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It's been 4 weeks since we all arrived here. Wonho and me have made a plan, all we need now is to figure out how to get Jaemin.

The thing Wonho doesn't know is that I plan on getting everyone out today, including him.


"Are you ready for your ceremony to be made queen today my love?"

"I suppose your here to give me a dress" I roll my eyes turning towards the doorway.

"Can I not just visit my princess?" Jungkook smirks, he lays a thick dress on my bed.

"And I'm guessing your going to kill the others today as well" Jungkook stays silent.

"Maybe. I haven't made my mind up yet" I give Jungkook a glare. "Why don't you just let them go free and keep me?"

Jungkook moves his face close to mine. "Thats no fun."

"Do I at least get to see them one last time before you murder-"

"I'm not a murder!" Jungkook closes his eyes and sighs. He moves back from me "I'll give you about 30 minutes."

"With everyone?" Jungkook scoffs "Everyone...." I nod "Leave so I can get changed."

Jungkook slowly makes his way out of the room. Once the door is shut I pull a knife out of my mattress and start cutting the dress up into long strips.

I change into a guard outfit Wonho stole for me and cut the dress I was wearing into long strips as well.

I tie all the strips together, forming a long rope. I wrap the rope around the leg of my bed, making sure to tie a tight knot and hanging the rest out my window.

I place a chair under the door knob and quickly grab the rope of cloth. I slowly drop from the window down to the ground holding tight to the rope.

I run to the cellar where Wonho is keeping guard and the boys are kept. "Jiah what are you doing here?"

"We are all leaving today" I stick a key I snatched into the keyhole, unlocking the door.

The guys slowly walk out of the cell before hugging me tightly. "It's so good to see you" Haechan whispers.

"It's good to see you too. Come on we don't have much time before Jungkook realizes I'm gone." We head to the other room and set the rest of the guys free, everyone except Jaemin.

"You guys go ahead and go, I have to get someone. Wonho show them the way out." Wonho nods and leads the group away.

I make my way out of the cellar into the hallways heading towards the staircase from my visions.

I go down the staircase as quietly as I can. Jaemin rests upon a chair bloodied. I rush to his side and take the cuffs off him.

"Jaemin?" I cup his face in my hands and lift it upwards. His eyes blink a few times until staying barely open.

"Jiah?" his voice can barely be heard "I'm going to get you out of here."

"I can't let you do that" A voice calls out from behind me. I turn around to see a man walking out from the shadows.

"Don't try to use your powers there's no use-"

"They don't work down here, I know." I interrupt. The man moves closer to me, getting in my face "And how do you know that?"

"Don't worry about that" I sink my knife into the person's side and quickly retract it.

I help Jaemin move from the chair and I move the guy onto the chair and put the cuffs on him.

"Come let's go Jaemin" I put one of Jaemin's arms over my shoulder.


Jaemin and I arrive at the 1st gate panting "We're here!"

"What happened to him?" Renjun asks pointing at Jaemin. I shrug. "Uh guys..." Mark points towards the castle.

We all slowly look in the direction Mark is pointing. An army of men are running straight towards us.

"We should go" Jaemin and me start moving, the others follow. "Why don't we just teleport now?" Johnny asks.

"Something within the walls of the castle grounds is acting like a power dampener making it to where we can't use our powers" I explain.

"How much longer till we're out of the castle grounds?" Mark screams "Till we get past that gate" Wonho says pointing to a large gate ahead of us.

"Once we get past that gate get ready to fight!" I yell.

The army that was far behind us is now a few feet away from us. As we pass the gate all the boys teleport out of sight.

I put one hand on Wonho before teleporting so he comes with Jaemin and me.

I lay Jaemin down against the side of a big rock and get down. "Wonho did you bring a gun or any type of weapon?"

"If I didn't have a weapon with me at all times I wouldn't do much good as a guard."

The sound of men screaming grows closer along with a shaky ground. "FIND THE GIRL AND BRING HER TO ME UNHARMED!" Jungkook bellows. "Yes sir!" The army screams in return.

"You stay here with Jaemin, I'm going to help the others fight, oh and also don't die." I whisper to Wonho before teleporting into a tree near the running men.

"Here goes nothing" I jump from the tree onto on of the men bringing him crashing into the ground.

Everyone around us moves slightly back and gets into a fighting stance. "What do you think standing like thats going to do?" I scoff.

I hit my right hand on the ground as hard as I can causing the ground around me to bend and break swallowing the men.

"FOUND THE GIRL!" A voice shouts, men come running towards me "This is what I've been training for" I smirk.

Fire emerges from my hands, I fling my arm towards the crowd of men releasing fire from my palms head in their direction.

Some men jump out of the way, some attempt to doge, and some are hit straight on.

One of the men throws a knife at me, I turn and grab it blade on. I wince at the blade slicing into my skin.

I glare at the owner of the knife "I can do that to" A man runs at me from behind, I grab the handle of the knife spin, cutting open the man behind me's chest then throwing the knife at the rightful owner.

The knife sinks right into the heart of his chest, he gasps for air clenching onto the blade's handle and falling onto his knees.

"Jiah!" Screams a familiar voice, I look to my left and there stands Jungkook.

Someone grabs onto my shirt and the next thing I know I'm in a completely different location.

"What did you do that for?" I ask turning towards Haechan "I was helping you!"

"Did you get Wonho and Jaemin?" I cross my arms, Haechan looks up to the right "One moment."

Haechan disappears for a second then comes back holding onto Wonho and Jaemin.

"Yeah, I got them!"

Remember // Jaemin ffWhere stories live. Discover now