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Few days passed since the encounter with Yuta, Jaehyun and Johnny as the mall. Almost one week and Renjun noticed how tensed Jaemin has been lately. The two, along with Jeno, were the only ones that remained inside the apartment while Donghyuck and the others went shopping again. None of them were in the mood on going out that day, maybe also because of the hot weather from outside. 

"Are you sure you don't want us to come?" Renjun asked, making the prince snap out of his thoughts. Jaemin blinked few times before he met his gentle eyes. The sun was softly falling in his hair, making it seem gold. 

"I'm fine on my own, besides, Jaehyun said he'll wait for me at the border." As he said that, his eyes landed on Jeno, who was playing with Donghyuck's cat on the floor from the living room. Of course, he pretended not to be offended by his best friend's decision, but to Renjun, it was obvious he was annoyed that he wasn't allowed to tag along with him. "We just need to stop him before he kills someone." 

Both Renjun and Jeno knew who that someone was. Doyoung, their next king. Since Lucas wanted the crown so much, surely he didn't care if his brother died or not. What was important to him was to take that crown then kill Renjun because he was a murderer. 

A loud sight escaped Jeno's lips which made the two guys look at him. The brown haired elf stopped playing with Nana and was now staring back, at Jaemin. 

"Can't I come?" He then asked the same question, but when the blue haired prince shook his head, he clenched his fists in anger. "It's not fair. You could be attacked on your way there. At least let me come." 

"I said no. You'll be more than fine here with Renjun and the others. He's also a target don't forget that." Jaemin snapped back and stood up. "Learn to listen to orders because if you're not able to listen to what I tell you now then there is no point in you serving the crown in the future." 

Right, that was Jeno's dream after all. To be a general at the palace. 

Renjun just watched as the prince picked up the fluffy cat in his arms and walked out of the room. When Jaemin was gone somewhere in the apartment, the brunette looked at Jeno. The tall elf stood up and approached him. He then dropped himself on the couch, next to Renjun. 

"Are you worried that something bad might happen to him if he's not supervised?" The mortal asked softly, not really knowing how angry Jeno was in that moment. It was more than obvious that the brunette was worried, because he wouldn't insist on coming every day. 

"He's reckless. He won't notice if someone is following him and when he enters the territory there are chances of him being followed. It doesn't matter that Jaehyun is with him." Jeno glanced at him. "He's stupid." 

Renjun chuckled and had to agree, so he nodded. Jeno showed a small smile before he rested his head on the human's shoulder. He looked small like that, worried about his best friend getting hurt without him knowing. It kind of made Renjun feel jealous of their friendship, because he never had a friend like Jeno in his whole life. His only true friends were Donghyuck and Chenle. 

"I wish he would let me go with him." Jeno mumbled and sighed heavily. 

"He won't allow it." Renjun replied after some moments. They both knew it in fact, because Jaemin was also too afraid that someone he knew personally might get hurt if they came with him back in Elfhame. 

The two stood like that for a while, until Renjun suddenly felt sleepy. He would have moved if Jeno wouldn't have also fallen asleep. Because he didn't want to wake the elf up, the brunette remained in the same position and also fell asleep soon. 

The Cruel Prince |norenmin|  ~~ DiscontinuedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon