forty three

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"i love you so much" i smiled to will who was now dancing with me, harry and mia on the dance floor, the night was well and truly in swing now and everyone was having a good time.

"i love you, you little idiot" he laughed, before turning to mia as they swayed to the music, my heart swelled at how sweet they were together.

"harry, cmere a second" i told my boyfriend as i grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the table where my immediate family were sat. "brodie, i want to officially introduce you to harry"

"hi harry! i cant believe i'm at a party with all of the sidemen right now!" brodie smiled, taking a sip of his coke.

"it's amazing to meet you, kiddo!" harry grinned. "beth has told me so much about you!"

"would you take a picture with me? i want to take pictures with everyone so that i can put them on my wall when i get home" brodie asked harry and i nearly cried from the cuteness, of course, harry was up for it and he crouched down next to brodie as my mum snapped a few pictures.

"let's take one with beth, yeah?" harry asked and i smiled as harry wrapped an arm around my waist, i placed my hand on brodie's shoulder and we posed for a few more pictures.

after this, i took brodie around to get pictures with everyone else, jj was so good with brodie and joked around with him before taking selfie's with him and even recorded some video messages for his friends.

before i knew it, it was ten o'clock and my family all left as it was getting late and brodie couldn't stay as it was a club, i said my goodbyes but knew i'd see them tomorrow which was good.

"harry, i love you so much" i smiled, drinking more of my vodka redbull as his hands made their way to my hips as we swayed to the music. "i cant believe you did this for me"

"you deserve it, darling" he smiled. "are you excited for your presents?"

"harry, you've already done more than enough!" i pestered him, slapping his chest playfully.

"oh, shut up" he laughed. "you can get them tomorrow morning"

"you're too cute" i smiled before i encouraged him to go mingle so that it didn't seem like we were attached to each other all night, even though we definitely were.

i made my way over to where a group of our friends were standing consisting of talia, simon, freya, josh, gee and alex.

"guys, i cant believe how good tonight is so far" i smiled, everyone agreeing.

"you look amazing, like proper gorgeous" talia gushed and my cheeks heated up.

"stop, yous all look amazing" i smiled. "i cant believe that harry and will did all of this"

"harry literally had a full presentation on how to make it the perfect party" simon laughed. "he really loves you, beth"

i smiled at simons statement and looked over to where he was stood with chris and shannon, a beer in his hand as he talked away.

will and mia were still dancing together, not a care in the world. i loved that about them, whenever they were together it was as if they were the only two people on earth.

a few more people walked in and i instantly recognised them as my old friends from uni, we kept in contact but it wasn't the same.

i smiled and approached them anyway, to thank them for coming.

"beth! this is so cool!" chelsea exclaimed, looking around while lauren and amber agreed. "i cant believe you have a rich boyfriend who can do this for you"

rich boyfriend? he was just harry.

"yeah" i laughed, awkwardly. "thank you so much for coming!"

"of course, we wouldn't have missed it for the world" amber smiled.

they were sweet girls, we just didn't click very well which was why we weren't very close at all and why i barely spent any time back at the old accommodation before i moved out.

"is it an open bar?" chelsea asked. "surely harry paid for an open bar"

"chelsea, shut up!" amber exclaimed, shoving her blonde, shorter friend. "it's great to see you again, beth"

i laughed awkwardly, chelsea's statements made me feel a bit sick, why would she expect free drinks just because my boyfriend and friends are significantly wealthy?

i made my way over to harry who was stood at the side, fumbling with a bottle of bud in his hand, a stupid smile on his face as i locked eyes with him.

"can i have this dance?" i asked him, giggling like some sort of school girl.

"i cant dance, you know this" he laughed. "why don't we just stand"

"c'mon, just dance" i frowned. "will cant dance and he's still up there having the time of his life"

he rolled his eyes playfully before grabbing my extended hand and pulling me onto the dance floor with him, he wrapped his arms around my waist as we swayed to the music.

"i love you so much" i shouted, over the music.

"i love you too" he smiled before kissing my lips softly.

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