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Renjun was the first one who stood up from the round table and his small action obviously made the three flinch. They knew what they were about to do. Without wasting more seconds, Jaemin stood up as well, but he didn't forget to grab the two cups of coffee. 

"Are you serious?" The brown haired human asked in disbelief after he saw what the half-elf just did. Instead of a reply, he received a glare from the prince. Rolling his eyes, Renjun grabbed Jeno by his arm and dragged him out of the coffee shop. Still holding onto the cups, Jaemin ran after the two and panted when he reached them. "Just leave them here, I'll make you some when we get home." 

Renjun's statement made the young prince think for a few moments. "But how will you make it?" Obviously, his stupid question made Renjun face-palm himself. It wasn't his fault he wasn't used to the human world at all, Renjun knew that, but because of the stress he felt in those moments made him feel really annoyed. 

"It's fucking coffee Jaemin, coffee. Everyone knows how to make it now leave those stupid cups on that bench and let's go." The brunette pointed at a bench few meters away from the three. Nodding in reply because he also wanted to escape those three that found them at the mall, Jaemin went to the bench and put the cup there, hoping no one saw him, then ran back to his two friends. "Let's go." Renjun grabbed his wrist as well and dragged the two somewhere. "We need to find the others because if those two are here then Lucas must know already." 

"How did they even find us?" Jeno asked. He was so sure that no one saw them that night, yet they were seen. "Are you two sure no one saw you when you left the castle?" The tall elf asked his friend who shrugged his shoulders. "Jaemin." 

"I teleported us. There were small chances of someone seeing us." The half-elf replied with frustration. "Unless they saw us in the forest." He glanced at Renjun who flinched from the sudden realization. 

His eyes widened a bit when he remembered that feeling of someone watching them from the shadows and despite thinking at that time it was an animal, now that he thought about it, he was sure that Yuta was the one who saw them. 

"It was Yuta." The brunette mumbled and suddenly stopped. He even let go of the two and turned around. "He followed us that night." He locked eyes with Jaemin, but the half-elf just frowned in confusion.

"How can you be so sure?" The blue haired male asked. 

"Because I'm the one who taught him how to be a shadow." A voice spoke from behind and when they turned around, they saw all three of them, Yuta, Jaehyun and Johnny, standing in a line that trapped them. "Before you try to run away again, we're not here under Lucas's orders." Yuta explained and ran a hand through his hair. 

"What?" Renjun was the one who asked and when he stepped forward, he didn't forget to glare at Jaehyun. He remembered how Lucas mentioned him that night he ran away which meant he already knew about the prince's plan. "You knew about what he wanted to do right?" The younger asked the elf who, in his surprise, nodded right away. "Then shouldn't you be there?" 

"I knew indeed, but I never said I agreed with his plan." Jaehyun hissed and clenched his fists. 

"We want to help you." Yuta added before he looked away from his friend. "The simple fact that he wanted to kill an innocent made us want to betray him and we did. I won't work for a criminal and these two won't do it either." Johnny nodded in agreement along with Jaehyun. "So don't run away again." 


"I'm pretty sure he'll realize soon where you are and when he does he'll send people." Johnny explained after they exited the mall. They were situated in front of one of the multiple entrances and Renjun even called his brother to tell him they'll be outside. 

"Does he know you three left?" Jaemin asked back, because he knew his brother too well not to think of the worse that could happen from all this situation. When the tall mortal nodded, he sighed loudly. "I see. Then he'll get his revenge sooner than I expected." Massaging his temples, Jaemin started to think. Lucas could do anything to get his revenge, from finding where they were hidden to getting the crown... Gasping in realization, the blue haired prince looked at Jeno. "He won't come after us..." He mumbled as he looked away from his best friend, to Yuta. 

"What do you mean?" Jaehyun asked instead of the half-elf and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"You worked for him for a long time so you should know how he thinks. He won't send his men here to get us back. That would be a risky thing to do, since he might waste time from taking the crown. Besides, from what I remember, the ball for Doyoung's coronation is coming in a week." 

"Shit. Why did he ever say you were a stupid boy?" Jaehyun asked and glanced at Yuta. "I wouldn't have ever thought of this before. It makes sense, since he wants the crown more than anything in the world and if he takes it, he will be able to kill all of us without mercy and without ending up in The Tower of Lost Memories for eternity." 

When Jaemin nodded, those three were the only ones who understood his idea. Renjun was frowning in confusion while Jeno was only pretending to understand, but their clueless reactions made Jaemin smile softly. He didn't want to include those two in anything, but he already knew that Jeno would never let him go back there alone. He knew the brown haired elf too well to think he would accept on staying in the human world with Renjun. 

"I don't think my brother will send anyone after us." Jaemin explained them again. "I know him too well and his priority is to get the crown and since the coronation ball is coming next week, he will do something then." 

"Wait, so you mean that only after he's the king, he will try to kill us?" Jeno asked, finally realizing and understanding everything. "Since no one would be able to stop him after being the king." He then mumbled and looked back at Jaemin. "This is fucked up." 

"I know." The blue haired half-elf replied. "That's why you'll stay here while we'll go to the ball." 

"What?" Jeno flinched and clenched his fists in frustration and disappointment. "You can't be serious." But when Jaemin nodded, the elf rolled his eyes and chuckled in annoyance. "I refuse to stay here." 

Jaemin sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He didn't want to argue with him in public, but if his best friend would insist on coming with him that day, he would make sure to lock him up. "You don't decide here." The prince hissed at him and crossed his arms over his chest. "You'll be with Renjun so you won't get bored, don't worry." When he placed his hand on Jeno's shoulder, he felt how tense his best friend was. "Stop acting like a child." Jaemin then whispered into his ear before he backed away. "If someone was to get hurt I'll be the one not you so deal with it." 

Turning around, Jaemin decided to ignore Jeno until the others finally stepped out of the giant building. The prince kept on talking with the three, to make sure what he realized was, in fact, true. He didn't need confirmation at all, since he knew Lucas too well and his brother was the devil in person. That crown was the first thing on his list, while they were his second priority.    

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