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Jungkook didn't touch your shifts this week. Of course you still worked long hours per usual, but you weren't spending days on end in the diner.

"To be honest, it almost feels like he's avoiding me." you say to your older brother as you sit on the edge of his bed.
"He's your boss, right? When did he start talking less to you?" you brother asks as his thumbs fiddle with an Xbox controller.
"Another one of the managers told me that after I visited the café during our break, he started bringing random girls to the diner and making out with them." You explain.
"Why would he start kissing random girls?" Will asks.

"Well he has a reputation of being with a lot of women, I just don't know why he would bring them to the diner." you say. Will takes a deep breath, trying to process everything.

"You said he started bringing them after you visited. Did something happen?" he asks. You awkwardly laugh, remembering what had happened.
"Well.." you begin, your brother pauses his game, turning around to face you in his chair. "Y/N... what did you do.." he crosses his arms, you sigh.

"My boss always teases me and so for once I teased him back. I said a dirty joke and he pretended that someone called him to do something. I come back to work and apparently he's been bringing girls and making out with them all over the café since then."

"Alright, so from my expertise man brain, I can say that because he's your boss and I'm assuming he isn't allowed to date you, he's getting with a lot of girls to get over you."
"But why inside the café?" you frown. Your brother smirks. "It sounds like he's trying to make you jealous. Your boss is a petty man, I respect his hustle though." Will laughs. You roll your eyes.

"Why do you even care that much?" Will asks.
"I don't know!" you respond, upset.

It's true, you don't understand why you care so much. Maybe it's how Jungkook stopped talking and making jokes with you during late shifts when the two of you were alone in the diner, or how he started making coffees himself instead of asking you to get them for him. You haven't talked to him at all, in fact Namjoon has started giving you orders instead of him.


You stand in front of your cash register as you wait for someone to approach you, your brother's words from the night before still lingering in your mind.
You watch as Jimin nags on Taehyung's arm, only a few metres away from you. "It's 10 AM, where the hell is he?" Jimin hastily asks him. Taehyung shrugs, scratching his head. "I don't know!!"

Just then, Jimin quickly walks over to you. You fix your posture, as if you weren't just eavesdropping.

"Y/N, have you seen Jungkook? Heard from him at all?" Jimin asks. You shake your head, "No, not at all. If anything, I think he's been avoiding me." you admit.
"Damn it, Jungkook!" Jimin grumbles, slamming your table, "Sorry." he apologizes.
"Did you check the back already?" you ask.
"Yes.. can you think of anywhere else he could be?" Jimin desperately asks. You shake your head. He walks away from you, groaning, continuing on the search for the head chef.

Only a few minutes later the door chimes, your eyes immediately following it at the sound. You watch as a widely smiling Jungkook stumbles through the door. He stops just outside the doors, leaning back with open arms. "I'm hereee!" he sings, laughing as he continues to walk into the diner. Your eyes widen when your gaze meets the bottle of heavy liquor in his hand.
You put up your "Will return in 10 minutes." sign and run away from your register, speeding past Jungkook without sparing him a glance.

You run to find the person who handles Jungkook best, the person who can stop him before he can cause any chaos, "Namjoon!" you call out, looking for him. "Namjoon!"

Someone quickly grabs your arm and stops you in your tracks, nearly making you fall. "He's looking in the supply closet. Go straight then make a right." Yoongi says. You nod, "Thanks."

You lean on the doorframe, heaving heavy breaths. Namjoon turns around from the sound of your gasping.
"Y/N? Aren't you on shift?" he asks, hands on his hips. "Jungkook.. is here.. with alcohol.." you say between breaths. Namjoon's eyes bulge at your words. "Fuck." he curses. Apologizing as he shoves past, you watch Namjoon run down the hallway.

You stand outside the room, catching your breath until you hear footsteps coming back down the hall. Namjoon is dragging the delirious head chef who is laughing hysterically until his gaze meets yours.

"Go keep working. I need to talk to Jungkook." Namjoon demands, walking past you, back into the room. You nod, watching Namjoon sit Jungkook down into a chair. "Hey Mr.Jeon--." you call out at an attempt to see how he reacts, but the door shuts on you.

The next day, Jungkook shows up late again to work. And the day after that... and the day after that.

You all watch as he trudges into the diner.

"I thought you said you gave him a piece of your mind.." Yoongi scoofs, whispering to Namjoon. You notice that Jungkook is stumbling much less and isn't deliriously laughing, meaning he isn't as drunk today. Jungkook walks by without sparing you a glance.

You walk over to Namjoon. "Did Mr.Jeon mention me at all when you talked to him?" You ask, frowning a bit.

"I did most of the talking, Jungkook's system was trashed with alcohol. All he brought up was something about was jealousy and some sort of urge that he was coping with.. trying not to break the rules? His words slurred, everything kind of meshed tother." Namjoon says.
You sigh. "What are you going to do?" You ask. You both watch as Jungkook slumps, slowly stirring a pot on the stove with dreary, lifeless eyes.

"I don't know, he's been day drinking and having sex with multiple women all week, bringing them to our house when he has time off. All I know is he better be sober tomorrow and not with some girl. We have half price off all hot drinks and other deals for family meals. It's going to be extremely busy." Namjoon looks down at his clipboard. You nod.

And busy, it is. Taehyung is helping take orders and dish out plates with you, Hosoek and Yoongi constantly calling to you from the kitchen, Jimin rushing around cleaning and greeting customers with his charm, Namjoon closesly observing everyone, making sure everything stays in tact and Jungkook is nowhere to be seen.

Head Chef | Jungkook x Reader  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now