[5] Sisters by chance

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[Outfit Above]

Despite Audrey's strong facade, the brunette was hurting from Ben's sudden change of heart

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Despite Audrey's strong facade, the brunette was hurting from Ben's sudden change of heart. The two had not truly been together as a couple in months, they were slowly breaking apart and they both knew that. Though with Audrey's obsession with becoming queen of Auradon she held onto Ben, using his compassion against him. She would never admit that out loud of course. The sisters were spending the first part of the day together getting pampered at the spa and having breakfast with their aunts.

As Briar was leaving her large room befitting a princess, she ran into Evie and Mal who were both ecstatic to see her. The blonde broke into a wide smile seeing how happy they were to finally find her. "Briar Rose! Perfect!" Mal called. "Ben asked her out on a date and she's panicking." Evie explained. Briar chuckled. "We've got this." Briar assured as she gestured to her and Evie. She and Evie linked their arms with Mal's and the trio continued on to their dorm where the two princesses excitedly got to work.

Evie continued lightly applying bush to Mal's cheeks after Briar finished clipping back a small braid in the purple fairy's hair. "Okay. Easy on the blush. I don't want to scare him away." Mal warned Evie before muttering under her breath. "Not that I could." Briar paused for a second but brushed off her words. "Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upward strokes." Evie told her with a smile and put down the blush, grabbing lipstick.

"My mom was never really big on makeup tips." Mal said as Evie tapped some lipstick on her lips. "And I never had a sister." Briar smiled softly. "Well, now you have two." Evie nodded. "We're going to need all the family we can get If we don't pull this off. My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way." Evie rolled her eyes. "Just ask Snow White." Briar frowned slightly not understanding what she was talking about but before she could ask Mal spoke.

"Are you afraid of her?" She asked and Evie paused. "Sometimes. Are you afraid of your mom?" Mal pursed her lips in thought for a moment. "I just really want her to be proud of me. She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her. And sh...yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me... In her own way." Briar reached for her hand giving it a comforting squeeze. Snapping them from the saddened mood Evie shook her head. "Moving on. Come see."

Evie stood Mal up and spun her lightly towards the mirror where she stopped. "Oh." Mal gasped softly as she took in her appearance from the floor length mirror. "I know." Evie nodded with a smile. "I look..." Mal trailed off as she tilted her head. Briar and Evie both walked towards her and wrapped their arms around her. "Say it." They encouraged. "Not hideous." Mal finally decided. "Nowhere close." Briar said while leaning her head on Mal's shoulder.

The three girls giggled and separated while Mal still observed herself until soft knocks came from the door. Evie and Briar shared silent squeals and clapped their hands together behind Mal's back. Ben stood there with two helmets in his arms, he stared at her in awe. "For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful." Mal scoffed but smiled. "I hope you like bikes." Ben held out a helmet to Mal who quickly took it and left.

Evie cooed softly before spinning around to look at Briar. "Okay, spill." Briar tilted her head in confusion. "Spill what..?" Evie grabbed her hand and led her towards one of the beds where they both sat down. "Tell me all about you and Chris. How did you meet? When did you get together? Have you said the L word? You know...the tea." Briar giggled at Evie but obliged. Chris and I have known each other since we were children. As you know Chris and I are both a year older than you all so we will be the ones taking over our kingdoms."

Evie nodded as she spoke. "We've been together for a year now...he asked me on our first date and he had the cutest thing planned. He brought me to the woods by fairy cottage and had a picnic set up in the same place my parents first met. He even played their song and we danced." A look of love enveloped Briar's face as she spoke about him. "And yes we have said I love you." Evie gushed. "Can I pleaseeee plan your wedding?"

Briar laughed at Evie's question. "I hate to break it to you but my mom, Grammy, Audrey, and Cinderella are all over that. Cinderella is secretly desperate for it to happen soon. She told my mom that she couldn't wait for the day she could officially call me her daughter." Evie threw her head back with a groan. "Ugh...you guys are too cute. But if I can't plan it...I am making your dress no questions asked." Briar smiled happily. "I would love nothing more."


Briar gently knocked on the large office doors and was beckoned in. "Come in!" Briar entered the now open door and nodded towards the guard in thanks. "Oh hello, child!" Fairy Godmother greeted with a bright smile. "What can I do for you?" Briar stood up straight with her hands folded nicely in front of her. "I had an idea for the VK's...since their parents cannot visit on Thursday...why don't we bring them to their parents?"

Fairy Godmother's eyes widened at her words misunderstanding her. "Virtually I mean." Briar added quickly, claiming the fairy. "I think that's a wonderful idea dear. Would you mind helping me set it up for them?" Briar smiled happily and sat down in the seat that Fairy Godmother gestured to. "So I was thinking we could video chat their parents and let them talk to them for a bit before the event starts in the courtyard."


Evie is Briar and Chris's top ship and she will die with them no doubt about it.
Please tell me someone got the chapter title reference...I beg of you.
~ A

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