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"so how does it feel to be officially moved in?" harry asked me, we were both sat sprawled out on the hardwood floor of my bedroom as i put hangers onto clothes, ready to hang up in my wardrobe.

"it's a bit overwhelming but i'm buzzing" i told him, slyly pulling his sidemen fc shirt out of the box and sticking a hanger on it and putting it in the pile.

"beth, i saw the shirt" he laughed. "i want that back eventually, you silly bitch"

i gasped and flung a random top at him, celebrating when it hit him square in the face and he fell backwards.

"whats this?" he asked as he unraveled it, seeing it was my old football kit that i had shown will a few days prior. "nah, you play football and you didn't tell me?"

"i played football, not anymore" i shook my head. "i gave up after i got into university and decided i should probably focus on that"

he got up and started prowling though the box, before stumbling upon my scotland kit, making him grimace and throw it back in

"oh, grow up" i rolled my eyes at him.

"no england kits?" he questioned me.

"why would i have england kits? they're all shit teams, and i only follow scottish football" i argued back.

"you're so delusional" he shook his head at me, standing up.

"says you" i stuck my tongue out, before standing up to hang everything into my wardrobe.

after finally unpacking and hanging up all my clothes, harry and i sat down on the living room sofa with a cup of tea to finally catch up on life.

"so, how was scotland?" he asked me, taking a long sip of his hot beverage. "your house looks fuckin' mad"

"yeah, it's quite big" i told him with a shrug. "my parents have quite good jobs, but they're not tories before you start"

"i wasn't going to say that" he rolled his eyes but i knew him well enough to know that he was.

"my little brother was so happy, by the way" i told him. "thanks so much for being so nice to him, my mum said he still hasn't shut up about it"

"he's a cool little guy" harry nodded. "proper cute as well, wonder where he gets it from"

"no idea" i laughed before dunking some biscoff biscuits into my tea and taking a sip.

for the next few hours, harry hung out at my house, we watched gavin and stacey, even though i knew harry wasn't actually watching and more so scrolling through his phone but i still enjoyed his company.

after a while, harry got up to get a drink and came back, throwing a can of monster at me which i failed miserably at catching making it roll onto the floor.

"you're dreadful at that, i'm guessing you weren't a goalie?" he laughed as he took a swig of red bull. i hated full sugar energy drinks so harry had started bringing his own stash over to keep in my fridge.

"oh, very funny" i said sarcastically, picking up the white can and placing it on the table, knowing that if i opened it now, it would explode everywhere.

"i have to leave in about twenty minutes, the guys want to film sidemen reacts, is that okay?"

"of course it's okay, you fanny" i laughed. "it's your job"

"i know, but i feel like i'm ditching you" he shrugged his shoulders, taking another swig of his drink.

"harry, it's fine" i told him. "i don't want them thinking i'm stealing you away"

"they don't think that" he shook his head. "and even at that, it's not a bad thing, i'm lonely"

"aww shut up, you" i laughed at his petted lip. "you literally live with two other humans"

"yeah, but i can't make out with them, can i?" he shot back.

"i mean, technically speaking, yes" i shrugged my shoulders at him, making him roll his eyes as he placed his can down on the coffee table, i gave him a look and he quickly placed it on a coaster.

"very funny" he mumbled. "do you wanna go out for dinner like tomorrow or something then?"

"are you asking me on another date, harold?" i asked in a playful tone, a smile appearing on my lips.

"you know what, forget i said anything" he grumbled, yet the smile never left his lips.

"noooo" i whined. "i want to come on the date"

"nah, i'll ask will instead" he told me, pulling his phone out.

"you're so mean to me" i pouted.

"says the one who mocked me when i was asking a sincere and genuine question!" he shot back.

"because you're never sincere or genuine!"

"be ready for eight tomorrow, you little slag" he laughed, pushing me away as i tried to hug him.

"i should doccument this and upload it somewhere and get you cancelled" i pouted before he sighed and finally hugged me, pulling me onto his lap.

"you're warm" i mumbled into his shoulder.

"and you're fuckin' freezing" he whined as i placed my cold feet on him. "put some socks on"

"you're not my dad!" i retaliated, making him shake his head and roll his eyes.

"how do i put up with you" he laughed.

"hey, it's been almost six months since we met!" i pointed out, realising it was now march eleventh.

"oh yeah" he smiled. "surprised i'm not too sick of you yet"

"oh, please" i scoffed. "you're love sick"

"says you" harry replied, shoving me a little, but i clung onto him like a koala. "you're obsessed with me"

"shut up!" i gasped. "you're the clingy one in this relationship"

i said the r word before i had time to process it in my brain, making me internally cringe as we hadn't spoken about relationships or labels in a while.

"okay you're not wrong but still" he huffed.

i smiled at how he didn't mention it, didn't make it awkward or anything. "hey, didnt you say you had to leave to go film?"

"fuck!" he groaned. "we're meant to start filming at five"

i looked over at the clock hung on my wall which signalled it was seven minutes to five and harry lived a solid twenty minute walk away.

"i'm blaming you"

"nah! this is all on you" i shot back. "you could've left twenty minutes ago"

"well not when you're sat there looking all cute and annoying" he sighed, standing up.

i rolled my eyes, standing up to walk him out. when we got to the door, he turned and leaned in, leaving a lingering kiss on my lips.

"eight pm sharp tomorrow night, dont be late" he smiled and i agreed and with that, he was gone.

@zerkaa : @betholivia can you ask harry to take his tongue out of your throat and actually show up to filming? thanks ;)

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