bonus chapter 1 - his music career

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This bonus chapter takes place in the 5 year time skip between chapter 55 and 56.

"Jungkook, come to bed.." You whine in a needy tone. It's way past midnight and you've lost track of the time that Jungkook has spent pacing back and forth in front of your bed in the mansion, anxiously gnawing his bottom lip.
"The views won't stop growing." Jungkook says, continuing to pace as he ignores your wishes. He's too stressed to hear anything other than his cover of Leave the Door Open by Silk Sonic, playing on YouTube.
"Come on baby, how about we sleep then check again in the morning?" you suggest, tossing and turning under the sheets.

"Y/N, my love.. I think I'm going viral."
"Aren't you at 30 thousand views?" you ask in a groggy voice, half asleep.
"No, practically a million now." Jungkook says and you immediately lift your head. "What? It's only been a few hours!" you say. You get out of bed as excitement carries your feet over to Jungkook who stands in the middle of the room.

"Holy shit!" you exclaim and Jungkook chuckles. "I know, right?" he says, looking to you with a light smile. You can tell that there are hints of nervousness behind his grin because this is only Jungkook's first time he has ever uploaded his singing to the internet; and it's blowing up. But you know that ultimately this makes Jungkook happy.
Jungkook has always had a passion for music and singing, I mean you can't even count how many times in a day Jungkook spontaneously breaks out into song while cooking at Jeon's or doing things around the mansion. It's always been like that throughout your relationship since you first caught him singing in the shower.

Noticing his face is a light shade of pink under his phone light in the dark room, you place a hand on his forehead. "Jesus, Jungkook, you're burning up! Turn off your phone, get into bed. I'll rub your back. Sound good?" you suggest. Despite the numbers making him nervous, Jungkook is addicted to watching the views grow; but he knows that if he doesn't stop now, he'll be staring at his screen all night. So Jungkook nods, turning off his phone and agreeing to come to bed and finally sleep.

You use your magic trick; rubbing Jungkook's back until he quickly falls asleep.

Z z z z

"Oh my god!" Jungkook exclaims, looking at his phone.
"Jungkookk.." you whine, noticing the lack of sunshine coming through the blinds; it's barely morning.
"10 million views?!" Jungkook says, his eyes wide in shock. These words wake you up despite your brain barely processing them.

Soon there's a puppy scratching at the door, and of course in comes Yeontan with Jimin and Taehyung following behind him. "You're at ten mil' views!" Jimin announces, running over to hug Jungkook with his phone in-hand. "You did it, bro." Taehyung squeezes Jungkook's shoulders.
"Did what? Jungkook isn't done going viral yet." Jimin says.

Days pass as Jungkook receives more and more recognition online, including comments from recording labels looking to recruit him. 

A few days later, the whole friend group sits around a table in the mansion as you watch Jungkook's smiling face. He's beaming under the lights of candles on a cake, a cake to celebrate his video reaching 100 million views. Just this morning, Jungkook signed a contract with a small and friendly company named "BigHit Music".
"Wow... thanks, guys.. this is really, uhm.. hot." Jungkook says, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.
"Y/N suggested that we should put 100 candles on the cake for 100 million views, so we did!" Hoseok says, grinning.
"Well, I was kind of joking but—."
"Its fine, I love it." Jungkook says, lightly smiling at you and you smile back. "Who baked the cake?" he asks.
"We all did!" Jimin says.
Jungkook cocks an eyebrow, "Who is we—."
"Everyone but Namjoon."

You stand next to Jungkook who's sitting in front of his cake, watching you cut it for him. You grin, "I always knew you had talent, the voice of an angel." you say as you hand him his slice.
"This is only the beginning of our journey, love." Jungkook says.
"I can't wait to hear you on the radio." you say.
"Yeah, right." Jungkook says.
"We'll see." you say with a light smile, he places a gentle kiss on your cheek.

The purpose of these bonus chapters are to fulfill what may have been missed during the story due to plot timeline. This is for fun since I know the story ended abruptly. Hope you enjoyed!

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