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"Nina, please, just let me pay you off or something." Jungkook pleas. Nina smirks, "I love seeing you beg."
Jungkook clenches his jaw, refraining from lashing out at Nina's attitude; she knows how to press his buttons.

"I'm trying to be mature here. You name a number and I'll give it to you. In cash, even. Just leave us alone."
"In cash? Wow, Jungkook. Kim's has really taken off." Nina grins, "Too bad it's gonna tank once everybody finds out you date your coworkers." she says, faking a pout to mock him.

"What do you want, 500 thousand? A million?" Jungkook asks. Nina chuckles pitifully, "It's sad to see that you've gotten weak, offering me money."
"Nina, being weak is breaking into someone's home and taking photos of them naked so you can ruin their career." Jungkook says. Nina begins to stutter, stammering on her words.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Nina. You don't like being reminded of the sight of my dick sliding in and out of y/n as we make love?" Jungkook asks with a pout.
Nina sighs, "There he is. That's the Jungkook I remember, the one with a nasty attitude." she says.
"You only receive what you deserve, Nina. Now do you want money, or am I going to keep taking those photos down from your window for free?" Jungkook crosses his arms.

Jungkook begins counting down from 10 in his head as he watches Nina anxiously stumble on her own words. "For free? Great! See you, Nina. Have fun serving your customers." Jungkook says. He looks back at the empty café, "Oh wait, you don't have any." Jungkook smiles. He turns around and strides out of his ex's diner.

Jimin claps, "Bravo!"
Taehyung applauds as well, "We had no idea what you were saying but it looked like you owned her shit!"
Jungkook chuckles, his face relaxing into an exasperated frown. "I despise that bitch. It took everything in me not to lose my mind." he says. "I offered her money and she mocked me, so I mocked her back, left her speechless and broke." Jungkook says. Taehyung pats his back, "Good, good.. you're the one who took the photos down, right?" he asks. Jungkook nods.

Everyday there are a new sequence of photos that you witness before running into the diner to help in the kitchen. By the time you finish your shift, the exposé photos are gone and Nina's windows are bare; thanks to your housemates.

"So.. Jeon, huh?" Stacy nudges you as you stand at the cash register beside her, you simply chuckle uneasily in response. You've received enough glares from your fellow coworkers these past few days, glares of jealousy or disgust. You know this conversation isn't worth continuing. "I knew there was some tension between the two of you, I just didn't know it was sexual." Stacy says before laughing. You stay silent, sorting your cash desk.

"Just leave him ready for me, I want to be next." Stacy says.
Your eyes narrow, "Next?" you ask, turning your head to face her. She shrugs. "I mean, everybody wants a piece of Jeon. He's just so fine.. when you're done with him somebody has to go next." Stacy says.

Your hands grip the counter until your knuckles blanch and you take a deep breath, "Jungkook and I are in a committed relationship, Stacy." you say.
Stacy pauses are her smile fades. "Wait.. what? Bitch, you know that's practically illegal, right."


You begin to force a laugh, it escalating into something sounding as if it had come from an evil movie villain. "Stacy!" you continue to laugh hysterically. You pat her shoulder. "Stacy.. stacy... I'm just joking with you. Of course Mr.Jeon and I are strictly in a sexual relationship. I can't believe you fell for that!" you say, continuing to fake your laughter. Stacy begins to nervously chuckle in response, "You had me a little scared for a second there, y/n. Looked like you were going to bite my head off, as if I was trying to steal your sexy man or something." she says. "You're a good actress."
You chuckle, "Yeah, actress... I'm going to go to the kitchen, tell Ross to cover me until I come back." you say before running into the kitchen.

"Jimin, I can't do this. I'm being treated like a whore out there.", "Who." Jungkook sternly asks, walking into the room. "Who's treating you like a whore?"
"Everyone, koo! All of my coworkers have seen the photos, and apparently they want 'a piece of you' too." you say. His face recoils, "Want a piece of me?"
"They want you to fuck them, Jungkook." you explain.
Jungkook walks up to you and wraps an arm around you. "I'm sorry you have to put up with hearing all of that." he reaches a hand into his pocket and pulls out his keys, "Clock out early, take the car and drive yourself home, baby." he says.

Walking out of the kitchen towards the diner's exit, you keep your head down.
"Hey! Y/N! Where are you going?" Ross yells from the cash register.
"I'm going home." you say without sparing him a glance, continuing to walk.
"Awh, is everybody shit-talking going to make you cry?" Ross mocks in a whiny voice. He laughs, "Of course Jeon is giving you special treatment—."

"Ross." Jungkook sternly interrupts Ross' mockery, his footfall slow yet heavy as his dress shoes step into the room. Ross clears his throat, "Yes, Mr.Jeon?"
"Apologize to y/n." Jungkook demands.
You stop in your tracks in front of the door and turn around to face the inside of the diner. Ross' eyes meet with yours and you immediately recognize the guilt in them. Not the guilt in what he said, but the guilt of getting caught.
"Sorry y/n—" Ross mumbles from across the room.
"Speak up, Ross." Jungkook says.
"Sorry for what I said, y/n." Ross says. Jungkook nods, "Good, now go pack your things from your coat-hook and leave. You're fired." Jungkook says.

You watch Ross' expression crumble in disbelief until Jungkook speaks up again. "Y/N, did anyone else treat you badly?" he firmly asks. Your gaze immediately resorts to Stacy, the gossiping, attention-seeking woman that you've worked alongside for years. She stares directly at you with sad, sorry eyes; she wasn't always like this and you know such. You sigh, looking back to Jungkook, "No, Mr.Jeon. No one else." you say. You look back to Stacy and she mouthes, "Thank you."

Jungkook smiles. "Alright, get back to work everyone. Sorry customers for the disturbance, everyone order a free beverage on me!" he announces and everybody cheers. Jungkook subtly winks at you before turning back and disappearing into the kitchen.

Head Chef | Jungkook x Reader  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now