us out.

I try to open the front door but it won't budge. Yangyang moves me to the side and kicks it causing it to go flying off it's hinges.

We all run outside and see no one, the ground is deserted.

We slowly advance forwards until there's a sound similar to a tube being blown into and Taeil meeting the ground.

Yuta examines the unconscious boy and pulls a dart out of Taeil's neck "It's a tranq" we look at each other before running towards the trees.

Johnny carries Taeil, as we run Hendery gets shot with a dart as well and Kun carries him.

The sound of horses running is heading in our direction, we all split up and run. I split up from everyone.

The sound of horses kept getting closer to me, like they were following me. I ran as fast as I could.

I noticed I was in the same area as one of the first dreams I had about running from the men on horses.

Just like how I did in the dream I trip, falling down a little slope. Jaemin helps me up and we take off running once again.

We run to the rock I saw in my dream, before Jaemin climbs in I turn him towards me "You hide here, I'll find a different place."

"I'm not leaving you alone!" Jaemin whisper screams. "In one of the first dreams I had when we were both in there everything went up in flames, I'm not taking the risk of that happening when I think I know what they want."

Jaemin looks at me confused "What they want? Jiah what are you talking about?"

"It's more of who they want, I'll explain later. Stay safe." I give Jaemin a small smile.

"This is just in case we never get another opportunity to do this" I say before pulling him close to me and placing a kiss on his lips.

I quickly run from where Jaemin was, leading the men on horses away from him and towards me just like how I suspected.

As I run it finally clicks in my head, the girl, and the voice, I remember why it was so familiar.

I come to a complete stop and speak out loud saying random words. I put my hand over my mouth in shock, that voice is....mine.

I hear the horses one moment then nothing, just a voice "I finally found you Jiah!"

Remember // Jaemin ffWhere stories live. Discover now