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"Your food will be right with you." You say, smiling at a seated family before walking away from their table. You walk into the kitchen and hand your paper to the head chef. "Here's the newest order, Mr. Kim." you say, he nods. Before leaving to take more orders, you turn back. "Can I please have a short break? I'll just make myself a coffee and sit at a table for a few minutes!" you ask.
He looks at you before rolling his eyes.
"Please?" You ask, playfully pouting. A small grin grows on the chef's face. "Fine, but only 10 minutes." he says.
"Thank you!" You skip to the back of the kitchen where the coffee machine is.

You've been working at this 24-hour diner for 5 years now, since you were 17.
The Head Chef, also known as the main manager has watched you work long shifts, helping raise you and teaching you some of his best secrets. From his world-famous french toast to his drool-worthy steak. Most importantly, he knows how well you love resting.

It's a shame he will only be managing here for a couple more weeks. "When the new manager takes over, you know you won't be granted extra breaks like this, right?" Mr.Kim chuckles as you walk past him with your fresh cup of coffee.

"Do you have to leave?" you mope, leaning on a counter by the stove.
"Y/N, I'm 29. I can't be spending all of my days cooped up in here running this place, I want to start a family, get a normal day job." he says. You take a sip of your coffee, sulking silently.

"Well? Go sit and have your break! 9 minutes!" he says, you rush out of the kitchen. You sit at an empty table for two, looking out of the window with your beverage.

Suddenly, a tall man dressed in all black approaches you.

His figure is slim as he strides confidently towards you, but it appears he may be hiding a muscular physique under his suit

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His figure is slim as he strides confidently towards you, but it appears he may be hiding a muscular physique under his suit.
"Americano."  He says, pointing to you.
"Actually, my name is y/n." you say with a nervous smile.
"No, I mean your drink. It looks well made." he says.
"Oh." you reply, using every muscle in your body to stop yourself from face-palming.

y/n, you fucking dumbass.

A deep chuckle rolls off the man's tongue. "Are you single?" he asks, your eyebrows immediately raising. "Me?" you point to your apron-wearing self. Relaxing your expression and casually shrugging, "Yeah, I am." you reply, smiling proudly. You never thought a visibly wealthy and attractive man like him would want someone like you.

"Great, thanks." he says. He takes the chair from the other side of your table and pulls it over to his table of six, leaving you with your mouth slightly gaped.

Did he just...

He just asked if I was single so he could take my chair.

In the distance, you can hear the sound of a windshield wiper. Specifically, the head chef's laugh. You look over to the kitchen and spot Mr.Kim, cooking and laughing hysterically while pointing at you with a ladle. Smiling as you feel your face flushing, you roll your eyes.

You look back over to the incredibly attractive yet ignorant man as he places your chair at his table. He joins the other five dapper men, sitting down.

A beautiful woman walks into the café, all eyes immediately gravitating toward her. Her hair delicately flows behind her as she struts and the sound of her expensive high heels clicking on the ground follows her to the table.
She sits down next to the man you were just talking to, "Jungkook!" she says, grabbing his face and aggressively kissing his cheek before sitting next to him. "Hi, babe." he says.


"This place looks great! Might need some redecorating, though." The lady says, snootily looking around the diner. Her gaze lands on you.
"Might need to hire new people too. They're the face of the café." She says, all the men at the table turn to look in your direction. You quickly shift your gaze and pretend to be interested in something outside of the window, taking a casual sip of your drink with shaky hands.
"They look just fine to me." The man named 'Jungkook' says, making you crack a light smile.

"Whatever. We'll make all the changes when our deal is settled." The woman says. You look over to the group again, who is now focused on themselves.
"You mean when our deal is settled." Jungkook says, gesturing to himself and the rest of the men, excluding the woman.
"Excuse me?!" you hear the female voice yell, startling you.

"Uhh, y/n!! I need you back in here!" You hear Mr.Kim awkwardly call from the kitchen. You get up and shuffle over to Mr.Kim as the woman continues to argue with the group.

"Mr.Kim, the drama was just getting good!!" you whisper-yell to him.
"Please go take their order before that woman flips their table." Mr.Kim orders. You nod, taking your notepad out of your apron's pocket. You walk over to the group.

"Nina, we're sorry but you're not a part of the business." Another one of the men says to the woman in an attempt to mediate.
"I became a part of the business when he put this ring on my finger!" the woman yells, pointing to Jungkook, "I'm your fiancé for fucks sake!" she says.


"Well, maybe I should have never put that ring there." Jungkook sternly says just as you walk up to the table. You freeze at the disastrous timing. Everyone stops their focus, turning to face you at your arrival.

"Hi! I'm y/n and I'll be your server for today.. is there anything you'd like?" you say, forcing a smile while trying not to shit your pants.
"Anything I'd like? A different fiancé." The woman says then scoffs, turning her head back to Jungkook with a glare.

"Unfortunately, we don't serve that here." You joke, holding back laughter. You catch the other men suppressing laughter as well, but Nina's expression is as cold as ice. Jungkook accidentally lets out a stifled chuckle and Nina slaps his shoulder.
"What?! That was funny." Jungkook says in defence, looking back to you with a grin. You return the smile.

"Do you serve prettier rings? Preferably more expensive ones?" Nina asks, persistently eyeing Jungkook. He rolls his eyes.
"I mean, unless you find that on the menu.. then no. We don't." you say, handing them the menus.
"You're a sarcastic bitch!" Nina exclaims, scowling at you. You desperately look back to Mr.Kim who's been watching the conversation unfold from the kitchen. You mouth the words, 'Help me' and he comes rushing over.

"Heyy guys!" Mr.Kim says, the men notice his arrival and immediately smile. "Jin! It's so great to see you!" says one of them.
"You know them?" you whisper.
"Yeah. You're looking at your future managers and chefs right here." Mr.Kim says.
Your eyes widen.

Head Chef | Jungkook x Reader  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now