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You continue your conversation with your older brother as he drives you home, "Why didn't you just ask Will? He lives with you, I don't." he asks.
"Han.. Will's advice is total ass." you whine to your second-oldest brother. "Fine. Just tell me the story very slowly." Han says.

And so you do.

"This dude fully admitted to shutting you out and making you jealous?" he asks. "Yep. And I still like him.. but he likes someone else." you say with a sigh.
"Y/N.. this is reaching risky boundaries. Your boss? And he likes someone else?"
"I know, I know.. I just want to get my sweet revenge. Tease him back. Since apparently, in Jungkook's own words, that's how our friendship works." you say.
Han chupses, "He used the F word?"
You sigh again, "Yes, yes he did."

"Well, you work at a diner, don't you? Bring a hot date there for dinner and make sure Jungkook is on shift. He's head chef. He must be there all the time." Han suggests. Your eyes light up as your mouth gapes into a wide smile, "Han, you're a fucking genius."

You download a dating app and swipe on only the hottest guys. Swimsuit models, athletes, workout trainers, the best you could find.

I'll just dump them after the date is over. They'll be fine.

Luckily, your shift ends at five PM tomorrow. Early enough to go out for a nice supper with your 'new man'.


Today is the day.

You leave work with an giddy evil grin on your face, knowing you'll be returning to the diner within only a couple hours; but not to work.

You find the sexiest yet most casual outfit in your wardrobe, a mini skirt paired with a low-cut busty top and throw it on. Throwing on a silver necklace and matching earrings, you feel expensive.

You pick up Ryan from his house.
"Hey!" you smile as he sits into the passenger seat.
"Hi." he replies with a cold attitude in a deep voice.
You went with the hottest guy you could find, so you understand if he has an attitude or lacks personality. You only have to deal with him for a couple hours.

Glad I'm dumping him after this.

Ryan is 6'4, has an incredibly sharp bicycle seat jawline and the whitest teeth you ever seen.

"So.. you work at FitnessPlanet?" you ask at a desperate attempt to start conversation.
"Of course, the grind never stops, babe." He says, letting out an obnoxious and snarky laugh. You force a chuckle, continuing to drive as you try not to cringe.
"I've managed to lower my body fat percentage to 14 percent, do you know how many people can do that?" he asks.
"How many?" you reply, trying your best not to roll your eyes.
"Barely anyone. It's so difficult, only fitness pros can attain that level." Ryan says. "What's your workout regimen?" he asks.
"I.. don't really have one." you reply honestly.
"..oh." Ryan says, disgust clear in his tone. You take a deep breath.

Only a couple more hours, y/n. A couple hours. You can do this.

You get out of the car and walk into the diner, taking the table nearest to the kitchen. You sit down, waiting for a waiter to come to your table.
"The fuck is wrong with this place? Is it a restaurant or a café or..." Ryan asks.
"It's kind of all of the above. There are cashiers if someone wants to simply order coffee, but there are also tables if anyone wants to formally sit down and have a meal." you explain.
"...weird." Ryan looks around judgementally, you force a chuckle. "Yeah. So weird."

..He doesn't have to know I work here.

Just then, someone approaches your table.
"Hello, I'm Jungkook and I'll be your waiter for today."

Your eyebrows raise, your head slowly turning to look up at the man. All you wanted was for Jungkook to see you with another guy, not be the actual waiter for your date. You had assumed this would be avoided since head chefs can't become regular waiters, but it looks like Jungkook changed his attire for this specific occasion.
He's out of his fancy suit and apron, in exchange for a waiter's uniform. You chuckle, "Nice bowtie." you whisper so Ryan can't hear.

Jungkook clears his throat. "I'm assuming you'd like to order today as brother and sister?" Jungkook smiles. "Dude, we're two completely different skin colours." Ryan says.
"He's my date." you quickly say, taking Ryan's hand from across the table.
You watch as Jungkook's eyes slightly widen, a flicker lighting afire in his gaze.

"You're dating, huh?" Jungkook forces a smile, "Lovely. What can I get you?"

"I'd like the smoked salmon with a side of steamed vegetables." Ryan orders.
"I'd like Kim's Classic Fettuccine Pasta with a side of onion rings, please." you say. Ryan scoffs.
"What?" you question.
"You're seriously going to get that?" Ryan asks, critically eyeing you up and down. Looking awkwardly look to Jungkook then back to Ryan, you giggle at an attempt to cut the tension, "Yep!" you say, quickly taking yours and Ryan's menu, handing them to Jungkook so he can leave the table. You let out a deep sigh of relief as soon as Jungkook leaves, holding your head in your hands.

Jungkook walks back into the kitchen and lets out a loud, aggravated groan when he's in the middle of the loud cooking business. Jimin hums in question, questioning his exasperation.
"Y/N is out there on a date with some.. hunk." Jungkook says, handing Jimin your order.
"And why is that upsetting for you?" Jimin asks.
"He seems like a dickhead." Jungkook partially lies.

The core of his annoyance is caused by you being on a date with someone that isn't him, but the fact that this person seems like a bad guy just adds to the irritation.
"Well I don't think you have to worry that much. Look at them." Jimin says with a nod, gesturing to your table.

"Who orders pasta.. and with a side of onion rings?!" Ryan chuckles in disbelief, mocking you.
"It's a restaurant! I'm not going to eat like a damn rabbit." you argue.
"Well maybe you should. I mean, look at you. No wonder you don't have a workout regimen." Ryan scoffs. You immediately gawk, your jaw dropping and eyes bulging, on the brink of tears.

"Pardon?" A deeper voice sternly asks, towering from above you. You look up to find Jungkook standing on your side of the table with his hands in his front pockets, eyes glaring at Ryan.
"I'm just saying, like, look at the fat on her arms. It's disgusting. Do you have any idea what my body fat percentage is?" Ryan says.
"What is it, tough guy?" Jungkook tilts his head, pretending to be interested.

"13 percent." Ryan says.
"My body fat percentage is 10, but I'm sure y/n can tell you that after I show her later." Jungkook snaps back.

Head Chef | Jungkook x Reader  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now