[15] Promises Made

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Briar checked her phone before they entered Evil Stepmom's shop, there were multiple messages from Chris, Jane, Audrey, and even Chad

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Briar checked her phone before they entered Evil Stepmom's shop, there were multiple messages from Chris, Jane, Audrey, and even Chad. Chris had been blowing up her phone trying to find out where she is, by the time they get Ben and go back to Auradon there will be hundreds of people on a search party for her.

'I'm fine. I'll be back soon. I love you.' She quickly typed it out and sent it to him.

Not noticing that the two before her stopped she bumped into Evie. "Oh sorry!" Evie smiled at her and brushed it off. The three girls quietly entered the salon, Briar looked around at the paint-splattered walls while Evie snuck up on a small bright haired girl.

"Evie? Evie! You came back!" The little girl jumped up from her seat and launched herself into Evie's arms.

"Hey. So great to see you, too." Mal sarcastically chuckled. Briar smiled at the sweet reunion.

"Is it all just like we imagined? Do they really have closets you can walk into? Have you been to a real swimming pool? What does ice cream taste like?" The young girl rambled off question after question.

Briar's smile slowly fell at the girls' questions. To her, those were everyday things. Right then she made a silent promise to help in any way to bring the children off of the isle, she would build them a home where they would be safe and taken care of. She would make sure the Auradon isn't the only kingdom to welcome them.

"Dizzy Mal and I want you to meet a dear friend of ours." Evie set her hands on Dizzy's shoulders and turned her around so she saw briar and Mal. "This is Briar."

Briar smiled down at her. "Hi. It's nice to meet you. Evie's told me a lot about you."

Dizzy's eyes were wide in shock, and her jaw dropped. "O-M-G Princess Briar Rose! I love your style though it could use some more jewels and leather, but Evie and I can totally help with that."

Dizzy began to go on about all her ideas for different hairstyles and outfits for her. Briar looked at her excitedly, she wanted to sit and talk with her for hours about all different things but they were cut short by the clearing of Mal's throat. Briar and Evie shared a glance and both nodded.

"Right. It is wonderful to meet you Dizzy and I can't wait to talk to you more but right now we need your help." Briar promised.

Dizzy nodded as they explained the situation at hand and what they needed her help with. Getting to work they made a few smoke bombs for their fight with Uma and her pirates at the warf.

"That makes five smoke bombs." Mal said as she handed off the final one to Evie and took off the gloves they used.

"That should be enough right?" Briar asked as she looked between the two of them.

"Yeah." Mal and Evie agreed.

Evie turned towards a table behind her and found a red heart bejeweled tiara, she held it above her head as she faced Briar and Mal. "M, B, how amazing would this look with my shredded tee and my heart purse?"

Mal smiled. "Very amazing." Briar nodded in agreement.

Dizzy jumped up from her desk and began grabbing all types of accessories she made. "Take it. Take a bunch." The shorter girl put them in Evie's purse as well as Briars.


"Oh, my gosh." Both Briar and Evie gasped. "Thank you." The two princesses smiled at her in adornment.

"It would make me so happy to know that you were wearing something of mine in Auradon. Almost like me being there myself."

Briars smile slowly fell at her words. She wanted to hug her tight and sneak her back with them, she deserved better.

"I really wish I could take you with me." Evie sighed.

"At least one of us had her dream come true, right?"

While Evie and Mal grabbed their bags to leave Briar crouched down to Dizzy's height. "I promise you Dizzy that I will talk to Ben and the council. I will do everything I can to get you your chance. You should not have been punished for your family's mistakes."

Dizzy teared up at her words and she launched herself into the blonde's arms. Briar squeezed her tight before letting go and saying goodbye, leaving with Evie and Mal.

"She's gonna be okay." Mal told them.

"Yeah. But she could be so much more." Evie sighed.

"She will be." Briar stated and led them out and back to the hideout. She noticed the glances between Mal and Evie and knew they wanted to talk by themselves. "I'm gonna head up. You guys talk." She took Mal's backpack with the smoke bombs and climbed the many stairs.


Chris's phone sounded he grabbed it from his pocket praying that it was from Briar. A feeling of relief reached him for a moment as he read the message from her. He still had no idea where she was but that was to change soon.

He was on his way to Carlos and Jay's room as his last hope to find out where Briar was before alerting the guards. He stopped at the open doorway of their dorm just as he saw Dude speak. "Ben's been captured!"

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!" Jay and Carlos froze wide-eyed as Chris entered the room and stood beside his brother in shock.

"Dude can talk?" Chad asked in surprise while looking at the said dog.

"I was stalling." Carlos said with gritted teeth as he glanced at his dog.

"I thought you forgot." Dude whispered. Jay smacked Chad's arm before he spoke. "Don't tell anyone! Ben's life depends on it."

Chad began playing with something in his hands as he grinned. "Really? So, if something were to happen, you know what I'm saying..."

Carlos filled in what he was getting at. "Something bad, we get it."

Chuckling, Chad continued. "God forbid. But if something were to happen, who do you think would be in line to be king?"

Chris glared down at his brother and smacked him in the back of the head. "Not you. Never you." Grumbling Chad glared back at him and left in a huff. Jay slammed the door shut behind him.

Chris rubbed his forehead with pursed lips. "I can't believe I'm related to him."

Carlos laughed. "Trust me, neither can the rest of us."

Jay explained what was going on while Carlos began making the fake wand. "Ben and Mal got in a fight and she left for the isle. We all went after her and Ben refused to let us go without him and he got captured by Ursula's daughter Uma and her pirates."

Chris sighed heavily. "We will never hear the end of this from our parents."

Unbeknownst to him Jay and Carlos shared a nervous glance. "There's something else Chris...Briar came with us." Jay quickly rushed to continue when he saw the panic rise on his face. "She's ok! She's with Evie and Mal. She's safe."

Chris put his head in his hands and clenched his jaw. He was happy to know she was with Mal and Evie but he wouldn't believe she was safe until she was back in his arms. He was going to have a serious talk with her later. "Can you expedite that thing?"

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