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Renjun woke up at noon feeling his head exploding. Even if he didn't drink at all last night, the magic that filled the castle had an effect on him which the boy didn't like at all. One of Taeil's maids entered his room quietly and he watched her place a silver tray with some tea on the tea table next to the window. 

He didn't thank her as she quickly flew out from there, not even glancing at the teenager and Renjun couldn't help but wonder how those faeries and pixies that worked for his dad felt. It must be annoying for them to see two mortals receiving much more attention than them, who were really part of that world. 

Sitting up from the comfortable bed, in his pj's from Seoul, Renjun made his way to a chair and poured some tea in a silver goblet. It smelled like fresh raspberries and he couldn't help but smile. Through the open window, the smell of fresh grass from the yard filled his nose along with the one of the tall pines that surrounded the place in cold shadows in the evening, when the sun was slowly disappearing. 

The song of some larks made him look up, at one of the green trees before the window. The brown bird was looking at the blue sky and was singing, making a relaxing ambiance, but sadly, when the door of Renjun's room was suddenly slammed by the wall, the bird heard the noise and flew away. 

He was about to shout at Donghyuck, but when he turned around, it wasn't his brother who was waiting by the door. Taeil looked at his son with his hands on his hips and Renjun suddenly felt small. Why did he look so angry at that hour? Or maybe he wasn't angry. 

"One of the princes is here, in our house." He said and the boy jumped from the chair he was sitting eralier. "He's here to see you so get ready because we don't want him to wait too much." 

Renjun didn't have time to reply as Taeil was already out of there, slamming again the door after himself. He felt a lump in his throat and his hands started trembling. Why would one of the princes be there, in their house? It made no sense as he could only think of one prince and that was Jaemin. Was he here to complain about he and Chenle? 

Renjun tried to calm down and he ruffled his hair in frustration. 

"I'm so gonna kill him one day." He mumbled and put on some clothes he usually wear inside.   

Closing the door of the room, he went downstairs. He heard some voices in Taeil's office, so the male made his way there. On his way to the private room, Chenle grabbed him by the arm and dragged Renjun in the dining hall. Donghyuck was with him too and they had some curious looks plastered on their faces. 

"What?" He asked, not knowing what else to say. 

"The oldest prince is here." Donghyuck whispered and pointed at his father's office. 

Renjun furrowed his brows and looked in the direction Donghyuck pointed just now. So it wasn't Jaemin who came? Now it really made no sense. 

He walked out of the dining hall and with some soft steps, Renjun made his way to Taeil's office. The boy managed to knock softly at the glass door that was opened, just to get their attention. Lucas, the oldest prince, turned around in the comfy chair he was sitting on and gave him a small smile. 

"So this is Renjun?" He asked Taeil who nodded and made a sign from his hand for his son to come closer. Renjun's hands were trembling again and he couldn't help but stare at that perfect faerie before his own eyes. 

He didn't even look like his brother, Jaemin, who was always mad about something, the only times where he would smile would be when someone was hurt before his eyes. 

Renjun managed to bow before him, feeling so small under his cold and magical gaze. A small smile formed his lips and the boy found myself looking up when Lucas stood up from the chair.

Why was he there and what did he want from the younger? Looking up at that prince made Renjun realize that he never actually got the chance in my life to speak with Jaemin's brothers nor see them at the palace so why would the oldest, the crown prince, be there in Taeil's house for him?

"I would like to have this conversation with your son in private." Lucas spoke and glanced at Taeil who suddenly froze.

Renjun knew what he was thinking. Why would the prince want to be alone with his son in his private office? But again, he couldn't possibly protest because he had no power before the prince.

The boy looked at Taeil as he stood up from his chair and he gave his son a look which made him tremble. He'll ask questions after this private conversation, Renjun was sure of that, because in his mansion, he knew everything.

When the doors closed, Lucas sighed and sat back on his original spot. He looked up at at the short guy and then pointed at the chair next to where he was sitting.

"I'm sure you're confused. I'm usually not in such a hurry, so please forgive me." Lucas said once Renjun was settled in the chair and he couldn't help but widen his dark eyes.

"D-Don't..." The boy mumbled but when Lucas raised his hand he shut his mouth.

"I'll explain you quickly why I'm here so please don't interrupt me until I allow you to talk." He looked at Renjun who nodded, suddenly feeling his throat dry as hell. "As you clearly know, my father's reign is coming to an end soon as he suddenly got bored of ruling this country."

Renjun knew what he was talking about. Taeil told him and his brothers few weeks ago how the king wanted to no longer rule over the country. Renjun kinda understood,  two hundred years was a long time of being a king.

"And he wants me the next king, but my younger brothers, Doyoung and Jungwoo, don't want the same thing." Renjun watched him carefully and in silence as he spoke in that dramatic way. "Few days ago I almost got killed." Lucas chuckled and looked at the frozen boy. "By one of Doyoung's men."

Renjun couldn't help but furrow his brows.

"And what does this have to do with me?" He asked after some moments of silence.

"I heard you're a good spy."

Looking straight in Lucas's eyes, he suddenly felt shocked. He took a deep breath and chuckled nervously.

"And a good liar."

Yeah, with that Renjun could admit, he was a good liar since he was a human that was living in a place full of faeries who couldn't lie at all.

"I want you to work for me and I'll make sure you'll have my protection and Jaemin won't harm you ever again." Now that last part was interesting, so the boy gave him a curious look. "You know I can't lie little mortal, so you should trust me."

"I...I don't know. I mean I can't say it's not tempting but..."

"Do you want to live your whole life here like a human with no actual rights or do you want to become someone? Your father told me about your desire to serve the crown, but you'll never be able to do it." Renjun saw his fingers playing with a massive ring from his right hand as he chuckled."I'm sure you already know why."

"Because I'm a human."

Lucas's smile become wider as he nodded.

"Right, because you're a human." He replied the words and tilted his head. "I'm gonna make it easier for you kid. I don't accept a no."

The Cruel Prince |norenmin|  ~~ DiscontinuedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя