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Jungkook pulls Jimin into a closed off area of the diner. "It's fucking scary, alright?" Jungkook says in the dimly-lit supply closet.
"What? Having big boy feelings?" Jimin asks, pouting mockingly. "Yes! You know I'm used to hitting and quitting.. humping and dumping.. screwing then scramming—."
"Yes, Jungkook, I know you're a whore."
Jungkook frowns. "Well you didn't have to word it like that."
"Listen. Yeah, y/n's hot, and hardworking, and funny. But she's also our employee—."

"How many fucking times will I have to hear that?! 'She's our employee' I'm over it!" Jungkook says. Jimin slaps him upside the head.
"Quiet down, dumbass! And you wouldn't have to hear it so many damn times if you could just keep it in your pants!" Jimin whispers through gritted teeth.
"These aren't just sexual feelings, I think I really like—."

The supply closet doors open to reveal Namjoon's head peaking through them.
"The hell is going on here? You guys fucking?" Namjoon teases, the two faces of the men in the closet narrow into a disgusted expression, Namjoon laughs. "Why are you here? Get out so I can see your faces."
"Won't be my first time coming out of the closet." Jimin chuckles, stepping out. Namjoon crosses his arms, "Seriously. What is so confidential that you had to hide in there to talk about it?" he asks.

"Jungkook has been signing y/n up for nonstop shifts because he's pissed he can't have her." Jimin says, Jungkook rolls his eyes.
"Jungkook.." Namjoon says, disappointment clear in his tone.
"I know, I know." Jungkook sighs.
"Go give her time off." Namjoon demands.
"Go give y/n time off. She looks exhausted." Namjoon says. "You can't tell me what to do. I'm your boss." Jungkook crosses his arms. Namjoon smiles as he grabs Jungkook by the arm and drags him out of the closet. "And I'm one of the people you share a house with. Want cold showers for a week?"
Jungkook groans as he shakes out of Namjoon's grasp, walking over to you.

"Oh, Mr.Jeon! Here's the coffee you wanted." you say, deliriously chucking as you lift your hand to give Jungkook his coffee with the last bit of energy you have.
"Y/N, you get a day off." Jungkook says. He looks to Namjoon who is glaring at him out of the corner of his eye. "Two days off." Jungkook says. Your mouth slightly gapes, "Two days?! Thank you!" you smile, but Namjoon isn't done. Jungkook watches as Namjoon's eyes further narrow in his vicious stare.

"Three days off. But that's final!" Jungkook sternly says for Namjoon to hear him, "You can leave now, but you have to come back on Sunday at 11 PM, sharp." Jungkook demands, you desperately nod.
"Yes! I'll be there!" you smile from ear to ear, lunging forward for a hug but stopping yourself before actually wrapping your arms around Jungkook. You chuckle, stepping back and sticking your hand out.
"Thank you so much, Mr.Jeon." you say. He takes your hand, shaking it with a confused expression.
You run to the back and grab your things.

"She looks ecstatic to leave this place, asshole." Namjoon says, walking up behind Jungkook.
"You have to find a way to get her out of your head without deflecting your bullshit onto her." Jimin chimes in, following close behind with his hands in his pockets. Jungkook sighs, silently watching as you walk out of the diner. He heads over to the kitchen to help the others and occupy his mind.

"Dad, I'm home!" you call out, putting your bag down as you walk into your house.
"Finally!" you hear your dad laugh from the kitchen, you run in to find him eating alone at the dinner table.
You're the youngest of your 3 siblings who all live in their own homes except for your older by-one-year brother. "I'm home, Will!" you call out. "Whatever!" he responds from his room upstairs.

You sit down at the table in front of your father, taking a plate of food.

"It's been a long time since we've been able to sit down and have a meal together." he says. You nod, "Yeah.. but guess what? I have three days off now!" you say. Your father's eyes light up with excitement, his head shooting up from his plate, "Three days?!".
"I know, right?"

"Well it's definitely well deserved, y/n.. who's keeping you at work for so long? Sounds like a pain in the ass." your dad asks. His eyebrows furrow in concern, "You know I can go and talk to them if you want."
"No, dad, it's okay. My boss is going through a broken off engagement.. or something." you say to excuse Jungkook's behaviour knowing very well if anything, his broken off engagement with Nina is something he would celebrate. You simply don't want your dad to go beat up someone who's admittedly been growing on you, your boss.

You finish your meal, slowly getting up from your seat with a hand on your forehead. "I think I'm gonna go sleep." you say, placing your dish in the sink.
"Already? It's seven o'clock."
"I really have to catch up on some rest." You say.

And so you did. You spend your first day off in your bed. Stiff as rock; binge-sleeping.
You woke up at 3 PM after a whole day and-a-half of sleeping. You find a breakfast, lunch and dinner plate on your desk; untouched.

"Well look who finally woke up. Are you going to spend your second day off hibernating, too?" your brother asks, you chuckle.
"I think I'm gonna go skateboarding, just around the town." you say.
"Not with that bed-head." Will says. You groan, trudging back up the stairs.

You skateboard on the side of the road, your hair flowing behind you as you sip a blue raspberry slushie. You shake your head, wincing at the excessive sweetness of the cold drink. "Whatever, it's 90 cents." you mumble to yourself, throwing the half-full styrofoam cup into a garbage can as you skate by it. You look around as you glide, keeping an eye open for somewhere else to buy yourself a refreshment.
Your lips corner into a smirk as a particular café catches your eye; your own workplace.

You pop your skateboard with your foot by it's tail, catching the top of it. You push through the doors with a wide smile, skateboard in hand.
You walk to the cashier and fellow employee.
"Hey Stacy." you smile.
"Y/N! Back at work early?" she smiles back, you shake your head. "Just thirsty, large iced cold brew with two sugars, please?" you ask, Stacy nods.

You stand at the end of the table, tapping your foot impatiently as you wait; not for your coffee but for one person in particular.

"Thanks, Stacy." you say, taking the coffee from her.
"Thank you for ordering at Kim's Café, come back soon!" Stacy jokes, knowing you'll be back in a couple days for work. You laugh, turning around to leave with your drink before you're stopped by a hand on your shoulder.
"What, you missed me that badly?"

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