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Note: So I feel like I'm not emphasizing too much their relationship in this story and I hope I don't annoy you guys with this. I just felt like making this fanfiction more realistic, that's all, but I'm planning on making a long story so I'll just make their relationship seem real? Idk if it makes sense lol. Anyway, enjoy the first chapter of part 2.   


When they reached the human world, the thick and polluted air filled their lungs and Renjun felt like suffocating all of a sudden. Did he really live in such city once? Everything was so different, because there were no such tall and shining buildings in Elfhame and there weren't screens that showed pretty people on them either. 

Looking around, the silver haired male tried to think of the way they were going to take to get to his brother's home he shared with the elf that became his fiancé. Did the two really like living there? He sighed, leaving the thought behind as he glanced at Chenle who looked kind of scared and shocked. Even if his younger brother didn't say anything yet, Renjun knew what he was thinking. Their home. 

"One question." Jeno suddenly spoke and glanced at him, his eyes shining with curiosity. "What's a mall?" 

Next to Renjun, Chenle started laughing which made the silver haired male chuckle too as he looked away from the elf, at the orange sun which was slowly making its way up on the sky, way above the city, shining above beautifully and waking people up. The sight was really beautiful and it almost made Renjun forget about his problems. After he stopped chuckling, he finally decided to reply to the young elf that was still waiting. 

"It's a big place where you can buy anything from multiple shops." Renjun replied softly, still staring at the sun. Suddenly, a small memory from when he was a kid, came back. His small hand was being held by his mom's warm one and they were walking on a giant corridor where way too many people were either entering different shops, either sitting on some benches to talk. He remembered the noise and the music that was ringing in his ears as they walked through the crowd of people. "And there are many people there, but they are all happy I guess." 

"Unlike us." Jaemin replied and when Renjun looked at the young prince, he was taken aback by the sight of a transparent tear that fell down his cheek. 

Was he okay? He wanted to ask, but in the same time, he knew that Jaemin would push him away and most probably, get mad at him for pointing out such embarrassing thing. Keeping himself silent, Renjun told himself that he'll ask him later, after they'll reach Donghyuck's apartment. 

"Okay, so how do we get to your brother's house?" Jeno decided to change the subject, most probably because he already noticed the state his best friend was in. 

"And can someone explain to me and Chenle what the hell is happening here?" Jisung exclaimed and crossed his arms over his chest while one of his brows raised itself. 

"To answer your question," Renjun turned around to face Jeno and he took out something from the pocked of his jacket. "This is called a phone so when I'll call Mark, he'll pick us up. It's not safe to stay too much out since you know... Your clothes are weird for humans." 

"These clothes cost more than their lives at one place." Jaemin hissed and hit a rock with his foot. "And they're magical too." 

"Yeah, but humans have a different taste in clothing, no offense your highness." The silver haired male replied coldly, but a smile formed his lips as he pressed the name of his brother's fiancé. 

Ignoring the wave of complaints that came from Jaemin after what he just said, they all waited for about five minutes until Mark suddenly appeared on the small street in a car. The window slid down and the elf, that was wearing a white t-shirt under his denim jacket, waved his pale hand. 

"Get in, Donghyuck's waiting to give you a beating." He told Renjun as the younger jumped in the seat next to the elf and sighed. "So, what happened to you?" Mark asked after everyone was inside the vehicle. "Your faces are giving me creeps. I mean I know Jaemin doesn't like me and all but..." 

"I never said that." The prince hissed at the elf who only sighed loudly. "And we're in deep shit just so you know." 

"What happened while we were gone?" 

"He killed the princess of the Sea." Jeno replied in Renjun's place and in a matter of seconds, Mark pressed the brakes which made the silver haired male almost hit the window. 

"What!?" Chenle shouted right before Mark could. He moved away from Jisung and looked at his older brother, who was trying his best not to tear in front of them. It's not as if he wanted to become a criminal. "How?" 

"It's a long story but..." 

"He protected something I was hiding." Jaemin interrupted Jeno and pushed Chenle back in his seat. "Now I'm going to help him too, since I owe him one." 

"You owe me nothing Jaemin." Renjun almost barked at the young elf. "I just feel horrible because I only wanted to scare her but she attacked me first." He clenched his fists and sighed while Mark started driving again, not saying anything for a couple of minutes. 

"Lucas played with you right?" The elf suddenly asked. 

"Yeah... he did." Renjun almost whispered the words. He was wondering if Jaehyun, Yuta and Johnny played with him too, or maybe they just didn't care as long as they were going to be kept alive. "I really trusted him to be honest." 

"I should have told you about him sooner." Jaemin sighed heavily and ran his hand through his blue hair. "If we get the chance, am I going to be allowed to kill him? I'm a traitor to The Crown anyways so I don't think I have anything else to lose." 

"I mean, you're the prince here not us." Mark looked at his old friend through the mirror. 

Jaemin suddenly chuckled. 

"Then I'll make sure to be the last person he ever sees." 

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