[2] Team Player

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The first day of school everyone was settling in well, Briar had a free period, something Jane found lucky for her

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The first day of school everyone was settling in well, Briar had a free period, something Jane found lucky for her. "You'll be fine, Jane. They won't hurt you. They're just like us." Jane gave Briar a look of disbelief and fear. "Please, Briar Rose..." Briar gave her a soft smile and nodded. Jane exhaled in relief and the two took off towards the Goodness 101 classroom where the VK's and Fairy Godmother were.

Jane walked in front of Briar up the blue carpeted path towards her mother. She squealed right as she passed the VK's. Briar smiled and waved at the four of them as she followed, only Evie returned her wave. Mal ignored her, and Carlos and Jay were staring at her in awe. "Oh. Hello, dear ones." Fairy Godmother cooed at the two girls. "Hi, Godmother." Briar greeted sweetly.

"Hi." Jane whispered as she glanced over her shoulders at the four. "You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation." She told her mom while passing her the clipboard. "Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?" Fairy Godmother said with a smile before she signed the papers. "Mom, no!" Jane shrieked. "It's okay. Jane, this is everyone." Fairy Godmother assured Jane while turning her around to face them.

"Hi." Jane greeted but none of them said anything, only stared at her. "That's okay, don't mind me. As you were." Jane then hurried down the path again and let another squeal. Briar went to follow until Fairy Godmother stopped her. "Briar Rose, would you mind staying and helping me?" Briar smiled at the older fairy. "Of course!"

"Let's continue." Fairy Godmother cleared her throat and went back to the board. "You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?" She listed off the options dramatically as usual making Briar quietly giggle. "Oh! Ooh... get off." Carlos fought with Jay for a moment to try to answer. "Jay." Fairy Godmother called.

"C. You turn it over to the proper authorities." Carlos groaned at Jay's answer and pouted. "I was gonna say that."

"But I said it first. Come here!" Jay grabbed onto Carlos and began to give him a noogie. Carlos grunted and tried to get him off. "Come on, who said it first? Who said it first?"

"Ow! Stop! Ah!"

"Boys." Fairy Godmother called but neither of them answered. "Boys!" She called again, louder as she tapped the stand with her pointer. Carlos and Jay still made no move to stop, Briar raised her hands and used her magic to carefully separate them. The two were enveloped in a light pink light and forced apart before gently being sat back in their seats. Fairy Godmother gave Briar a look of appreciation. "Thank you, dear." Briar smiled and gave a nod.

Carlos and Jay now stared at Briar in both wonder and adoration. "I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field." Carlos snapped from his daze and looked over at Fairy Godmother. "Oh, no. That's okay. Whatever that is, We'll...We'll pass."

"Ben and Chris are both on the team. And I'm on the cheer team. I can bring you guys to practice, it's right after class." Briar offered. Jay sat up in his seat and smirked at her. "Will we get to see you in your uniform?"


Briar tightened her ponytail and stood in front of the rest of the cheer team and began to instruct them to stretch then to get into the jumps position. As the girls began stretching the Tourney team went out on the field. Briar waved at Chris and blew him a kiss making him smile widely. "You two are so perfect together...it's so unfair." Audrey gushed as she stood beside her sister. Briar shook her head. "We are not perfect. The girls ready?" Audrey nodded and the two turned around getting into their positions. "5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8." Briar counted off and they started the jumps part of their routine.

Instead of stopping, they went into tumbling. Briar ran to the back and took off into a sprint into a front flip to a walkover and up into a stunt. Her group supported her legs as she raised her arms and leg up, they dropped her down into a basket where she flipped out of and landed in a split. Some of the tourney team were watching them practice and stood in shock of the princess's skills. "That's my girl!" Chris yelled causing Briar to erupt into giggles along with her teammates who swarmed her with wide smiles.

The girls cooled down for a few minutes as the boys started their practice. Briar watched as Jay took off aggressively knocking others over as he ran across the field towards the goal. Jay screamed as he went barreling towards Carlos who fearfully curled up into a ball on the ground under a shield. Jay scored and began throwing all his equipment down and cheering himself on and dancing. "You! Get over here!" Coach Jenkins called Jay over and began talking to him along with Carlos and Ben.


Around the end of the school, Briar had walked through the halls with Chris, Ben, Audrey, and Chad. Chad and Audrey were both voicing their closed opinions on the villain kids being there in Auradon. "Those kids are trouble." Chad whispered harshly as he pointed over in Mal and Evie's direction. "Give them a chance, Chad." Chris told his younger brother who rolled his eyes. "Just because you are my older brother doesn't mean you get to boss me around."

Chris narrowed his eyes slightly. "Uh..yeah that's exactly what it means." Chad scoffed and stormed off to his last class. "No offense, Bennybear, but you're just too trusting." Audrey told Ben with an innocent look as she reached for his hand. "Look, I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince. But with mine and Briar's mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy." Audrey then nudged her head in Mal's direction and whispered harshly. "That girl's mother."

"I think you're wrong about them. I'll see you later." Ben said before walking off to talk to Mal who was still at her locker. Audrey sighed and pulled back down her sunglasses. Briar pecked Chris's lips before walking away with her arm looped through Audrey's. "I still can't believe you agree with them BriBri...their evil." Briar gave the brunette a soft scolding look. "We don't know that, Dee. We have to give them a chance to choose their path. They don't have to follow after their parents."

Audrey gave Briar a loving look. "You, my big sister are too trusting. I don't want them to use that to hurt you." Audrey stood in front of her and took her hands squeezing them. "Promise me you will be careful. Especially around..her." Briar couldn't help but smile at her little sister. "I promise."


I'm trying to make Audrey actually redeemable. I think she was a flawed character and that comes from how she was raised by her grandmother and the expectations she put on her.
~ A

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