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You lay in bed next to Jungkook, watching the early five AM sunrise. Resting your head on his bare shoulder, Jungkook's muscular arm is wrapped around you as your practically naked bodies are wrapped within the warmth of your sheets and each other. "Wow, the sky is beautiful." you murmur. Jungkook nods, "We should go back to our hill one
day just before sunset, so we can watch the colourful night fall."
You look to him, "I'd love that."
Jungkook places a gentle peck on your forehead, "Me too." he grins.

Soon, you hear constant gentle scratching on the bottom of your bedroom door. "What is that? Do you have a pet?" your eyebrows furrow.
Jungkook groans as steps gets out of bed. "I don't..." he sighs. He opens the door, allowing an adorable little Pomeranian to scurry into the room, "..but Taehyung does."
You gasp, a big smile growing on your face at the sight. "Is this the Yeontan I keep hearing about?" you ask, leaning over the edge of the bed and picking up the curious creature that had trot over to you.

"He loves new people.. actually, that's not true. Either he loves you or he hates you." Jungkook says, getting back into bed.
"So I guess you could say he.. has a vibe check?" you smirk, Jungkook nods with a chuckle. "Yep, just like his dad." he says. "That's funny, because Taehyung was so nice to me when we first met... like, right away."
"I'm telling you, Taehyung's vibe check is never wrong."

"My what check is never wrong?" Taehyung walks into Jungkook's bedroom, his hands in his pockets. "Vibe check, y'know, when you observe people and immediately decide if you're gonna love them or treat them like absolute dog-shit?" Jungkook explains.
A smirk grows on Taehyung's face, "Ah, right. It's never been wrong."
"Actually, it's been wrong once." Jungkook says, raising his eyebrows at his friend.
You look up from the furry puppy you're petting, putting your peek-a-boo game on pause. "When has it been wrong?" you ask.
Taehyung clears his throat, "First day of high school. I met Jimin and absolutely hated him with every fibre of my being." he says, you laugh.
"It's true, he refused to talk to him." Jungkook chimes in.
You pout, "Awh, look at how far you and him have come... now you're both equally as bad at keeping secrets!" you tease. "And both equally as single!" Jungkook adds, pushing Taehyung's buttons.

"Hey! We may not be in committed relationships but at least we're having sex." Taehyung says, regretting his words as soon as they come out of his mouth. Jungkook's eyes shut, preparing for your reaction as your eyes widen.
You slap Jungkook's arm with the back of your hand, "You told them?!" you scold, quickly grabbing Yeontan again for comfort and petting him.
"I only told Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon. Plus, I bet you told Jimin." Jungkook says.
"Of course I told Jimin! But I tell Jimin everything. Come on, Jungkook. That's so embarrassing for me." You defend yourself.

Taehyung stands awkwardly at the side of Jungkook's bed, observing your bickering.
"Baby, it's not embarrassing. The guys know that I want what you're most comfortable with..." Jungkook says. He leans closer to you on the bed as he licks his lips, "...though I'd love to have sex with y—."
"I'm still here!" Taehyung states with a thin-lipped smile. Jungkook rolls his eyes, "You're the one who chose to just stroll right into our room this early in the morning." he says.
"I heard Yeontan run out of my room! He must've been able to sense y/n's presence. Plus, the door was unlocked." Taehyung crosses his arms.

You yawn, "It's 5 AM, I'm going back to sleep." you adjust your lying position, closing your eyes and smiling against your pillow as Jungkook pulls the blanket over you.
"Can I get my dog back?"
"No." You reply, snuggling next to Yeontan. Taehyung clasps his hands together, "Well then I guess I'll go back to bed too." he says, walking out of Jungkook's room. Jungkook waves without sparing Taehyung a glance. He watches as your lips begin to turn into that adorable pout you do when you're falling asleep. Smiling lightly as he continues to admire you, he pushes a strand of hair out of your face.

Carefully and quietly, Jungkook gets out of bed and heads over to the washroom to shower.

You smile, looking down at Yeontan as you pet him in your lap. Looking up at his presence, Jungkook walks out of the washroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and one in his hands as he dries his hair.
"You sounded beautiful in the shower." you say, subtly biting your lip at the sight of Jungkook's dewy form. His eyes widen before his expression furrows into a frown, "You knew I was in the shower and didn't join me?"

You chuckle, "I'm babysitting Yeontan, he's clung to me all morning and we just met. How could I leave him?" you say. "Seriously though, all this time together and I didn't know you could sing!"
Jungkook smiles sheepishly, "That's because I can't.".

"I heard you, liar. I'm going to need that full cover of Leave the Door Open, by the way." you say before reciting the lyrics, raising a pointed finger and playfully mocking Jungkook's singing. He laughs. "Shh, you'll scare Yeontan." he jokes, making your jaw drop. "I wasn't that bad."

Your bedside table begins to vibrate under his phone and Jungkook's eyes dart to the screen at the sound. "Who's calling you this early in the morning?" he asks. You chuckle, "Stand down, it's your phone. Not mine."
Becoming confused, Jungkook walks over to his phone and picks it up. Your shoulders recoil when you get startled by the sound of Jungkook's phone hitting the floor after he had caught the sight of the name on it.

"What's wrong? Who is it?" you ask.

Head Chef | Jungkook x Reader  [COMPLETED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum