twenty five

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i woke up to my alarm in beths bed, she was still sound asleep, letting out soft snores now and again. i smiled at how peaceful she looked and how much i desperately wanted to stay here with her.

i sighed as i got up and got dressed back into my sidemen joggers and hoodie, slipping on my socks and shoes.

the june sun peered in through the blinds as i made my way into the kitchen, i made myself a cup of tea and started making a quick breakfast for beth, mostly so that i wouldn't feel too bad for leaving her.

after making pancakes, i stuck them in a tupperware box and left them to the side, so she could just heat them up whenever she wanted them.

i grabbed everything and made my way out of beths apartment, locking the door with my spare key.

it was half past eight, the shoot was at half past nine so i grabbed an uber home to get showered and changed into new merch before ethan was coming to pick me up.

doing tinder videos when i was single, they were fun but now that i was with beth, it felt weird but i guess if josh, simon and ethan can do it, i can too.

after pulling on my signature sidemen joggers, i searched everywhere for my cow print hoodie before remembering that beth had it. i smiled fondly and mentally reminded myself to get a new one.

i shrugged and grabbed my blue colourblock one, sticking it on and pulling on my white nike trainers.

just as i was heading downstairs to meet ethan, i got a text from beth, making me smile.

from : beth❤️
thanks for the breakfast, u big romantic!! hope the shoot goes well xx

i sent her back a quick reply before slinging my backpack on my shoulder and setting off.

"you alright?" i said as i approached ethans car, getting in the back as tobi was sat in the front.

"there he is, prince charming himself" ethan said, him and tobi letting out a chuckle.

"what d'ya mean?" i asking, laughing slightly as i took a massive gulp of water as ethan started to drive out of my buildings carpark.

"declining a night out to spend time with a girl? you're lucky we like beth" ethan explained, making my eyebrows furrow. josh and simon declined nights out all the time to spend time with their girlfriends. "you're a changed man, boggo"

"oi, allow it" tobi piped up. "he's in love, he's happy"

"cheers tobi" i said. "and plus, who the fuck wants to go out on a night out on a monday night?"

"single guys!" ethan laughed. "i'm just joking around with you, bog"

"how are things with beth anyway?" tobi asked me and i smiled, thinking of the sleepy girl i left back at her apartment.

"amazing" i answered truthfully. "i've been less of a miserable git since i met her, i genuinely think she brings out the best in me, fuckin' hell i'm a soppy bastard"

"nah, you're calm" tobi shook his head. "she's a really nice girl, you've found yourself a good one"

"definitely" ethan muttered. "anyone want a coffee?"

we pulled through starbucks drive thru and got iced lattes before setting off for the studio we were filming at today.

as we pulled in, all of the other guys were gathered along with kon, kirsty and the rest of the filming crew, they instantly spotted us and made their way over.

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