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Y/N's—Your POV

Gently grabbing his arm as he leaves, you stop Yoongi from leaving the diner. "Hey, Yoongi. Can I ask you a quick question?"
"My break just started."
"I know.." you turn your chin down, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. You pout, "Please?"
Yoongi rolls his eyes and smiles, "Make it quick."
"Thank you. Yoongi, you know how much I appreciate your advice; being the wise and practical one and all." You say, he nods.

"I was wondering. I've been getting much closer with one of your good friends, our boss, Mr.Jeon— in a friendly way! We're getting closer in a friendly way. But I heard some things about him that makes him seem very.. harsh. You're one of the people who know him best. What do you suggest I do?" you ask.

"They're true. The harsh things you're hearing are very true, y/n. For your sake, I suggest you stop getting closer with him. Even as a friend." Yoongi pats your shoulder. He smiles, "I'm going now! Bye." he says. You nod as you watch him leave, your mind wandering into a new found version of Jungkook that's setting in your mind. The one that's developed from other people's opinions and fake perceptions. You trudge back over to the cash register, slumping back in your spot.

Just then, your phone goes off.

i'll book us both a day
off for tuesday, okay?

we can hang out and
talk then. I know the rest
of the guys don't have time
off on tuesday.

You sigh, putting your phone back in your pocket without responding to him.

Yoongi's POV



wait why is the chat named
that ?? lol

because apparently
nothing is happening
romantically between y/n
and jungkook

yeah we talked to jungkook

and checked security footage

uh oh lol


this is funny i just told
y/n to basically stop talking
to jungkook and that
he isn't a good person

god damnit


it was a last minute decision
to check the footage, alright??

Y/N's— Your POV

And so Tuesday came. This morning, you gave Jungkook your address in advance.

You walk up to his black Mercedes, getting into the passengers seat and closing the door behind you. You look out the car window to find your dad watching you through the glass on the front door. You told him your concerns of the things you had heard about Jungkook.
Your father's words replay in your mind.

"Never judge a person on simply what you've heard of them from others. Actions speak louder than words, remember? Go meet with this Jungkook guy, actually talk to him. But keep your location on and let me know if you want me to beat his as—."

"Good morning, pretty." Jungkook says. You simply force a smile in response.
"So, you live here? In this.. house?" He asks. You nod. "With my dad and older brother Will." you say.
"What about your two other brothers?"
"They live in their own places, they're both married." You explain, Jungkook hums in understanding.

Jungkook drives up to a hill, parking on the side of the road, your eyebrows furrowing. "Why don't we go to a fast food place or somewhere like that to talk?.." you suggest. Jungkook turns off the car and looks to you, smiling, "No." He gets out of the car, walking around to the trunk.

Shutting the trunk, Jungkook walks back around the car and begins stepping up the hill with a picnic basket in hand. You run up the hill, catching up to him. "What is that?"
"A picnic basket." he says.
"I know.. what's in it?" you ask.
"Don't worry." Jungkook responds without sparing you a glance, a sly grin on his face.
You roll your eyes with a chuckle, not expecting anything less from the unpredictable man.

Placing the basket at the top of the steep hill, Jungkook takes a deep breath before opening the basket. He pulls a large blanket out of it, gesturing for you to step back as he holds the soft sheet at either end and lays it out flat.

Jungkook begins taking out multiple plastic bags and containers, revealing an array of sandwiches and other delicious snacks. Jungkook sits criss crossed on the blanket. He looks up at you from the ground, tapping the spot next to him, "Sit down." he smiles.
Your eyes are slightly widened as you gaze around at the beautiful picnic display, slowly sitting down onto the blanket. "Wow." you mutter to yourself in awe.

"Jungkook, you planned all of this beforehand?" you ask as you feel a bit of guilt grow from the pit of your stomach.
"No, I just opened my trunk for fun and there happened to be a picnic basket inside it." Jungkook says sarcastically, joking. "Yes, I planned this beforehand." he chuckles, revealing his dimples as he gently smiles at you.
You smile as well when you remember how one of his dimples is higher than the other, something you discovered the first time you made him laugh.
"All of these foods.. everything looks amazing." you say.
"What? Do you doubt my skills? I run a diner, y'know." Jungkook replies, grabbing a sandwich.

Jungkook takes a deep breath after swallowing a bite of food. "You've been distant with me since you texted me asking to talk."

Fuck. He noticed.

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