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"W-Where's Jeno?" Renjun found himself asking after Ten disappeared in the forest, running for his life from the three beasts Jaemin owned. The boy had the feeling that Ten lied, because Jeno didn't seem like the type of guy to just leave him on his own.

Jaemin scoffed and Renjun was sure he saw him rolling his eyes as if what he just asked annoyed the hell out of him.

"He's fine, in the hospital wing." Jisung was the one who replied. "I think Ten wanted to play a bit different."

"Is he hurt badly?" Renjun asked again. He kinda felt bad that the tall elf got hurt because of him and he was going to visit him later, after Jaemin will tell him where the hospital wing is located in the palace.

"He'll live." Jaemin replied coldly. What the prince did next startled Renjun so bad that the boy slapped his hand away. Jaemin widened his eyes. "What was that for?"

Without a proper reason, Renjun's cheeks started becoming warmer and he had to look away from the prince as he replied: "Y-You touched me."

Jaemin scoffed in disbelief. He pulled Renjun closer and even if the shorter male tried to move, the elf was stronger than him. Jaemin's hand was suddenly pressed against his neck and when he pulled it away, he showed his palm to Renjun.

Blood, red blood was coloring his pale skin and it was Renjun's. The dark liquid touched the grass and the soft ground.

"Get Chenle home." Jaemin told his friend, not even once looking away from Renjun. His gaze made the silver haired male uncomfortable. He would have asked the prince if he would be able to go along with Chenle, but Jaemin stopped him. "You're coming with me, that needs to be treated."

Surprisingly, Jaemin grabbed his wrist softly, as if Renjun was something really precious, like an expensive jewelry that could break if you dropped it by mistake. They teleported right away and when his feet touched the marble floor from Lucas's castle, Renjun opened his eyes.

The human maids the prince owned didn't even look once in their direction while Jaemin led the way up some stairs. He snapped his fingers to a pixie who bowed her head and disappeared into a hallway.

"I'm not gonna take you to those weird men. I have a feeling that Lucas would be mad at me." Renjun furrowed his brows then remembered about the night he fainted. Jaemin must have met Yuta and the others that time. "They seemed to know you pretty well." The young prince looked down.

"You won't get answers from me Jaemin." Renjun hissed and glared at him which made Jaemin stop in the middle of the golden hallway.

"You know I can let you die right?" He stepped closer which made Renjun back away. "Be grateful I'm helping you, mortal. I might as well just send my dogs after you just like I did with Ten."

"Then call them."

Renjun didn't know why he tried acting brave when he knew that Jaemin could feel his fear. As expected, a smirk formed his lips as he ran a hand through his pink hair.

"If you really want to meet them, fine." Renjun's heart stopped. "But not today."

Jaemin started walking again and when he waved his hand above his head, Renjun understood that he had to follow him.

They walked in silence until a pair of doors opened. Jaemin stepped inside and Renjun followed him. The doors closed themselves after they were inside. Through four wide windows made of crystal, the sunlights sent rainbows on the marble floor.

The room was wide just for a simple living room, but then again, they must be in the prince's quarters and that meant Jaemin owned more than just one room. Speaking of the devil, the elf was already relaxing on a sofa, with a glass of wine being held by his fingers.

"Sit." He urged Renjun, not opening his eyes. "The maid will soon come to clean your wound."

Renjun decided to sit down on a red armchair, decorated with gold and diamonds. He touched his fresh wound and hissed when the pain came back. His fingers were then colored with red.

"It's so interesting." The voice that Rang in his ears so close made the boy flinch. He turned his head and was met by a handsome face, so close to him that he could feel Jaemin's soft breath on his cheek.

"W-What's interesting?" Renjun dared to ask, but didn't stand up or backed away. His eyes met Jaemin's and he immediately got lost in them. They were beautiful.

Jaemin didn't reply to his question. His eyes landed on his lips, Renjun realized and he didn't know what kind of dark demon possessed him, but he was keen on doing it. Jaemin's lips looked soft, maybe they tasted good too, he thought.

His heart started beating faster when Jaemin leaned closer. A smirk formed his lips.

"You can taste them if you want." The prince mumbled, but those words made Renjun realize what he just thought.

"You're an asshole." Renjun growled as he pushed the elf prince away, making him stumble and fall on the floor. He was lucky that the pixie flew inside the room with a silver tray which had some medicine.

She bowed before her prince even if Jaemin was still managing to get up and then started treating Renjun's wound. The faerie finished really quickly and Renjun didn't wait any more inside that room.

He didn't look behind as he closed the double doors and rushed to the tounels. Entering the main room, Renjun thanked God that no one was there. He knew what he'll hear once they'll see that bandage on his neck and he didn't want to look weaker than he already was on front of the three guys. Especially Jaehyun.

The Cruel Prince |norenmin|  ~~ DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now