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"so how did you and will meet then?" freezy asked me as we sat at the island of wills and gee's kitchen, while everyone else was busy filming videos and whatnot.

"it's actually not even much of an interesting story" i chuckled, thinking back to last year. "we were in our usual coffee shop and i had left my purse back at my uni dorm and i was proper embarrassed, i think will noticed that and he offered to pay for my drink, what a gentleman, eh?"

"doesn't sound like will" freezy scoffed, playfully. "he talks about you a lot, we were starting to wonder how he had never met you"

"i'm not going to lie, it's probably because i leave every university deadline til the very last minute and then scramble to get everything done in time, so i can never find the time to come out when will invites me" i explained to the taller boy, who was sipping on a mug of tea.

he let out a hearty laugh, before dunking a biscuit in his tea and devouring it.

"what are you studying then?"

"film and photography" i told him. "it's been my passion since i was like, five"

"that's sick! you'll fit right in with all of us then, seeing as we're all camera nerds" he told me.

"are you sure? why do you think will makes me come back and help him film his videos? the muppet doesn't know how to focus a camera" i said, making the two of us laugh.

"you're a funny lass, beth" freezy told me, finishing his cup of tea and placing the empty mug into the sink. "so are you coming on saturday then?"

"yeah" i nodded. "may as well, i go back to scotland next wednesday for christmas"

"same! well, i go on thursday" he told me. "if you want to hold off a day, i can drive you? i normally drive up"

"are you sure? i was planning on getting the train, but that would be class" i said, baffled at how cal was basically a stranger yet i was agreeing to an eight hour car journey with him.

"yeah, and don't worry, i'm dropping will in newcastle on the way" he said, probably noticing my worry. "everyone else pretty much lives around this area, well, except harry"

harry. the mysterious boy who made my heartbeat go faster and made my stomach erupt into butterflies. yet i knew nothing about him.

"i think that's us finished for today" will said, coming into the kitchen and knocking me out of my daydream. "was freezy nice to you?"

"yeah, he's lovely, he's even offered me to come to scotland with him next week, how nice is that?" i rambled to will who raised an eyebrow in the tall, blonde boys direction.

"jeezo, going home to meet his family already? it's been an hour and a half" lux butted in, making everyone laugh.

"she lives an hour from him, you dickhead" will said, slightly shoving him.

i laughed at the scene which was playing out right in front of me, before turning back to freezy, who was leaning against the island, an amused smile on his face.

"how do you live with him?" i joked.

"it's a tough gig, beth"

after a while of packing up camera equipment and cleaning the living room, which was still not completely confetti free, we decided to order some food.

"nandos?" gee suggested making freezy cheer, but everyone else groan.

"we get nandos all the time, how about something simple, like mcdonald's?" will suggested, but no one was up for that, either.

"how about sushi?" lux piped up, making gee and i fake gag at the thought.

"hey, what about wagamama?" i suggested, instantly craving a katsu curry.

"finally, a fucking good option" will said, grabbing his phone and opening uber eats.

"you're my kinda woman, a katsu curry never goes wrong" harry said, scrolling through the menu.

i felt my cheeks heat up for what felt like the tenth time that night, i had to get over whatever the fuck was going with me.

once we had ordered a massive order of meals, we all sat around the tv, watching i'm a celebrity, get me out of here! which was one of my favourite shows ever.

"would you guys ever go on that if you were offered?" gee asked in a general direction.

"i think i'd rather shit in my hands and clap" will said, looking disgusted. "i couldn't cope with the creepy crawlies"

"nah, i think i'd do it" harry said, lux agreeing with him. "think of the money"

"i'm with will on this one, fuck that" freezy said, fake gagging.

"what about you, beth?" lux asked me and i raised at eyebrow at him.

"i'm not a celebrity?" i said in a question tone.

"sure you are!" will said, patting my shoulder. "you're willne's best friend, that's gotta count for something"

"oh, shut up" i groaned, shoving the geordie boy away from me, making the others laugh.

the rest of the night was spent with laughter, alcohol and a shit tonne of food and before i knew it, it was two am. lux and freezy had crashed on the couch and gee and willhad migrated their ways to their bedrooms.

i decided to quietly make my way into the kitchen to make a cup of tea, when a dark figure startled me in the hallway.

"jesus, harry" i panted. "you gave me the fright of my life"

"oh nelly" he laughed, nervously. "i thought you were asleep"

"i need a cup of tea before i can fall asleep" i admitted, the pair of us entering the small kitchen as harry flicked on the light. i picked up the empty kettle and filled it with water before setting it down and turning it to boil. "you want one?"

"go for it" he nodded, politely. "so you and freezy definitely hit it off"

"a year and a half in this bloody town and he's the closest i've met to a fellow scottish person" i shook my head, adding a tea bag to each cup and filling them with the boiling hot water.

"how do you think i feel?! i'm from guernsey!" he exclaimed, waving his arms in the air, exaggerating his point.

"where the bloody hell is that?" i asked him, opening the fridge to retrieve the oat milk i stashed there. "are you okay with oat milk?"

"yeah, my favourite" he grinned, before his face goes serious again. "you don't know where guernsey is?"

"never heard of it" i shrugged, pouring the milk substitute into the mugs before giving them a stir, i added the appropriate amount of sugar to mine, and none to harry's as per his request.

"jesus christ, beth" he tutted, shaking his head. "if you weren't so likeable, i'd hate you right now"

i felt a massive grin spread across my face at his statement, before sliding his mug towards him, and then taking a long sip of my own drink.

"well, beth" he said. "you make a fucking brilliant cuppa"

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