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The sunset was beautiful and Renjun  couldn't held hinself from stopping in the middle of the golden path to look at it. Chenle stopped too and they both ended up sitting in the green grass to watch it in silence. Some big blue butterflies were flying around and some fluffy bees were buzzing through the flowers. 

This was something usual for them. Almost every day, after classes were done in the evening, they would stop and sit in the grass to watch the sunset. It was something relaxing as faeries were having wide dinners or feasts the whole night. 

For a normal human, this would be something weird, but for him, it wasn't. It was just really tiring, having to go to sleep somewhere between four and five in the morning and then having to get up after noon to get ready for the classes at the palace. 

"I heard that we're invited at the king's feast tonight." Chenle spoke once they started making their way to the mansion. 

Renjun couldn't help but sigh heavily and loudly.  

"Why do we need to go when it's just for Taeyong this whole feast?" He looked at him and Chenle gave him his sweet smile. How could he be so happy when they were treated like this by so many faeries and elves? 

"Because, we're his family Renjun. Not by blood, of course, but he's our brother after all." 

He was right, of course he was and Renjun wrapped his arm around his shoulder and nodded, a small smile forming his pink lips. 

Once inside the mansion, Donghyuck took him by his hand and dragged the boy up the stairs, leaving Chenle behind, saying that the younger knew how to dress, but Renjun didn't. He fell on his bed and he looked at his brother who was looking through the clothes Renjun owned. 

"I know you don't want to go, but Taeil we'll make you go." Donghyuck turned around and dropped next to him another pair of fancy looking clothes.

Not replying, Renjun took the white shirt made of some material he didn't know and he stared at it. It was beautiful, the boy couldn't deny it now, but still, not for him. The jewels on it made it shine more than the material that was made of.

When Donghyuck cleared his throat, Renjun looked up and saw him looking at him with his hands on his hips.

"Your face tells me everything I already know." His brother sat down next to him and Renjun dropped the shirt in his lap. "You know Taeyong would be sad if you wouldn't come."

"I know." The teenager mumbled the words and gave him a small smile. "That's why I'll come."

Donghyuck grinned and patted his back before he stood up.

"Do you want to cover your ears tonight?" He asked when he reached the door of Renjun's room and when the silver haired male shook his head, he waved a hand and closed it behind him.

The Grand Palace was glowing above their heads. The sky was already black and the stars that were shining on it were changing their colors each second.

"Now remember." Taeil stopped and looked at Renjun and his brother. "Don't touch any drink that will be served okay?"

They both nodded. Renjun frowned when he turned around and started walking to the palace and he thought why would Taeil bother so much? They knew that rule already as their magical drinks could kill them, the two mortals he owned.

Once they were inside the palace, the light music could already fill Renjun's ears. The smell of lavender and roses was everywhere, a bit too much for his nose, but the faeries clearly loved it as no one complained.

He looked at Chenle and saw he was struggling holding a sneeze and he chuckled, receiving a glare from him.

They entered the throne room and the male sighed, making sure no one heard him. Taeil took his son by his sleeve and there three boys watched the two approach the king.

"So he's really making him marry one of his sons?" Renjun asked Donghyuck who nodded and pointed at one of the prince's.

He was tall and slim, almost like all faeries, he had pale skin and black hair and his clothes were all black too, as if it was a rule or something. The prince was handsome, Renjun couldn't say no, but something about him made the boy remember of someone.

"That's Doyoung." Donghyuck continued and poured himself some green liquid he knew his brother wasn't allowed to drink. "I heard some things about him, some good some bad, but..."

"You don't think he's the right for Taeyong." Renjun finished his sentence and they smiled at each other.

"Yeah, but if he'll be happy then I won't complain at all."

Renjun could see that his eyes suddenly landed on someone and he chuckled when he saw the love of his brother's life making his way to them.

"Can I take him for a while?" He asked for his permission and Renjun was surprised. He still remembered their deal since last year.

"Stop asking for my permission every time you see me with him. I'm not his guard or anything."

Mark chuckled and wrapped his hand around Donghyuck's waist, pulling him closer.

"Have fun little brothers!" He waved his hand at the two and Renjun only shook his head.

"You know what?" Chenle asked suddenly. "Let's really have fun, like for real." The older furrowed his brows and when Chenle took a crystal glass in his hand, he quickly stopped him.

"You will get drunk and drink without knowing and if you drink too much you're dead Lele."

He rolled his eyes and took his arm out of his brother's grip.

"I wasn't going to drink from that." He pointed at the green liquid. "I wanted some rose wine."

Renjun's eyes landed on the light pink wine and he nodded. They weren't really allowed to drink from that either, since they didn't know how the king's people made it. If they were at home, Taeil would have allowed them to drink since his maids made it light, perfect for his two little humans.

"Just don't drink too much."

Renjun was about to turn around when he bumped into someone. Or should he say, someone bumped into him.

He looked up and was met by those  black eyes. He was wearing some black and expensive clothes too, just like his brother, Doyoung and now Renjun knew who the prince resembled. They both had that cold gaze and pale skin and also, he was sure they both had the same cruel behavior.

Jaemin chuckled and looked at Chenle who became small under his gaze.

"I wouldn't let him drink." He spoke and Renjun felt the need to hit him.

"Yeah, well he's my brother not yours."

His friends were with him too, except for Mark, who took his brother somewhere. Jisung was looking at Chenle and he was, most probably, complaining in his head since my brother stopped drinking.

"What do you want?"

Jaemin smirked at the boy and made a sign from his hand for him to wait a bit. His pale finger touched his lower lip again and when he was done pretending to think he leaned closer to Renjun.

"I want you to go the fuck home." His breath tickled his ear and the male glared at him when he backed away.

The Cruel Prince |norenmin|  ~~ DiscontinuedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora