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Jungkook waves an arm at his friends for them to leave before he steps out of bed in his boxers, running into the closet.

He returns holding a long rectangular box. The box is longer than a ruler but shorter than a bicycle. Jungkook hands it to you and you shake it back and forth, feeling something roll inside. "Is it christmas?" you joke, looking to him with a smile as he chuckles, a cheery grin on his face. Jungkook shakes his head, "Just something I owe you." he says.

Excitedly ripping the wrapping paper, you quickly start to pick at the tape that holds your gift closed. Lifting the cardboard flaps to reveal what's inside, "A skateboard!" you exclaim, beaming.
You pause, "A skateboard?" you look to Jungkook.
"Remember how you broke your old one? It was my fault, right?" he asks.
"Well, I was upset because of you but It was my fault for flipping ou—."
"It was my fault." Jungkook cuts you off. You look down before looking up again with a light grin. "Thank you, Jungkook." you say.
"It's nothing, love." he replies. "Now you have to teach me." he says, his loving smile turning into a smug one.

"Woooo!" Jungkook giggles as he slides down the mansion's hallway sitting on your skateboard. You run behind him, catching up when he slows down. Just as Jungkook comes to a full stop and looks back at you, you put your foot on his back and push him away again, sending him further down the hallway. "Y/N!!" Jungkook playfully scolds as he grabs onto the sides of your skateboard, hopelessly rolling away from you.

"Don't you have work to get to?" Namjoon lightheartedly asks, walking by you. You shrug, "I'd rather push our boss around on a skateboard." you joke, pointing to Jungkook who's disappeared. Your finger is aiming at your skateboard that rests alone at the edge of a wall. "Where did he..." you begin to speak before turning to look in different directions, a hand on your nape.

Soon, you spot Jungkook running towards you at full speed. "Jung.. Jungkook!!" You shriek as he swoops you into his arms, picking you up and continuing to run around the large house. Jungkook sprints at full speed and you laugh uncontrollably. "How does it feel to move at a fast pace without any power over it?" Jungkook teases, continuing to run. You giggle, "You could've easily gotten off my skateboard! Jungkook you're driving me crazy!" you playfully say as you laugh.
The running slows down and Jungkook comes to a stop, putting you down. "Won't be the last time I drive you crazy." he says with a smile.
"Good." you reply.

Jungkook leans down, stopping himself just as his lips are going to touch yours. He breathes out as the corner of his lips turn into a smirk, "Ive missed this so much." he whispers. Making the slight move upwards, his plush lips press into yours and you grasp onto Jungkook's suit; pulling him closer. Gently removing your lips from his, you look down and fix his tie. "Are you announcing all the big changes today?" you ask. Jungkook rolls his eyes, "Yes, now let me kiss you. Did you forget how to over the past week?" Jungkook teases, placing a hand on your waist to pull you in again.

Jungkook clasps his hands together, "It's so great to see all my employees again.. come, come, gather around." he begins, gesturing for everyone to get closer to listen to him. "As you all know, I was gone for a week on a business trip that is huge for us." a wide grin grows on his face. "I have amazing news." he says.
Everyone starts silently exchanging excited glances, awaiting Jungkook's announcement. The energy among your coworkers right now is irreplaceable, everyone on the edge of their seat with only the hint of Jungkook's secret having a positive impact on all of your futures.

"Firstly, we'll be making an app with a reward system for returning customers. They'll get points each time they buy something along with coupons and special offers that come with having an account on our app." Jungkook says, everyone nods. He continues to explain the ins and outs of your future upgrades. Renovations, rebranding, customer friendly policies and so on.

Soon, he reaches his most important news. "Lastly, this restaurant will be changed to honour my name. Jeon's!" he announces, everyone clapping in response and cheering for him. Jungkook has worked extremely hard and it's been apparent in his day-to-day responsibilities, which is why everyone is so proud of Jungkook for earning this upgrade; but he's not done.

Just as everyone turns away to continue their job in the diner, Jungkook speaks up. "Oh, wait, one more thing. We're becoming a franchise." Jungkook purposely says in a very casual manner, knowing he just dropped a bomb of incredible news on his employees. He smirks as everyone turns back around to face him with dropped jaws. "Does that mean other people will be running and managing Jeon's diners? With your same recipes? But like, in a bunch of different locations??" one astounded employee asks.
Jungkook nods as a big smile splays on his face. He opens his arms wide, "Jeon's is going around the world, baby!" Jungkook yells joyfully as everyone begins to cheer, surrounding him and becoming a large hugging mob.

You walk up behind Jungkook, joining the crowd's hug as you subtly place a kiss on his neck from behind. "You did it, koo." you whisper, hugging him. Jungkook turns his head, "We did it." he smiles, resting his forehead against yours.

author's note: what do you guys think of the story so far? don't forget to vote if you enjoy:)

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