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All morning I've been reading through the books in the library to find out more about the women that was in my dream.

All the books that mention her talk about the same things. She sacrificed herself for the others, and only one mentioned something about her having a child. I decided to look for anything she wrote herself hoping that would help me find out more.

After searching and finding nothing for about an hour I decided to take a break. "How hasn't she written anything, no notes, no journals, no letters"

"Your still looking for- wait what are you looking for again?" Chenle asks "I'm trying to find things that the women from my dream has written but I can't find anything."

"Probably because your looking in the wrong spot" Chenle walks over to a certain part of the wall and opens it, revealing a lot of journals and papers.

I quickly get up and start looking through the stuff in the wall until I come across exactly what I am looking for "I found it, thanks Chenle" I practically run back over to where I was sitting and start reading.

I find out she has a daughter, there are about 4 pages dedicated to her kid. As I flip the page a picture falls out, I pick it up and look at it. I think I've seen this picture before in my family photo book.

I take a picture of the pages that held the photo and I also take a picture with my phone of the photo that fell out. (A/N: That sentence gives me the same vibes as Mark's possibility speech.)

I put the journal back and close up the secret wall, and head to the outdoor training grounds.


I walk to one of the trees and stretch. I keep my eyes on another tree that's close by and run as fast as I can towards it, I launch myself into the air and grab onto the tree.

I push off of the tree I'm on and make about a 30 foot jump (I think that's about 9 meters) to another tree. After I make the jump to the other tree, I jump back down to the ground landing with my knees bent and one hand on the ground.

"Your getting better at that" Taeyong commented "I actually made the jump this time" I joke. "Are you busy today?" he asks "No, I'm just planning on training today."

"Great you'll go with some of the boys to get more ingredients for Yuta." "Where are we going to get his stuff?"

"I'm not sure what the place is called but it's quite a magical place and dangerous as well" Taeyong smiles then vanishes. That'll be fun then I guess.

I stay outside practicing with different powers I have for around 4 hours straight before going back inside to get a drink of water.

I sit down to take a rest, cool down, and regenerate my energy. I put down my cup of water and focus on the water. I think about the water bending a moving freely then make the water do what I'm imagining.

The water lifts from the cup into the air and changes into different shapes, the water moves towards the cup and lower back into it like nothing ever happened.

"There you are Jiah, I've been looking for you everywhere to give you the stuff for our adventure" Yuta takes a bag off and hands it to me. "What's in this?" I ask. "Weapons, tubes and containers, water, food, things like that."

"When are we heading out?" I take the bag and put it down beside me. "Once the other guys are ready to go we'll come and get you then leave."

I decide to sleep to pass the time and to have more energy for the adventure so I go to my room and fall asleep.


I'm shaken awake by Sungchan and we head off. We all follow closely behind Yuta, and follow all his instructions of what to do.

We've been walking for what feels like hours now. "How much longer till we get there?" I ask "Now. Get out your containers and start collecting." We are standing in front of something that doesn't looks real, sparkles drifting through the air, glowing plants, and a huge pond.

We all get out a book that tells us what everything is and what is does. I start putting things like leafs and flowers into the containers Yuta supplied. I start hear a whisper calling my name.

I walk in the direction of the whisper until I see an animal that looks like a wolf made of green flames. It walks over to me and bows, I flip the pages of the book until I see a picture of the animal with the name "burning whisper"

I look back to the animal, put the book into my bag and bow back at the animal. The animals raises back up, turns and walks. I hear another whisper as the animal gets farther away "follow" the faint voice speaks.

I quickly follow after the animal, it leads me farther into the wooded area. The animal stops at a set of stairs, I move beside the animal and see circle rock houses like a dome at the bottom of the hill and more animals that look exactly life the burning whisper just with different colors.

"Is this where you live?" I ask, the animal nods and I hear another whisper "we need your help" the animal starts walking down the stairs down to it's home, I follow closely behind.

The houses are tall enough for people to fit inside, other burning whispers look at me with what I can only imagine is a glare. "Why did you bring a human?" A whispers asks "she can help" Another whisper says.

I'm lead into one of the houses in the far back of the village. I see one of the animals laying on it's side on a blanket placed on the ground. A blue liquid is dripping from a hole in it's stomach, the animal cries out in pain.

"What's happening to it?" I ask "We don't know this has never happened to any of us during giving birth." a blue burning whisper sits beside the one in pain. "I think I can help but I need one of my friends to do anything" I say.

The blue animal looks to the green one and nods. The green one tells me "go" and I take off back to where Yuta and the others were. I run as fast as I can. "Yuta a burning whisper needs immediate help" Yuta looks at me with wide eyes.

"A burning whisper? How do you- Do you know how dangerous those are?" Yuta yells "Please they need help, there is a problem with a birth and the animal is in a lot of pain" Yuta hesitantly nods and quickly follows me back to the village.

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