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"Y'know what? I wish I had just walked in on another one of your stranger hookups. What am I supposed to fucking do with this information?!" Jimin scoffs, his hands on his hips.

"Maybe you could try to keep your mouth closed for once." Jungkook says.
"Maybe you try to keep your legs closed for once!" Jimin retorts.

The angry men stand, chests heaving as they try to catch their breaths. "Just please, this one time, don't say anything." Jungkook begs. Jimin cocks an eyebrow. "Why? Is her pussy that good?"
"We haven't had sex, for fuck's sake! In fact, all we've done is make out and a bit of neck kissing." Jungkook says.
He slowly steps towards Jimin, "That's besides the point... Jimin, I haven't felt romantically attracted to someone like this in forever. Y/N and I actually like each other, a lot." Jungkook admits, his tone much softer than before.
Jimin pauses to think, "I can't tell if that's better or worse than you just hooking up with her." he says. He sits down on the practice room floor, legs cross-legged. Jungkook does the same.

"So when y/n drunkenly told me that she really liked you... it was more than a crush thing?"
Jungkook nods. "Yeah, man. We're boyfriend and girlfriend." he chuckles. Jimin gasps, his jaw dropping. His lips quickly turn into a pout, "And you didn't tell me?"
"Clearly! Look at where it got us! I don't want to lose my job... or y/n to lose her job.. or the diner losing its reputation.... this situation is a lot worse than I thought it was." Jungkook says. He begins to nervously gnaw on his bottom lip.

Jimin had already broke your first promise when he told Taehyung that you confessed your feelings for Jungkook, having everyone convinced your feelings are one-sided. This situation is already a disaster in the making, thanks to Jimin. He isn't about to break your trust twice.

"I'll try my best not to say anything. But just warning you, all of the others know y/n has feelings for you.. but that's it. They think you see her as a 'miserable little waitress' or whatever you called her at the dinner." Jimin says.
Jungkook groans, "Why couldn't Yoongi or Hoseok have been home when y/n and I had a break off work together.. they would never walk into my room if they heard kissing." he says, glaring at Jimin.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I wish I never walked in, but it doesn't matter. I won't say anything." Jimin says.

"...pinky promise?" Jungkook offers.
Jimin scoffs, "Fuck that." He stands up. "Go to y/n. You just left her in your room alone."

And so Jungkook does.

"Hey, sorry for running out on you like that— woah, woah, woah. Baby, what's wrong?" Jungkook rushes over to you and kneels in front of you on the bed, trying to get a look of your face that's buried in your knees when he hears muffled sobbing. "Y/N, talk to me." Jungkook says, eyeing you with concern. You slowly lift your head, stifling breaths as you look to your confused boyfriend in front of you.

"I-I'm sorry." your words choke as you continue to cry. Jungkook cups your face with both of his hands, gently wiping your tears away with his thumbs. "Did you do something? What's happening? Did someone text you something? How can I help?" Jungkook asks as he tries to reach some sort of understanding, his brows knit with worry.

"Y-You.. you could l-lose your job. And I made moves on you and t-told you to forget about the rules, but I didn't know you could lose your job but now J-Jimin just caught us so now he knows th-that we both like each other and it's all my fault!" You ramble, interrupting yourself again with your sobbing. Jungkook quickly pulls you into his chest, rubbing your back, "No, no, no.." he sighs, ".. y/n...".
He rests his chin on your shoulder, "It's not your fault. I'm head chef, I knew the consequences and I should've been more responsible." he says softly, his words next to your ear in a whisper.

He takes your shoulders, pulling you out from his chest to look into your eyes. "It was never your fault. We'll just keep things on the down-low, be more careful. Everything will turn out just fine, I promise." he says. You nod. He leans forward, placing a soft peck on your forehead before lying back down on the bed. You lie next to him, resting your head on his chest and hugging it with one arm. "I'm gonna nap." you say. The pillow ruffles under Jungkook's head as he nods, gesturing for you to proceed.
You fall asleep together on his bed.

Jimin walks into the café's kitchen, slowly placing his bag down with concern in his eyes as he sees everyone is discussing something serious. Everyone but Jungkook of course, since he's still on break napping with you.
"Hey.. guys.." Jimin says warily. Taehyung gives him a thin-lipped smile, acknowledging his presence as the others continue talking.
"We can't have a screw up like this happen, especially since there's competition moving in next door." Yoongi says.
Jimin sticks his neck out, budding his head between Hoseok and Yoongi to interrupt conversation. "What are we talking about?". Namjoon sighs, leaning against the kitchen counter, "Y/N and Jungkook."

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