[9] Good is Stronger than Evil

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Chris pushed Briar behind him making sure she was completely hidden behind his tall figure

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Chris pushed Briar behind him making sure she was completely hidden behind his tall figure. Both Evie and Jay then stood on either side of her assuring full coverage. "Go away, mother." Mal said tiredly. "She's funny. Oh! I'm so...you're very funny. Here." Maleficent stopped laughing and stuck her hand out towards Mal expectantly. "Wand me. Chop chop."

"No!" Ben yelled as Mal began to hold out the wand but quickly turned and tossed it to Fairy Godmother instead. "Bibbidi-bobbidi..." Fairy Godmothers' spell was cut off by Maleficent who froze her along with everyone else in the Cathedral besides the VK's and Briar. "Boo. Psych." The evil fairy mocked. Jay and Evie looked at Briar with wide eyes. "Why aren't you frozen?" Jay whispered fearfully. "I don't know! It must be because of my magic." Briar whispered back nervously. Evie grabbed her hand and squeezed. "Stay by us and out of her sight."

"Ooh. Ooh, in another time, in another time." Maleficent wandered around Adam, Belle, and Fairy Godmother. She tilted Adam's head and played with his glasses as she sang softly. "Evil like me, don't you wanna be mean... Ow!" She stopped in front of Fairy Godmother and pushes the wand up the side of her nose. "Oh. Oh, no. Someone needs to pluck their nose hairs."

"Where shall we begin? I know. Why don't we start by getting rid of this?" Maleficent tapped the wand in Mal's direction and used its magic to force Ben's ring off of her finger and right onto the wand. "Perfect fit!" Maleficent exclaimed proudly, she walked around Fairy Godmother and over to Ben who's head she turned to face her. "Aw...Falling in love is weak..." She tilted his crown and pushed his head back. "And ridiculous. It's not what you want." Fed up with her mother Mal yelled at her. "You don't know what I want! Mom, have you ever once asked me what I want?" With teary eyes, Mal continued. "I'm not you!"

"Oh, obviously. I've had years and years and years and..." Maleficent trailed off as she paced around in front of the group. "Years of practice being evil. You'll get there." Briar looked at Mal hoping that she would stick up to her mother and choose her path. "No, I will not. And I really wish that you had never gotten there yourself." Briar and Evie shared a glance and a soft smile. "Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing."

Maleficent glared at her daughter thinking she had become weak while in Auradon. "I know one thing, young lady. You have no room for love in your life!"

"And now I command, wand to my hand!" Fairy Godmothers' wand shot out of Maleficent's hand and into Mal's making her gasp in surprise. "Ha! It worked!" Maleficent began to get antsy and paced around for a moment. "I hardly think so. Frankly, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand. Give me the wand!" Carlos placed his hand on Mal's shoulder comfortingly. "Hold on, Mal. Maybe good really is more powerful than evil." Briar stepped out from behind them and took Mal's left hand in her own. "It is." Briar assured.

Maleficent's eyes flew to Briar and she saw red. "You!" She seethed. "You did this!" Briar stood tall, hiding her fear. "I did nothing but show her that she did not have to follow you!" Dude had then run between them and jumped on Maleficent. "Oh! Oh, the breath! The breath! Get off me!" Jay took his chance and ran towards Maleficent attempting to try and rip the scepter away from her but failing. Maleficent stunned him and squeezed his bicep. "Gaston should be jealous." She flicked his forehead causing him to fall back and rub his forehead.

Maleficent cackled for a minute. "Enough! You all will regret this!" She turned around and walked in a small circle as she was enveloped in green smoke, the smoke grew upwards and dropped back revealing her as a dragon. "I do not know how my dad beat her with a sword! A sword!" Briar panicked as they all walked backward further from Maleficent. The large black and purple dragon blew fire at Jay who quickly dodged it by rolling out of the way and diving behind a cement wall.

"Come on. Run, Jay, run!" Carlos called out as Melifacent flew around the wall and towards Jay. Jay ran up the steps only to be cut off by the dragon which then flew up to get speed and back down. "Hurry, Jay. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Jay! Watch it, Jay Jay, come on Please, Jay! Jay!" Mal, Evie, and Briar called out as Jay turned and ran towards them. "Jay duck!" Briar shouted at him, the brunette dropped down as she stepped forward and threw her hands out creating a forcefield to hold Maleficent back.

Briar grunted as Maleficent shot fire at the shield causing her to struggle. "Hang on Bri!" Mall called out as Evie stepped up next to the blonde and held out her mirror. "Magic mirror, shine your bright light!" With the help of Evie's mirror blinding Maleficent, Briar got a better hold of maintaining the light blue shield. "Behind me, B! E!" Mall called out to the two princesses. "One three. 1. 2. 3." Briar counted and the two dropped their defenses and ran off to stand behind Mal.

"Leave my friends alone! This is between you and me, mother." Mal shouted, standing up to her mother. Her eyes glowed bright green as did Maleficent's while they stared at each other. "The strength of evil is good as none when stands before five hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none when stands before five hearts as one." Mal chanted. Briar slipped her hand into Mal's and began chanting along with her. "The strength of evil is good as none when stands before five hearts as one." Carlos, Evie, and Jay joined in and began chanting the spell too.

"The strength of evil is good as none when stands before five hearts as one!" Maleficent was overpowered and was enveloped in smoke that dropped revealing something small on the carpet ahead of them. "What just happened?" Evie asked as she picked up her dress along with Briar and Mal. "I have no idea." Mal answered shortly. "Did you do it?" Evie questioned again.

"I don't know." Mal shrugged. "Bri?" She asked looking to the blondes in between them. "It wasn't me." Briar answered as they finally stopped in front of a small lizard.

Fairy Godmother was now unfrozen and came down the steps towards the group, she glanced down at the now Lizard version of Maleficent. "No, no, no, no. Your mother did. She shrank to the size of the love in her heart. That's why It's so itty-bitty." Mal looked down at her mom. "Is she gonna be like that forever?" Mal squatted down to get a closer look as did Fairy Godmother. "Well, forever is a long time. You learned to love. So can she."

Mal smiled at Fairy Godmother and held out her wand carefully. "I believe this belongs to you." Fairy Godmother smiled and nodded as she took it. "And I believe this... Belongs to you." She gave Mal back the ring Ben gave her. "You all have earned yourselves an "a" in goodness class." Briar giggled along with Evie, the two smiled at each other while Fairy Godmother unfroze everyone. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"

Ben roared loudly and sprinted forwards only to be caught and stopped by Mal. "Okay, okay! Oh! We kinda got this all wrapped up here." As Mal calmed Ben, Briar turned to Chris who had jumped back into action ready to fight only to realize Maleficent was gone. "Wha-?"

Briar laughed. "We handled it, love." Chris then began pouting. "Awe...I missed my little fairy in action?" Briar rubbed his arm as she mocked his pout playfully. "Let's hope there isn't another time where you will." Chris broke into a grin and wrapped his arms around her waist picking her up and spinning her around causing her to squeal and giggle.


Am I about to give you two more updates because I'm excited and want to get into D2? Yes, yes I am.
~ A

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